    Have you heard about the candy eating cows?

    Ranchers have struggled with skyrocketing corn prices, because the drought has made feeding their livestock very expensive. But one rancher has turned to a very sweet solution.At Mayfield's United Livestock Commodities, owner Joseph Watson is tweaking the recipe for success.

    "Just to be able to survive, we have to look for other sources of nutrition," he said.

    His 1,400 cattle are no longer feeding off corn. The prices, Watson says, are too high to keep corn in stock. So earlier this year, he began to buy second-hand candy.

    "It has a higher ratio of fat than actually feeding straight corn," Watson explained. "It's hard to believe it will work but we've already seen the results of it now."

    Watson mixes the candy with an ethanol by-product and a mineral nutrient. He says the cows have not shown any health problems from eating the candy, and they are gaining weight as they should.

    "This ration is balanced to have not too much fat in it," he said.

    The packaged candy comes from various companies at a discounted rate because it is not fit for store shelves.

    "Salvage is a problem for a lot of these companies and they're proud to have a place to go with it," said Watson.




    +4  Views: 1047 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    Where is this happening?

    7 Answers

    I've known about it for years now.......


    LOL   ;D

    and now proof of where "chocolate milk" comes from! 


    "by-product feeds" are nothing new, you would be amazed at what can be incorporated into animal feeds. Bakery wastes, with incredible Digestive Energy, actually gives over 100% DE, the measure of the carbohydrates digested and energy yielded from them. Some of these feeds came from industries by accident. Brewers'Grains (by-prod. of beer making) came to use in cattle when floodwaters caused them to be floated to barnyards along rivers in NY, in early 1900's. To the amazement of the dairy farmers, the cows ate and loved it, and milk production went up! This spurred an industry in which this is a staple ingredient, and remains so today!

    Adds a new meaning to "sweet breads"!


    Sorry but second hand candy sounds a little better. I will do chicken livers but I stay away from duck livers.

    They do say every part of every animal is edible Ed!

    They got that buffalo to run in DANCES WITH WOLVES by waving a package of Oreo Cookies at it, it loved Oreos.......


    I knew a horse when I was a kid that just loved angel food cake. My mom would pack it in my lunches and I would feed it to him.

    Do they eat Milk Duds? ""

    No....but they sound really smart to me!!!;-0

    Are these milk cows or meat cows? What about sugar content?  What about the people who drink their milk or eat their meat? More pounds for all concerned!


    I believe they were for eating but keep in mind that allot of candy is made from corn syrup.

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