    What's the best way to get dog poop out of the treads on bottom of shoe ?

    no, I don't have a dog. My neighbors let their dogs poop on my property .

    +4  Views: 897 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    LOL get a scrubbing brush or tooth brush ( not the one you use ) LOL and hot water a hose works and scrub the poo out of the grooves.

    Just be glad you will now have 6 months of good luck dog poo does that old Australian myth poop on groved shoe means happiness coming to you :))))


    Thx for the lessons on how to get it out, W.D, and thx for letting me know the legend that says it'll lead to good luck. I'm tired of my many nice shoes having poop down deep in the treads. I bought a steel-like stiff wire brush for that purpose. Now, what kind of cleaning agent should I use ? .....soap or laundry detergent, or scouring powder, or "Goo Gone" ?
    Deleted User

    Use something that cleans well dishwashing liquid gets grease out :) works on poop too :)

    lol...Oohh I`m going to be sick!..Not your tooth brush..and please not mine:-0

    The Parisians must be the luckiest people in the world if the amount of dog faeces is a measure of good fortune. In France if you see anyone cleaning up after their dog you can be sure they are not French.


    ooh la la??

    Poo la la.

    1) Wrap shoes in newspaper.

    2)place wrapped shoes in plastic shopping bag & tie the top securely.

    3)Drop entire parcel in trash can & wait for pickup day.

    4)Buy new shoes.


    Works for me.

    Umbriel.Free shoes?? I wish. Never had the pleasure of such gifts.Self employed most of my working life. My answer was definately tongue in cheek.My serious answer to Mycatsmom would be get rid of neighbours dog.

    LOL. Tom, it would never occur to me to do that b/c I was raised by my parents who went thru the depression and so my mom was a penny pincer and reused everything.
    There are dog walking neighbors who walk their dogs at night, so no one can see them doing their dirty deed. And they don't pick up after their dog.

    Mycatsmom.Why don't you collect it in plastic gag.& present it to them next time they walk past.I have done this to one repeat offender.He won't walk his dog past my place now.

    Get the hose on them gets the shoes clean and its really quick

    I usually use a stick and some leaves to get most of it off.  Then I spray it with a hose.  Then I'll put some Dawn dishwashing det and water in the bottom of a bucket and place the shoes in it.  Then I spray again with a hose.  Mind you, these are not fancy shoes- sneakers or fake crocks etc...and if it brought good luck then I was in for really terrible luck-LOL


    I'll try your methods, doo, and the others. First, I'll put on plastic gloves and a face mask. Maybe I should wear a surgical gown too.

    Heck  it'll wear off

    Always push the brush away from your body.  If you pull it toward you, the bristles will fling dung ...and you will not be pleased.

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