    I work as a detention officer at a co. jail and I am using drugs, should I keep my job and risk someone getting hurt and being a hipocrite

    +2  Views: 1553 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago

    13 Answers

    I would get out now, it is only a matter of time before someone knows about your drug use.Save yourself the embarrassment, also you could be joining the other inmates under lock and key.


    Hi PL: It's nearly midnight here, and I'm just logging off, but I thought I'd just say a personal Howdy knowing you are actually "working" now. I hope you had a good day! Bob

    Hi there Bob i'm here for a little bit, it is nearly 5.PM here, time to get dinner etc.I had an o.k day, just so cold weather wise.Goodnight Bob sleep tight.
    jenny ju ju

    yes I am an addict and I am very sick, just as someone can have diabetes. I control my addiction to some degree on the days I work but get wasted when I am off. I relate to people that are sick therefore they respect me and would not hurt me.

    jenny ju ju: You probably don't understand this, but YOU hurt those who care about you every time you use. One thing I've learned about addicts is that everything is "all about me". It's not. YOUR sickness makes others sick (some physically, some psychologically). When you hit rock bottom (which may be losing your job, being arrested and tossed in jail yourself), you will make the changes, but not before. I know this to be a fact.
    You are aware there is an illness, but you are not ready to treat it; just know that it can kill you or destroy your life.

    I don't know if your insurance covers it, like some do for alcoholism. But, your best bet would be to try and get yourself into a detox, and clean yourself up. If you don't back away from it, you'll only end up dead or locked yourself.

    There is a very distinct difference between drug usage and drug addiction. You sound as though you fall within being addicted to drugs, just by virtue of the little maintenance plan you have going for yourself.

    I could go on and on in describing the pitfalls of your current plan. However, I'm just going to keep it simple and tell you, you need to smarten the hell up. You are hurting everyone who cares about you, and you will hurt them more the first time your addiction comes around to bite you in a legal way. Make a smart choice and clean yourself up...people have been known to make that choice for themselves. I've worked for several very successful people who have...your life story doesn't have to be one of failure! 

    I have a son in a county jail as a result of drug addiction and things he did to support his drug habit (stealing from WalMart, for example).  He gets treated like a piece of sh*t by some of the power-hungry goons who work there.
    My son is smart, handsome, funny, kind, and generous. Even if he were stupid, ugly, boring, mean, and stingy, he (and every prisoner) deserve(s) common decency and courtesy from those who are trusted to guard and PROTECT him/them.  Instead, he has been antagonized,  had his personal possessions absconded, and been intimidated and shoved around just for making eye contact with a guard. He and others are abused verbally and psychologically by people who are supposed to protect and serve.

    Personally, I resent you having a position of authority over my son (or any prisioner) when you are just as guilty as he of abusing drugs.  Would you want someone YOU care about under the care of someone like YOU?

    What you SHOULD do is seek a leave of absence and get yourself into a rehab before someone gets hurt...possibly YOU.  Your drug abuse puts everyone at risk. Someone getting hurt because of your disability could result in a huge liability suit against the county and criminal charges against you.  

    You already know this, or you wouldn't be asking; yes, you are a hypocrite if you don't do something for yourself. A drug test at work could get you fired and put YOU behind bars. 

    jenny ju ju

    I feel wrong for using but I also understand how the inmates feel because I have been there. I treat them exactly the way I would want to be treated. I can use a small amount so far and keep my job without risking anyone getting hurt.

    No, you can't use a "small amount" without risking anyone getting hurt.You have compromised the safety of everyone around you. Would you want a drunk or loaded teacher in your kid's classroom or driving the school bus? How about your dentist filling a cavity or doing a root canal?

    Dumbriel, I have absolutely NO shame in my answer to jenny ju ju. (S)he knows exactly what I mean.
    As to the rest of your comment: Never having cared for anyone or anything except yourself and your carnal pleasure, alcohol, and pizza, you have no idea what influences a child to experiment with any substance. You accuse his substance abuse and subsequent problems as having something to do with his home and upbringing, yet you overlook the fact that my mother-in-law pointed out 25 years ago:
    They are yours until they get on the school bus.

    <comment moved to where it belongs>


    Karma: 229420

    As you imply, 'carnal pleasure, alcohol, and pizza' are harmless activities which certainly didn't predispose me to illegal substance abuse (unless you count a couple of half-hearted attempts with marijuana while in Amsterdam). On the other hand, I don't think they did anything to proof me against it.

    I, with what I have, went right - and am now in my mid 60s. He, with so much more, went wrong. There has to be a reason, but good though theses things are, carnal pleasure, alcohol, and pizza just don't seem sufficient.

    As I imply, your pre-occupation and dedication to only your own pleasure and disinterest in caring for anyone but yourself beyond what one can do for and to you hardly qualifies you to be someone whose opinion about anything has value to me.
    You went "right"? A faithless male slut whose arrogance and self-righteousness has no limits? PUH-LEEZE

    Well, aren't you the little piss ant, Dumbriel.
    Neither I nor his father "made" my son a "junkie". What an intentionally vile word you use, trying to rile me up?
    Those were choices he made. He is paying for those choices, and he has many years ahead of him to make better choices. Will he? No one knows for sure.

    While you are welcome to have your intuition and suggest my son had a "bad mommy", I consider the source (you). I don't have to defend either myself or my son from someone for whom I have no regard.

    I side with Bob. Kids make their own choices no matter how they are raised. Since you had to raise yourself Umbriel, you would not know this. My parents raised me to be a straight child, to grow up and get married and have a man take care of me. I didn't follow their plan. Life gave me something else instead. It's not my parents fault that I am a lesbian. They did not do any thing to cause this.
    Your parents were too busy in the military. They had no time to properly raise you. This made you a lonely boy and you became an introvert. As an adult you chose to continue childhood patterns because they are safe and comfortable to you. This makes you an obnoxious introvert. You hide behind the computer and act in a way that you can only wish you could do in the real world. Unfortunately here in cyberland it gets all warped up because cyber does not replace reality well. Better luck in your next lifetime Umbriel.

    Colleen, thank you for your comment. I spoke with my oldest today about this question. He told me a social worker had suggested most young people can look back at their parents to find out why they are having problems as adults. My son assured the social worker (and I quote), "Oh, no. I made all my choices. I take responsibility for everything I do."
    His response to THIS question was unique: "I wouldn't call him/her a hypocrite unless (s)he was the judge who sentenced me or the cop who arrested me for using drugs and is using drugs him/herself." It's a perspective I wouldn't consider, but I'm coming at it from my angle.
    He also found the term "junkie" offensive and inappropriate (just like Umbriel!)

    and a lot of the prison inmates get their drugs from the co s

    MCM: Exactly.

    umbriel, as one Englishman to another, some of your comments are a bit offensive at times. No wonder alot of people outside the UK think of us as arrogant. You should tone it down a bit.Also if you have never had children , you really don't know what it's like trying to bring them up on the straight and narrow.

    sunnyB: Not to worry about that; I think we all realize that (D)umbriel is not representative of UK. He is one of a kind, for which I, for one, am eternally grateful.

    Bob. Anyone who has children, knows that by a certain age, they make decisions on their own, often the opposite to what they have been consistently and zealously taught. That is the most disappointing aspect (often) of having children. I see it far too regularly. Who raises their children with the goal of turning out a "less than upstanding citizen", one who makes his/her parent cry and lie awake at night? (No one.) As you stated, consider the source and know that you have been scolded by a disrespectful, rude, obnoxious, woman hater whose opinion (in MY opinion) counts for ZERO!

    Thank you, Ducky. I've just returned from a pleasant weekend to find your comment and appreciate your understanding and support.

    You're welcome...a little break before the new job starts?

    Mom has been wanting me to go to LV with her for months. Not my favorite place, but I told her if I wasn't working, I'd go. When I got my job, they gave me a start date of 8/6; I'm glad I went with her and my cousin and her son (who just turned 21 a couple weeks ago). Nice time was had by all! Thank you! :D
    P.S. YOUR opinion definitely counts!

    Thanks and glad that you had a good time.

    :D Time to unpack, say HOWDY to the pooch and pussycat, and get ready for tomorrow!

    My daughter was also a prison guard,she neither drank nor took drugs, she genuinely cared for the welfare of the prisoners (I may not have been so charitable with a lot of the hard crims she worked with in a high security gaol) she worked for approx 7 years and was highly commended, she could no longer work there knowing she couldn't  do anything positive for them,she went back to her previous job with the airlines,I doubt your addiction places you in a better position to "help" you need to help yourself,and as you said, stop being a hypocrite no matter how you justify your actions how do you oversee people locked up for things you are doing yourself  


    Umbriel,it was she that suggested she was being hypocritical,I can only agree with that,she is and being in the position she is in she would also be very aware of programs and assistance available to her,something I cannot help her with from here,also suggesting she is better equipped to empathise (perhaps correct) and help (doubtful at best)seems hardly plausible giving that she is still an abuser herself,perhaps you are correct and I am a little harsh,but I call it as I see it,I sincerely hope she does get help, without being drug free she is hardly in a position to assist others in any positive way,not exactly a shining role model for inmates

    stop taking drugs because it may just cause you to loose your job and/or ruin your life


    That is the solution, but is easier said than done. When jenny ju ju hits a personal rock bottom, the change will come. Let's just hope no one gets hurt during the fall. ;(
    dae dae

    that's true but she will pull through i know she can lets just have some faith an think positively

    Go to your employer IMMEDIATELY and beg for help!  Do it NOW.  Your situation is about to get worse and you know it.  That is why you are asking this question on a forum.  You are already hurting someone......YOU!


    Yes Umbriel, of course I'm wrong again and hysterical..according to you, our resident professor. Correction: while referring to a woman as "mutton" (classless term but not unusual for you), you state "dress very conservative". That's "conservative-LY" prof!
    But I digress. Apparently you speak without knowledge so here's something for you to read up on. Enjoy!
    EAP(employee assistance program) EASNA (employee assistance society of north america)

    And your point Umbriel? As usual, a side-stepping comment to let us all hear your famous word "educated". What, nothing today about "nice, pretty girls"? Now how about my suggestion professor, about something for you to read? Again EAP and EASNA or are you just far too educated to read what anyone dare suggest to YOU...of all people...all knowing professor of all!!!!!!!!

    The information at these two websites, would take hours to read. You haven't. Of course not. You already know everything about everything, don't you?
    Just curious. Have you ever uttered the words "I was wrong" in your entire "really, really, really, old, old, old age of 65 years that you're always whining about?

    Back to the subject (which in NO way had ANYTHING to do with the internal workings of my body), AGAIN, the websites re: EAP and EASNA would take hours to read. You haven't. AGAIN, have you ever uttered the words "I was wrong" in your entire really, really, really, old, old, old age of 65 years that you're always whining about? To baffle with BS is your forte, we know, but just respond to the question instead of trying to be the "put down king of the forum" and the major sidestepper when asked a direct question. Come on, professor, give it a try.

    Oh come on now professor...side stepping again. Still won't answer my question? Still trying to baffle with BS? By the way, you're not the boss of me and I'll "muzzle it" when I'm good and ready! AGAIN...same questions.

    Are you bored Umbriel? Instead of knit picking another's answer, go answer some questions that need answers. Some jobs actually offer drug counseling without firing the employee.

    See that Colleen. "ROMOS does it a lot better than I (Umbriel) can." I don't think that Umbriel is capable of actually answering questions. If you'll notice, he still hasn't answered mine! He just likes to use words....baffle with BS but never really ANSWER anything.

    Back to the subject. My questions were put directly to you professor and you are apparently either incapable of answering them or you cannot read. Go ahead, Mr. Charming, same questions. Please not the same "baffle with BS".


    See here>>>><<<<Self Assessments
    Drug Addiction Quiz
    1. Do you ever use drugs for something other than a medical reason?
    2. When you use drugs, do you use more than one drug at a time?
    3. Is your drug use more than one day per week?
    4. Do you have a history of abusing prescription drugs?
    5. Have you attempted to quit your drug use but been unsuccessful?
    6. Does your drug use cause feelings of guilt?
    7. Has your drug use ended relationships with friends?
    8. Do you find yourself neglecting your family because of your drug use?
    9. Has your drug use resulted in problems between you and your family members or friends?
    10. Do your family members or friends ever complain about your drug use?
    11. While under the influence of drugs, have you gotten into confrontations or fights with others?
    12. Has your drug use ever contributed to you losing a job?
    13. Has your drug use caused problems or gotten you into trouble at your workplace?
    14. Have you ever gone to jail or been arrested for illegal drug possession?
    15. Do you participate in illegal activities in order to get your drugs of choice?
    16. When you stop taking your drug, do you experience any withdrawal symptoms or feel sick?
    17. Has your drug use ever resulted in flashbacks or blackouts?
    18. Have you ever had medical problems such as memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding, etc. as a result of your drug use?
    19. Have you seeked help for your drug problem in the past?
    20. Have you participated in any treatment programs, either inpatient or outpatient, related to your drug use?

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    Please get help!...It is an illness and you need,but need to really want to fight these demons and get better!...(I did it..from benzo`s really tough but wow is it worth it)!!....I wouldn`t advise anyone to detox by cold turkey without strict medical help and supervision!!...VERY DANGEROUS!:-(...You can`t continue at your workplace on are putting others at danger)...(If I can do it ANYONE can)!!!...



    You really should get help with this problem, you are putting your whole future at risk.

    You need to take sick leave NOW get straight and take a really good look at your self when your clean as you know this wrong get your self a sponcer this will help sooo much get clean then get your life in order today

    I have no idea if I will decide to quit this job. I really care about every person who is broken down from this disease that affects people we never dreamed were sick. I would like to thank you dae dae for your kind words. I fight my demons everyday so I can help the ones who got in trouble only because they are sick like I am


    The kind words from dae dae just give you a little more time to self-destruct and delude yourself into thinking you have control over your addiction.
    This "sickness" is not something that generally cures itself, jenny ju ju.
    Talk to people who love an addict (parent, sibling, spouse, child, friend, co-worker). You won't find the benevolence and cheerleader atmosphere you are seeking.
    No one said to quit your job; take a leave and clean up your act. You are not "helping" anyone by showing up for work compromised by drugs. The day is coming when a tragedy in the workplace is going to find its source in you; of course, that's assuming you don't cause a vehicular accident on your way to or from. Yeah, my cousin was driving home from his work as a clean and sober guard at a California prison when a drunk driver killed him in a head-on collision...left a child and pregnant wife behind.
    You want to help the ones in trouble? Fess up and be a GOOD example.
    millie111 can ONLY help them when you are better...then you can empathize with them..but you must see that you are not helping them or yourself now...even if you feel like you are!:-¬

    Quit using illegitimate drugs , and that'll take care of the problem.

    Guess what happens when you get caught.  You will end up with the hoods you watch over. How much is freedom worth to you?  This is my suggestion. Dont quit . You need the job. Just stop the drug use now.  If they find out , you will be fired  Future employment for you will get difficult. Using drugs is a sign of weakness.  It  is expensive. Set goals to recover on your own. If you can do it on your own , you have a better chance of a promising future.  So stop now. Keep it secret. But  , come back here in a week and tell everybody your clean. Brag about it too.  Let us give you the encouragement  to keep going. You allready did the first step, thats good. That shows you want to get better.   OK    I think you are going to get over this with no problems at all.  Just stop.  I look forward to hear from you, and i know everybody else here wants to hear good news from you. Its easier than you think.


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