    why there is a heartbreak in a relationship?

    +2  Views: 718 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    prob cauz another heart has mad it´z arrival. say goodbye with love. and thank you the other heart may just give you better life or fridom too live.

    nice but not nice but still again nice, keep it that way.

    5 Answers

    In my experience, it is very unlikely to find two people who have identical expectations and needs in a relationship. Thus, as a result, sometimes people get hurt, because they expect their partner to act in certain way, which doesn't always happen.

    Some famous author said, “There is no such thing as a happy love affair.” Even if a couple have been “happily” married for 50-60 years, this bond will break when death takes one or the other. The only thing that could help the situation is Altzheimer’s disease, That, I suppose, takes memory of good times and the beloved away. That leaves the remaining partner a blank - not exactly “happy"


    I read this to my husband and he said “That’s too gloomy” He is right. I wish I could delete it. ARGHHHH!!
    Ohhhh Moderator ... Could you delete it?

    Why delete it ?It seems a fair statement.Morbid yes,but unfortunately true.

    Paul Simon said, "50 ways to leave your lover." Everything must end at some time and they usally end bad or else itwould never end.

    lindilou ya can say that again...oy...;7

    Lots of things can cause heartbreak. Some people might have had a romantic relationship that ended before they were ready. Others might have strong feelings for someone who doesn't feel the same way. Or maybe a person feels sad or angry when a close friend ends or abandons the friendship.

    Because we love and genuinely care for someone, if we didn't, it wouldn't matter 

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