    Have you ever made home-made wine?

    My husband did and it tastes very much like weird grape juice.  I am certain the point of making wine is that it actually is wine.


    +11  Views: 1051 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    14 Answers

    I haven't but I've tasted some.  One fellow makes wine that tastes horrible and another makes the best wine I've ever tasted!  There is definitely a lot to learn in order to arrive at the taste you expect. The "good wine maker" learned 30 years ago from his grandfather!

    Yes back in the 70's I used to make it in the Kitchen, many times we came home to find the top had blown off and wine was all over the ceiling. Some of it was pretty strong though great stuff.

    Yes, years ago. We used to make blackberry wine and blueberry wine. It was very good. Too much work though. Its easier to buy it. now.

    Kept the family tradition going for many years until I concluded that its much simpler to buy the bottled version. I've stopped making wine about 10 years ago.


    Maybe it's simpler because it's aging?
    ...the wine MAKER I mean. lol

    No maybe about it.

    Where I live it is a wine making empire! Grapes rule here! Michigan!  Some wine is so strong it would knock your socks off!  Living in Michigan that is what we buy! Wine making can lead to vinegar if you are not careful!


    I had no idea. I am going to look this up. Wow. You do learn something new every day. :)

    I think there must be an art to making it.

    I've heard of many a batch of home made

    wine turning bad.

    I don't care for wine, so I've never tried 

    making any. It would be like home made beer

    or any kind of spirits...yuck.

    No, as Im not really a wine person.

    It is said that the British can make wine from anything except grapes. Personally I have made elderberry wine but most of it remains in the wine rack from many years ago. While I can buy a reasonable bottle of wine for about 3 €uros, I don't think I will bother making it.

    No! It much easer go and buy a bottle of good wine. than you know what you got!


    Yes, we live where grapes are grown. It sounded like a great idea!!!

    Your better off eating the grape!and leave the pro make the wine.

    Are you whining? :D


    Ha Ha ... no, just stuck with a big big big bottle-type thing of purple nothing-ness.

    Maybe you can use it as some sort of cleaner, lol

    Try it in the toilet bowl!

    Even if it only stains the bowl, purple is a lovely color :)

    It is weird........ and now you guys are as well... I am going to look at the ph and see if I can feed it to my cedar hedges.
    You two need a 'time out'.

    fishlet needs cheese with her whine(wine)

    I need a ph test kit with my wine!!! It's gotta go somewhere!

    No do not throw it away, if you like Lamb shis kabob, use the wine to marinate the lamb. Add some olive oil, chopped parsley, chopped onion, and a bit of minced garlic, with whatever spices you like. Put the lamb in overnight, then remove and put on the skewers, and cook! Some cut the wine half with water, makes it less strong of the wine. Enjoy!

    Won't work. She's a vegetarian.

    An Uncle of mine used to make wine. I remember he would put a balloon over the top of the bottle. Maybe when the balloon pops it's ready. I was still too young to think about sneaking any ;)



    Now they use an air lock, has water in it, the CO will burp out but impurities will not get in.

    My husband has given up. This is not the hobby for him. He is on to bigger and better things... Oh noooooooooooooooo!!!!!

    Yup we've made Grape, rhubarb, rose hip, wheat, Dandelion, carrot, hhmmm seems like I'm missing some to. Most of it is very good.. rhubarb  didn't turn out so good but try it again and it worked well.

    I have not, but have many Italian  and Portuguese  friends who do.  Those who use local concord grapes make the strong burgundy-type, (I marinate meat in it).  Those who buy California concentrate or grapes make much better wine.  Most would drink that wine.  I have one who makes wine which my "wine-snob" friends will even drink and enjoy!  It is in the quality of ingredients and the care to prevent contamination which gives the better product of good wine.  Another advantage, they do not add preservatives, so less hangover effects!  


    Thanks for the tip on the wine. I will pass that on to my husband. :)

    And thanks for the heads-up on the avatar pic. I commented back to you but then I suspended him and (I'm guessing) probably too quickly for you to read my TY. lol "Flying Fingers"

    tried it a long time ago,complete disaster.still got drunk though.

    no such thing as bad need a strong constitution fishy.glug glug..


    I have developed an allergy to alcohol, if you can believe it... :( ... I can only participate via cheering section these days!

    rotten luck,i`ll drink your share .......if i have to.

    Drinking my share is above and beyond. I shall always be in your debt! :D

    no problem fishy,leave it to me ,i`ve alresdy started!!

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