    Who is to blame for the killing of US ambassador to Libya?

    The Killers, the guy who published the film that disgraced Muhammad or the US security force?

    +1  Views: 858 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    If the film wasn't released would it have happened?

    That is the question really.

    Is it not?


    Romos - supposed the answer is no, do you think it means that the maker of the film is to blame?

    The extremist killers are obviously to blame,but this inane film did little to quell any bad feeling that already exists against the US in this country,especially so close to the anniversary of 9/11.

    I believe the killers themselves are responsible for their own actions. 

    Each and every one of us is responsible for our own actions no matter what pushed us to the point of excecuting them. 

    No one else killed these innocent people other than the killers.

    Sam Bacile, in my opinion, is a hate monger who made a film that does not represent the opinions of every single American out there.  What Barack Obama does in the political arena should not represent every American out there but, it does.  A crummy film or a political decision are still not reasons for killing innocent people who are doing their jobs.  But then, that hasn't stopped a lot of senseless killings and it won't in the future. 

    I am sure there are a lot of us who would like to give this Sam Bacile person a smack over the head or worse ... what a foolish jerk.




    Whoever made this film. It would not have happened otherwise.

    ed shank

    Not so sure of that Ann, these people are berserk. Any excuse to attack the US is alright with them. We need to get out of these countries, close the doors to immigrants from those countries till they realize this is the 21st century. If it wasn't for the US they'd still be on horseback and and living in mud huts and screwing sheep.

    Ed, that would be the ideal thing to do. But we have been involved in the middle east for too long and created terroists and hate for our country and it will never go away. We cant solve the problems in the middle east with more war.I wish our country would wake up and take care of our own problems and not get involved in wars that are bringing our country down.

    According to this guy, it's Obama's fault. 

    Violent protests in Libya that claimed the life of the U.S. ambassador were the result of President Obama’s decision to intervene in the Libyan revolt without a “deep appreciation” for what would follow, former CIA Director Michael Hayden tells Newsmax.

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    OBAMA. Should have doubled the guards on all embassies on 9-11 in the lands of the crazies. He knew something was going to hit the fan. Maybe he'll blame Bush for this, what do you think?


    Yes, they schouild have doubled the guards. I agree.

    I think this is a terrible thing too have happen,an Ambassador. There aways danger in a Country at war with themself. Never the less I can't understand why the American people get involve in there affair?


    Its about power!

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