    how can i change my life?

    drinking and smoking

    +1  Views: 865 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    First step is to change your attitude, think positive. Now join AA, not a good place to quit smoking but the rules are the same and they will help you quit drinking..........

    First step is to prepare yourself mentally.

    You have to care enough and love yourself

    enough to do these things for a healthier body.

    Remember to keep telling yourself, "I am worth this".

    If you don't manage to do it the first time, keep on keeping on.

    Good luck! :)

    Why do you want to change your life from drinking and smoking? If you are doing this because someone else is telling you to, it won't last. If you are doing it for yourself, because you are sick and tired of it, then you stand a good chance of changing that behavior. Go to an A.A. meeting and research where you can get help quiting smoking. Many states received settlements from tobacco companies to help people with patches and stuff.

    You should probably focus on doing one at a time, as you will have better success doing it that way.


    Good point.
    Maybe quit drinking first, cos drinkers usually want a cig.

    I agree.

    This might help >>

    I had a similar problem,so i can only tell you what i did,i went to church and gave my life to Jesus,and for me,my life took a massive change for the better..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    Rehab is you can't do it on your own is good for some.

    Personally I would say go on a holiday with truck load of valium and sleep by the pool in the sun.


    Yeah right!...And become addicted to Benzo`s ..Smart move!(Not)!

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