    after being caught cheating if husband still stays at distant with wife and secretly stays in contact with other woman what should wife do

    0  Views: 1107 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    15 Answers

    Pack your things and leave. There is no reason for you to stay. He obviously doesn't love you or care about you. Why stay?The same rules apply to a cheating husband as they do an abusive one: If he does it once and you forgive him he'll just do it again because he knows you will just keep accepting his behaviour.


    Not always as easy, as pack up and leave, what if house is in womans name ?

    Kick a$$ to touch!...Why are you still with him,I`d pack his bags and change the locks...and consult a solicitor to start divorce proceedings!..You are being made a fool of...DON`T let him do that to you! Hold your head high and make plans for your new life ahead of you!

    good luck!

    He was caught cheating and is still cheating.  So what's the question again?  Does "the wife" want to know when the cheating will end?  The answer......NEVER!  Now "the wife" needs to make plans to live a real life....and not with him.

    Accept that the relationship is over, he obviously prefers the company of the other woman so pack his bags for him and wave him goodbye at the door. Life is short, so let him go and get on with your own life. 


    and set his bags on the porch

    LOGICALLY, Wife should pack Hubby's stuff and set it outside, having had the locks changed while he was at work (or play, as the case may be).  Wife should be contacting an attorney to represent her in a divorce that will leave him penniless and her with sufficient alimony and child support to live in a manner much nicer than she is accustomed.  Wife should seek counseling, because this is heart-breaking and she is going to be in denial for a long time. 

    By the way, if Wife and Hubby share accounts, she should move at least half of it into an account that is just hers.  Wife should get her name OFF any credit cards HE uses and get one that is just hers. 

    Get rid of him! I know its hard to do now but believe me years down the road you will wonder what you ever saw in him! Been married twice to cheaters They are NO GOOD!  I wonder what was I thinking about back then! Sure was not my brain! As a last hooray- both men are now in their graves and I have a nice faithful mate! YEAH for me!



    Third time's the charm, Clu sweetie! :)

    Third time was lucky for me too

    Trust Us....leave him.  In a year you will be thanking us because you feel so much better about yourself and life!

    If  you have any shred of self-respect and self-worth,

    kick the loser to the curb. Nothing is going to change

    because even if you 'force' him to give her up, he will

    resent you and his wandering eye will continue to 

    search for that extra "something". It's a tough decision

    but it will  spare you years of heartache and repeat

    performances of this kind of treatment.

    Uh, leave............

    This is a very tough question and having the right answer would have to count on you. First, How much do you love him? Can you feel that you can trust him? Has he changed anything about himself as far as going out, coming home from work, Helping out around the house, conceling his phone calls,taking money out of the bank, just to mention a few but what it all comes down to is you. You are the one who has to make that decidion.What is going to be best for your children thats if you have any. Do you feel that you can be intimant with him? Alot has to happen. I hope that I gave you some good thoughts and answers to your questions.God Bless you and stay strong:)

    MOVE ON!  Say Bye Bye & get on with your own life.He's not gunna change no matter how much you wish.

    Get the frying pan! no but Millie is right two wrong don't make it right. You should not involve a third person. You need to settle the matter and get resolve. His afair with other womens,If he shoose to smart up,you could still save your marriage and if not well you know the rest.

    Obviously you still love this man and/or still IN love with him.  It's easy for others to just say "leave him" but honestly, when it comes to matters of the heart, that decision or option is not that easy or cut and dry.  You do have 3 other major options though: 1. Seek counseling (might work, might not but worth a shot if it's affordable) 2. Beat yourself up wondering what you did wrong or if you did something wrong or 3. Cheat on his a$$ and see how he feels about that. I've found that option 3 gives the greatest results (positive and negative) but the fact remains....NO ONE LIKES TO BE CHEATED ON.  Especially the person that cheats first.  "Just a thought, just a thought" (quoted by Halle Berry in Swordfish)


    No !..To me the idea of cheating on someone to make a point of something is worse than crazy!:-(...Where`s your self-respect??...Not only that..but how awful to involve a third party in your mess!(That person has feelings too)!I may be old and out of touch but to me that`s a really cheap shot!!:-Z..(aka.."Cutting off your nose to spite your face")...Think about it and maintain respect and self-respect!

    I think you know what you should do.....kick his a---   out and call a good divorce attorney.

    Leave him and take him for all he is worth. He obviously doesn't love or respect you. You need to learn to respect yourself and love yourself! You CAN make a go without him...he will have to pay you support and child support too if you have kids. You deserve to find yourself and then eventually find a man who will love you for the great person that you are. Remember: whenever one door closes, another door will open for you.  Good luck!


    I dunno if I`d "take him for all he`s worth"??...I found it better to try hard as it was to keep things as amicable as possible for the kids sake..and don`t try and use the kids as pawns!..It`s worked for us..and everyone is happy /ok with the situation..and the kids are well provided,win (imho)...May not work for don`t have to like one another..but the kids must come first!..I agree with the rest of DarkestMyst. though!..GOOD LUCK!

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