    what is the first response you give to a person who says i love you, yet you do not know how you feel about them?

    0  Views: 518 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    If someone say he/she loves you and you don't know how you feel about him/her, you can be honest and say that you are not sure how you feel, and that you need to get to know him/her better.


    you should keep in mind that this would kinda hurt their feelings and u do not want to hurt their feelings in the process

    what would u do in that case?

    I think it might be difficult, but if you don't know how you feel about them back, you shouldn't say you do, because when you do get to know them better you might not like them that much, and if you didn't say you love them back, it will be less hurtfull towards them if you'll decide to drift away. Yet, I know it is not allways easy.
    What did you say back?

    i was speechless cause it came out unexpectedily

    I always “Like” or “Love” them right back and often with passion or intensity. I really like to flirt and overwhelm impossible relationships with ardent affection then a wink and nod, turn to the crowd of shocked on-lookers and say…”Next”….while leaving. Take control of the situation, their heart and mind is in your hands… sure to give it back unharmed. 

    say Thank you.  or say It's nice to be loved . or say " Right Back at cha "  ,< < <  this last comment is reserved for someone who you don't think you will be in love with , but you don't want to hurt their feelings.

    When a person say I love you it like a kind of gesture. Love is not just a four letter words, if you know what I mean? LOVE  is not selfish does not seek it own is patience, and giving,compasisonate ect.


    FB, gesture

    Tk Mycatsmom! I didn't know how to spell it.

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