    What is life expectancy after starti9ng twice weekly dialysis

    Say after both kidneys failure and you have to clean your blood supple twicw weekly?


    0  Views: 821 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

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    Your doctor can answer this best. We do not have a medical staff here. Sorry. 

    There are many other factors involved in your life expectancy, even when you are a dialysis patient.  My cousin lost kidney function after having a child (she had lupus, which exacerbated the situation).  She was on dialysis for several years, received a kidney transplant (which lasted for about 13 years) and is currently on dialysis again.  She has had many other health issues, and is 52 years old.  Her son is 21.  She is waiting for a kidney and will receive another one when a match becomes available. 

    My mom began dialysis in her late 80's. Now she is 93.  But she's a medical miracle!!!!

    This is by no means medical advise. Go on line and see what filters are available and which are the most expensive. Than ask what filters they are currently using. The finer the filter the less after effects, and I'm ASSUMING the better the quality of life. As for longevity, that's up to God. Good luck.

    Best to post your question on

    How long do dialysis patients live?


    I have had a couple of relatives who had twice per week for one, and three times per week for the other.  One is still going (the 3x), and has had dialysis for about 5 yrs thus far.  The other relative had dialysis for 2-3 times per week for some 5 or 6 yrs. and then had difficulties with his veins and had a shunt put in.  He then got healthier, off dialysis, for about 5 yrs, then was getting ready to resume and got sick with pneumonia and passed away.  But both tolerated the dialysis for several years.  Moral to story for them, was to control their sugar and insulin and they went off dialysis.  Good luck, be well...

    My best advice to you is to take one day at a time , no one can predict how long your life will be, and beside worrying wont help the matter, just make the best with what you have now, tomorrow will take care of itself.

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