    whats the most famous toy

    +6  Views: 1420 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    September 5, 2016: Barbie Doll, one still selling an average of every 3 seconds. Mattel introduced Barbie in 1959.

    15 Answers

    In my humble opinion it's got to be a doll , people have had them all done the ages ..

    monopoly man

    what about lego

    Barbie, for sure


    my nephew loved them in the 70s and 80s

    ... our Mom used the track as a weapon of sorts and sometimes the neighbours must have thought we had all gone crazy in our house because Mom would start chasing one of the boys and then the other one would join in the run around the house until finally all of us would be in on it so there we were all six kids being chased and getting whacked sometimes by Mom and that d*** hotwheels track! We would be laughing and crying at the same time... lol

    My guess would be Barbie doll!

    I'm leaning towards "yo-yo" or "marbles".  Let's see if someone can find out for sure.

    Forbes rates this as the most popular toy during the 1910s:

    ""I have one!

    Check out this website; you can find the most popular toys by decade,28757,2049243,00.html 


    Toy tops have been found in Egyptian tombs, so they have been around at least 5,000 years ago. Also found with them was marbles.

    Read more:

    How about the Frisbee?  


    a toy for college kids. Ha ha

    maybe the lowly Mr. Potato Head, from little RI? 

    My choice would be a Teddy Bear but I am not sure if that counts as a toy. Please tell me. One for the rich might be a Toyota.

    My own first toys that stick in my memory are the rocking horse and spinning top.



    monopoly man

    yes it counts as a toy

    Cool on both toys!

    Hmm . "TOY BOY !!

    monopoly man

    thanks you have answerd well {:

    Here is a fun list..,29569,2049243,00.html


    Actually, many parents would be surprised to learn that some of the most popular toys today have been around since they were kids. From Tonka Trucks to Play-Doh, the toys that were popular then remain so today, topping holiday wish-lists and generating millions of dollars in revenue.
    No toy demonstrates this than the ever-popular Barbie doll, which was rated girls' #1 most asked for toy last holiday season. Yet these dolls have been around since 1959, when a woman named Ruth Handler decided her daughter would have more fun with three-dimensional dolls than the paper dolls she was used to. Within a year, Barbie dolls became the highest-selling fashion doll in history from wicki ""

    My favourite was by far and away my pedal car. It was a replica Austin A40 and was purchased at an auction by my father for 2 Pounds.


    Never had one of those.What is it???Coz it looks nothing like a real 'Roo.

    I wanted a pedal car so bad, but my mom wouldn't get me one......neither would she get me Mr. Potato Head or Lincoln Logs, or a transistor radio.

    ....guessing : Legos

    No research involved but I remember seeing a lot of these around.



    It's Slinky ... It's Slinky
    For fun it's the best little toy!
    Slinky a Slinky
    The favorite of girls and boys!
    Everyone knows it's Slinky...
    Everyone loves a Slinky!
    {I'll never be able to forget that jingle ever! lol}

    we had one and some steep stairs when I was little

    So much fun from such a simple idea!

    We had a little rainbow colored one that drove the cats crazy! They loved it eventually destroying it... lol

    <!--StartFragment-->Image result for Trump for President Doll<!--EndFragment-->

    Image result for we were so poor we had to play with ...

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