    am i harming myself by abusing opiates and beginning lithium and ambien prescribed by my doctor

    cannot be honestwith my psychiatrist about my addicition to opiates due to waiver of confidentiality for a program through supervised probation. I will go back to prison if i admit to taking narcotics.  are the combinations of these three drugs putting my life at risk?

    0  Views: 1024 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    Actually, Your records from your psychiatrist can be court ordered under certain circumstances.  This does not mean you should not seek help.  It also does not mean to go ahead and take the opiates along with the other medications.  Try some of Rob's sites. Go to an NA meeting.  You haven't given much info. but can't your probation officer ask for a drug screen at any time?  You need help.  Mixing drugs and narcotics can be fatal (lead to death).  It can also permanently harm you liver, kidneys, heart, and brain. Could you go into a drug rehab program??  You might be able to do that instead of landing back in jail or risking your life by taking the opiates and medicine.  Consult a lawyer.

    Yes you Defiantly are, please go to a N/A beginners meeting and speak about your concerns, someone there will be glad to help you. It is anonymous Take good care.

    You would know the answer to this yourself, the abuse of any drug is potentially harmful, opiates are addictive and any beneficial effect will dissipate as you become reliant, hopefully the Lithium works for you when the levels reach a therapeutic level and the reliance you have on the opiates won't be necessary, I feel you need to be able to confide in a professional person,if not your psychiatrist perhaps a Councillor   

    lost and lonely

    ought i could confide in my therapist which is how i learned that i cant. the program waves confidentiality due to the court. surely i know the addiction alone is dangerous. wow. i just wanted to know if anyone knew if it were suicidal to take the psych meds with the opiates. if i could stop i would...really

    First of all, I wish you well and hope that you will stop using opiates or other abusive drugs. Second of all, in my opinion it is better to ask such a medically fateful question in medical forums, such as those found at the following links:

    Don't start taking the prescribed medicine until you know for sure. I also think you should try and speak to someone who can help. Your psychiatrist is definitely a good choice, since he is legally obligated not to expose his patients' details.

    lost and lonely

    do u know any free medical forums all of those want me to pay for answers and i do not have any money. I am a felon, single mother, and work at sonic. I just got diagnosed with bipolar 1 mixed and rapid cycling one week ago today. I am freaking out.

    Opiate abuse?  Tell your doctor, he's sworn to secrecy.... Watch your lithium levels and make sure he does, too, they can get too high. Ambien can make you crazy. TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!

    lost and lonely

    thank you. i already feel crazy! i know that it is an obvious risk with the addiction alone. Just wondering if anyone knew anything about the combination. my psychiatrist communicates with my p.o. once per week and certain info has already been disclosed that was supposed to be confident. i have no insurance and i guess i need to go to the ER to talk to a Dr.

    please see someone about this. see if you can find a clinic that goes by your income. sometimes you can find clinics for addicts where they dont ask your real name unless you want to tell it.good luck.

    bE brave and be honest with your Dr...IT`S A PROBLEM..NOT ONE THEY WILL JUDGE YOU ON.!!!

    They have seen it heard it all before..I am extra concerned as Lithium is a drug which has to be well supervised and regularly monitored...mix it with O drugs that the Dr.doesn`t know about and you are playing with fire!!..Severely endangering your life...NO ONE IS OUT to judge you..just to get you stable and better!

    all the best,Millie

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