    Why is sweat a salty taste

    when sweat drops in your eye it stings, why

    0  Views: 1007 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

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    3 Answers

    On a hot day, the sweat on your face tastes salty, like sea water. Moisture, evaporating from your hot skin, is the body’s way of keeping cool. But what about the salt? If moisture is all it takes to cool down…

    Why Do We Lose Salt As Well?

    Sweat is produced in tiny coil-shaped chambers under the skin. That chamber is connected to the surface by a narrow tube. Together, the chamber and the tube make up a single sweat gland.

    When you start to sweat, the first thing that happens is that the walls of the coil-shaped chamber pump salt into the chamber. As a result, the fluid inside the chamber becomes more concentrated with salt.

    In order to balance out the new difference in salt concentration, water passes by osmosis into the chamber. As the water pressure increases in the chamber, the salty water is forced out through the narrow passage to the surface of the skin.

    Salt In, Salt Out

    But that passage does more than simply carry the sweat to the surface. To avoid losing any more salt than necessary, the walls of the passage take salt out of the sweat so it can be reused by the body.

    So, when the sweat reaches the surface, it is less salty than when it was first produced in the sweat gland. The salt, itself doesn’t help keep you cool, but mixed with water to form sweat, the salt helps draw more water into the sweat gland.

    burnley john

    i best get some salt tablets

    Never thought of working up a sweat in quite that way. Good answer girl.

    I can't take credit Matt, I just copy/pasted from the internet.

    Still good answer always just took sweating for granted
    burnley john

    up my karma

    We do not up karma on demand. You get a thumbs up if a member chooses to give you one.

    because it is an excrement of salts  from your metabolism. 

    because our bodies , our blood, and our tears, has roughly the same salt to water concentration as the ocean.

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