    How much do you tell a first date, when your in your 50's..

    +3  Views: 1263 Answers: 17 Posted: 11 years ago

    17 Answers

    Be sure to tell them that you are in your 50's, not 40's or less. 

    Well, I'd keep the info initially to just the past year of your life.

    Don't go giving a history of the past 50 years...leave some mystery! :)

    Never incriminate yourself.   Silence is Golden.


    but not too silence- too awkward.

    I doubt you`d get a second date if you roll out your life history in one eve!:-¬....Tell her the good the baggage for installments!:-)

    Good luck!


    You can't do the baggage all at once, say on a weekend trip together? :)
    millie111 the end of the week end though...seeing as that`ll probably be the last you see of her!!:-0...Might as well enjoy the week end first!!LOL!x

    You're in your 50's now or are you talking about back in the 1950's?  If it's now....EVERYTHING....if it was back in the 50' could just be quiet and dance!

    You don't have to divulge too much on a first date. Just be nice to him and show an interest in him. If it gets to your 3rd or 4th date, you could tell him a little about the rougher times in your life, but just gloss over them. Don't make it like a double bill movie.,or like a soap opera.

    There are some questions that just come up..ever been married? have any kids?  Be brief.  If he wants to get into break ups/divorce(s) you can politely state that you grew apart...and if you are pushed for more info. politely change the subject or turn the table on him.  Eventually, if you become friends with the guy you'll feel more comfortable sharing stuff with him.

    Tell all. You've nothing to hide. Just INSIST on a pre-nup and you'll be fine. (and likely alone again)


    Ha wonderful cynic, you! ;)

    I think she should propose on the first date. Small talk is such a waste of time!

    digger, your so encouraging, lol.

    It's for his own good. The truth always hurts less in the end.

    Moderator know that for sure?

    Beyond a doubt.

    Such wisdom as such a "young age". (phhtttt)

    Im buying dinner is on me..


    LOL! Naughty, naughty....

    I'll post the "Dinner on Daren" bulletin!

    Name and Rank only, they could be the enemy!!! (Joking)  You've had 50+ years experience, save some fun for later.

    Just be yourself, for anything else would be uncomfortable.

    Just enjoy a natural conversation. Remember, it's a first date, not an interrogation. Don't tell anything you don't want a stranger to know about you. This may be your only date together.
    Be an artichoke or onion, or whatever.....let the layers get peeled slowly.  


    That was great advice, and I love the layers idea, thanks!

    Thank YOU! :D Have fun and be true to yourself!

    Bob...Be some kind of a vegetable? lol

    Well, it puts one down on the intellectual level of so many men, Ducky. :D

    KNOW THE "SONG "      


                                              THIRTY NINE AND HOLDING EVERYTHING I  CAN

                                            FROM SEVENTEEN  TO TWENTY  FIVE TO PROVE I   

                                                AM STILL A MAN

                                               THE HAIR-DYE  HIDES THE GREY I WONT MENTION

                                                 ANYTHING  THAT GIVES MY AGE AWAY.

    If it were me me I wouldn't be telling much other than I'm a woman, recently back into seeing others.  Not too personal  at first! Too many weirdo's about!

    Your Birthday which you will lie and tell her is the following week, your favorite beer, pick the worst part of town and tell her you live there. If she wants to see you again you've got a keeper.

    dianne. hope the dates are still going strong.  Good Luck.

    Age, name, and hobbies is enough for first date.  And oh year, if married before and if you have kids. That's enough.  Don't get into your past sex-capades.  Wow wow, even if they might be exciting to you.

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