    hello i am so dipresses can u help me plz

    +1  Views: 1412 Answers: 16 Posted: 11 years ago

    16 Answers

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    Well done you Fishlet!!! Your depression was exogenous you recognised what was causing it but there is endogenous depression whereby the person cannot phathom the reason why??? You were lucky, and strong.

    In agreement...100%

    ^ 5, Fishy

    HUGE TU to you Fishie!!:-) Xxx

    Thanks everyone. xoxo have taken the first step toward coming out of your depression....asking for help.  I would suggest that you make an appointment with your doctor and tell him/her that you are depressed.  Do not be ashamed of it, do not think that it is your fault but instead, read all the information that you can find regarding depression.  Get that information from your local mental health agency.  I can tell you for a certainty....the only people (other than well-trained mental health workers) who will understand what your depression feels like,  and how horrible it is to live with it, are those who have experienced it! You CAN get well.  In the meantime, don't allow those who have never experienced depression themselves, to make you feel worse! 


    Don't let anyone get you down. Don't let anyone put you down Sasarsaad - so easy to do when you feel OK just to follow what Ducky said hopefully you are compatible with the person you consult and they do not make you feel worse (if this happens change who you are seeing just ditch them) and they are well trained in the subject.

    At the moment in the UK people are being encouraged to say they are depressed if they are - so many are, even in very high profile positions. People were always afraid to say they were depressed as it could affect their job or prevent them getting a job and it was a stigma. Everyone I guess have highs and lows - need the lows to recognize the highs - but some depressions become so profound and get stuck - there is professional help out there and support. 


    their supervisors and the CEOs are depressed too.

    Depression needs to be talked with a doctor you trust! Crisis lines are also available. Please try to help yourself because it seems many people do not understand  how you feel. It is important to get help!

    Depression is a simple and common chemical imbalance in the brain. Many neuro-transmitters are potentially involved and knowledgable physicians will prescribe medication to treat the condition. Most commonly prescribed are:

    Fluoxetine (Prozac)
    Citalopram (Celexa)
    Sertraline (Zoloft)
    Paroxetine (Paxil)
    Escitalopram (Lexapro).  

    Wikipedia provides articles on these terms:

    Depression (mood), a state of low mood and aversion to activity
    Mood disorder, a class of mental illnesses featuring depressed mood
    Major depressive disorder, one of the mood disorders, commonly referred to as simply depression
    Depression (differential diagnoses), illnesses, other than mental illnesses, featuring depressed mood
    Depression (physiology), a reduction in a biological variable or the function of an organ
    Depression (kinesiology), an anatomical term of motion


    robertgist - yes antidepressants are prescribed SSRI'S serotonin uptake inhibitors in the brain, and others but they must be taken for the correct length of time and in the right dose (not to mention side effects) - always best prescribed by a good psychiatrist as often given in the wrong dose and time span by general practitioners. However, a good psychologist can help, also group therapy, guided self-help, talking therapy and there are one day courses. This is not to say that your answer is not good just to add to it you understand. It's diffficult to make sense of the most emotional hurt in the heart - difficult to find a way through the emotional storm from the rational side of the mind.

    Poppy3, I found that, for myself, being subject to the stresses that originated within myself required me to look deep within my own mind for relief from the plaguing choir of voices echoing every ill. So I studied and practiced meditation…and there found in my imaginary world ways to solve those problems for myself.

    robertgist - good for you - whatever helps just do it, do it. Meditation sounds good if you can do this - to me it is an art in itself. Take care of yourself - I so like hearing you.

    No, only you can help you. Now, go be undepressed. Really, I have beaten depression by knowing only I can change how I feel. Make the changes in your life to take away what is causing you to be depressed. This is your journey. You're suppose to be learning from this. 


    You are right. The meds help until they don’t . Ultimately you can choose how you feel...

    does that mean kill the person(s) that's making us depressed ? hahah. Just kidding.

    you have taken the first step by opening up. Now go see a doctor and pray a lot. talk to people and see if you can help,

    Depression is something a person can not take away it takes the person with the illness to sought change.

    I always tell my friends who are depressed after I find out why, that there are others worse off, but my friends sadness comes from being single or in horrible relationships.

    You have to make your own happiness find the tools to cope with your sadness..

    Every human suffers a type of depresssion during their lives so you are not alone..

    In this case I would seek help from a medical professional whom can medicate you or help with councilling..

    What is depressing you?  There are counselors available to speak with you via telephone.  If you are in a crisis, you should call 911.


    PKRZ - - -or go to the nearest E.R.

    Better to see G.P. ASAP and get Psych.referral than wait until you are so desperate that you have to call 911 ..or sit in E.R. for hours...PLEASE get help NOW!!..good luck.

    I truely hope things will get better for you,woards of advice seem hollow,just be easey with yourself,and light at the end of the tunnel will be thier soon for you,just one gentile step at a time,

    You need some medical assistance, but at the end of the day only you can cure it. Look at whats causing the problem face up to it and get it out of your life, you will feel a lot better afterwards.

    Sarassad, If you tell us what you're depressed about~ ~ ~~ maybe we can help you. Although, when I was about 19--21,I had a clnical depression, and I didn't know what the h - - - -   I was depressed about.   Depression stems from   1.  unfullfilled expectations, and   2.  constipated anger.

     Who are you angry at.?  What do you really want to be doing now.......if you weren't depressed ?


    This may be the best answer. Going to the root of the problem sounds very logical to me, MCM.

    Do mean help taking your Englich test?


    No, I can't help you. Like others have said, you've recognized the depression. Next step is to seek medical attention to determine if the depression can be treated with medication (if chemical) or therapy, which can include anything from talking to jogging, dominoes to joining a bowling league and everything in between.  
    I've been at least somewhat depressed most of my life. I took medication for nearly 20 years. I'm not taking any now (for about 2 months), and seem to be on at least the same "keel" I was on before, so either the medication had no effect any more or some body chemistry has changed. I've certainly got stressful situations to handle...often people wonder how I keep going with so much crumbling about me. 


    PKB, you don't know how many people have told me what you said, "I've been at least somewhat depressed most of my life "
    I think we get depressed, b/c , LIFE is depressing !

    It's really a shock to look back on your childhood, which you thought wasn't bad, and discover that you were never truly happy, carefree, or any of that other good stuff we always thought kids got to be.

    Read a story book !


    I suggest it is YOU who should read a book LOG IN! Depression is a mental illness which should not be taken lightly. You have obviously never experienced it, nor read anything about it, or you would not be so flippant with your response. Are you aware that at the extreme end of depression, people commit suicide? That's not so funny, is it?

    HERE HERE Ducky...LOG IN appears clueless...not heartless I hope:-?

    Real weird LOG IN. I would appreciate some sort of explanation for a lot of your answers.

    Symptoms of depression may include the following:

    • Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
    • Fatigue and decreased energy
    • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
    • Feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
    • Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
    • Irritability, restlessness
    • Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
    • Overeating or appetite loss
    • Persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
    • Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
    • Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
    Acupuncture is a good therapy in treating depression:
    Acupuncture has been proven to cause the release of endogenous opioids in brain-stem, subcortical, and limbic structures3,4. Acupuncture has also been proven to induce the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol from the pituitary gland5.
    Warning signs of suicide with depression include:
    • A sudden switch from being very sad to being very calm or appearing to be happy
    • Always talking or thinking about death
    • Clinical depression (deep sadness, loss of interest, trouble sleeping and eating) that gets worse
    • Having a "death wish," tempting fate by taking risks that could lead to death, such as driving through red lights
    • Losing interest in things one used to care about
    • Making comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthless
    • Putting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a will
    • Saying things like "It would be better if I wasn't here" or "I want out"
    • Talking about suicide (killing one's self)
    • Visiting or calling people one cares about
    Remember, if you or someone you know is demonstrating any of the above warning signs of suicide with depression, either call your local suicide hot line, contact a mental health professional right away, or go to the emergency room for immediate treatment.
    3. Han JS. Acupuncture: neuropeptide release produced by electrical stimulation of different frequencies. Trends Neurosci 2003;26:17-22.
    4. Pomeranz B. Scientific research into acupuncture for the relief of pain. J Altern Complement Med 1996;2:53-60.
    5. Li A, Lao L, Wang Y, et al. Electroacupuncture activates corticotrophin-releasing hormone-containing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to alleviate edema in a rat model of inflammation. BMC Complement Altern Med 2008;8:20.


    Symptoms of advertising methinks.

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