    Speaking of animal love, how does this sound to you?
    WESTFIELD, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts couple boating on a lake drowned after jumping into the water to rescue their dog, who survived.
    Police say the small dog named Sadie jumped into Hampton Ponds in Westfield on Monday night, prompting 64-year-old Donald Cyr to follow his pet into the lake.
    Police told The Westfield News that he became distressed and his wife, 61-year-old Patricia Cyr, tried to rescue him.
    Their daughter, Miranda Landry, told The Boston Globe that her mother jumped into the water despite not being able to swim.
    "It doesn't surprise me at all," Landry said. "I know that's what she would do."
    Other boaters, alerted by screams, helped pull the couple from the water. Efforts by rescue personnel failed to revive them, and both were pronounced dead at hospitals.
    The dog survived and was taken to the municipal animal shelter. The couple received the West Highland white terrier as a gift from Daniel Cyr's sister six weeks ago to replace a beloved dog that died a year ago, Landry and a neighbor told The Globe.
    The dog will be returned to Daniel Cyr's sister, Landry said, adding that she couldn't take the dog in herself because it would be too painful to have the pet around.
    The Cyrs were a devoted couple of 40 years, and "they couldn't survive without each other," said Landry, the youngest of the couple's three children.
    The deaths remain under investigation.

    +7  Views: 1023 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago


    This link works. I updated your thread with the story Jh.

    7 Answers

    The link didn't work for me.Judging by the head lines "Couple Dies Trying To Rescue Dog", tells me that they put their life on the line to rescue their beloved pet, just as you would a child.I am assuming they would have been wonderful, kind people.God Bless Them.


    I updated the thread with the story.

    Great love story about the dog, and one another.  Thanks for sharing.

    A very sad story. So much love for each other and theire dog. I know how the man felt about his best friend.I would have done the same thing.

    Sad story, what a lovely couple.

    Remarkable. I guess maybe their dog knew something that they didn't.


    That`s TRAGIC!!!:-(

    I so feel for this family but can totally understand why the couple would do this.  The dog was their "baby".  I know I would take extreme attempts to save my dog if God forbid this ever happened.  Hopefully I'd have my wits about me enough to stop short of jumping in.  Either way, my heart would feel ripped from my chest if my dog drowned and I didn't act and try something.  It's a tough question for any animal lover to answer if we haven't walked in those shoes.

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