    Where are the fotos of topless Duchess of Cambridge?

    +2  Views: 1437 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago

    13 Answers



    Yep..I agree..Total INVASION OF PRIVACY!!:-(

    Overseas if you want them bad enough, pay for them yourself. Don't expect to get a peek here.......

    Contact the French press who stooped low enough to do such a thing.  I'm sure that they would love to share them with those who think and behave as they do....guess you're one of them. I hope that the law suit that has been filed against them, will be costly enough to shut them down! 


    I agree!

    No idea but not here. 

    We do not link to nudity.

    You can have one of me if you like, But i must keep my braces on,


    Yes of course hector. you can keep your braces ( teeth ones that is on ) Now "strip !!

    Gee thanks dowsa,

    They are published in a magazine calle 'Closer' . I saw it on sale yesterday but did not look inside. The French make a big issue of their privacy laws but the fine is slight compared with the increased sales which more than make up for it.


    I heard today tht the pix are to be reprinted in an Italian mag. Guess who is the owner of this mag? Correct- Silvio Berlusconi!

    Far away I hope, and I can't imagine why anyone would wish to support the trash that chose to publish them

    I can't understand anyone supporting this kind of invasion.After all it was this kind of thing that lead to the tragic death of her late mother in law. Give it a miss.Buy a Playboy mag if you want that kind of thrill.At least the girls in the Playboys are willing participants.

    It is an invasion of privacy, but they and the people who look after them should be more careful, the camara could have been a gun.


    Very true, Sunny. They should realize by now that there is no real thing as privacy. If she was up on a balcony, as has been reported, what the heck was she thinking?

    She was on the ground, pool side. Well inside the confines of the property surrounded by thick growths of trees with her husband.

    I'm not excusing the photographers but I heard on the news it was a balcony and also read it was a terrace but in each case, the report said it was visible from the road.

    I saw the pictures. She's next to a pool.

    Oh, I, I didn't see...LOL 0.0
    Just goes to show ya that the internet and tv news can both get it wrong.

    The pictures don't show anything. The article on the internet, put things over the girls.

    Look, I did not want to see Whitney Houston In a coffin and I do not want to see the good princess' breasts!!!!!

    Do you want to see them? Trust me, "if you've seen two, you've seen them all!" Leave Kate alone. What's next, peeping through windows?


    I deleted your second answer. This is the second question tonight that you have posted a second time to. I moved your other second answer but this one I did not feel like moving. When going through already answered old questions, make sure you have not already answered them. Thanks.

    Sorry...some kind of glitch. posts are appearing twice.

    A year later and a completely different post? That's some kind of glitch.

    Surely the point is that she was outside and should be well versed in paparazzi and their tactics, now... if, on the other hand  she were inside the property, then that perhaps would be true invasion of privacy.


    Her privacy was invaded! Sleazy photographers are everywhere and sink lower everyday. They can do that because a certain class of people spend money to "have a peak". Is that HER fault or is there something sadly lacking in the life of the "peakers"? Don't blame the victim.

    Too bad that the rest of society doesn't have the same morals as our community here, then they would not sell all of these "rag sheets" and not print to stuff! 

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