    Why do some people think it's 'ok' to cuss?

    +5  Views: 1027 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    "Swearing originated from the natural human desire to exclaim if things go wrong or hurt. Derogatory descriptions, insults, and exclamations were included along the way, to verbally express upsetting emotions, especially anger. Sometimes these were aimed at other individuals or groups, or to no one in particular.
    "Dirty" or offensive words have a variety of sources, from names for fecal matter, to sexual or anatomical descriptions, to illicit or unsavory behavior. Some sources are apocryphal and many are "backronyms" (explanations that occur well after the word is in common use)." FROM>>>

    12 Answers

    Atmosphere contributes a lot. One gets used to it and it becomes second nature. One has to TRY not to cuss...............


    Does one have to force oneself not to?

    People swear for a number of reasons usually related to an outburst of certain emotions, swearing can also become a habit for some people.


    Yes...often used for emphasis or as descriptors especially in certain stereotypical groups for example loggers or rednecks swear most of the time while doing this. :)

    Maybe they think it is cool to cuss.

    Maybe they do not communicate well and can't find other words to describe their feelings.

    Maybe they do it as an added insult to the person they are cussing at.


    I get the 1st 2 but the last one... its not really saying they think its ok.

    Maybe it's cultural?? she rips off a sight of cuss words that can be detected from outer space....!@#$%^&*)(*&^%#&*^$@^&)(&$@#$^!%*!!!
    LOL :D

    Britt- some people are just rude. It's sad. I guess their parents or teachers think it's ok. Some cuss words are horrible! Others like shit are more accepted. However, an educated mature person should be able to speak without using any of them. I grew up in a time where they became a part of almost everybodys vocabulary. I have learned to substitute some words with others. It's best not to use them at all because when they become a part of your vocabulary you have to re-learn responses. Also, tv, movies, and video games use cuss words which doesn't help much.

    The use of profanity is a linguistic skill bordering on art in the expression of raw emotion, outrage and "low-life candid, slum speak" where the meaning of words is often distorted into meanings and terms having an implied meaning in subtle conversation. Fluency and skill in the use and application of these language vars broadens ones social realm and provides a clearer understanding of cultural differences.

    Historically our language has evolved and the term “Pluck" was earlier used to describe the action of drawing a bow in order to launch arrows.     


    ...and I the Master..damn it! ;D

    Re: The 'plucking' hand formation has evolved to our present day 'flipping of the bird' so to speak! This gesture was purportedly used as a way of showing how many Marksmen were among the forces of an army...imagine the fear and dismay in their eyes as a thousand dudes ride or run past flipping everyone the bird...terrifying!!

    It becomes a habit  that is almost impossible to break yourself from.


    It sure #^$@%&!*?>#<^@ing does!! LOL!

    Oops...sorry hector!! I must admit I got a little carried away...being a road musician for so long has warped me a little syntax goes off the meter sometimes...but I'm all good now...dang it!! I mean...'gosh!':D

    Actually..I am least for now...been working like ten men...and I'm not so sure about staying in this rental as I'm enabling a drug and alcohol crazed landlady with a grand a month...owch!...which does not seem correct at all...I've grown tired of going through the motions of chasing that ex for child support to the tune of yet another ten grand so I'm currently 'pretending' he died when he called to 'threaten' suicide last little one needs spinal surgery soon..steel rod procedure..on a dwarf...serious stuff..and I'm working two a horse buddy...a Clydesdale to boot!! But I'm O.K., okay? hmm.

    Brother! I thought this was my break!! There is a good kind of bad going on in the world...and this is just a smattering of I'll take it! As frightening as a surgery will help her stay out of a wheelchair and get her out of pain and exhaustion as well as adding inches to her height..I am in for the long haul here..And that ex? A waste of time. I give. And tho' I work really hard..I love it...I feel alive!!!

    Children follow the adults that they admire the most for what they do more than what they say.

    They are many cussin' out there that are pretty @#$ marvelous people. Until a person has to stop in order to meet their basic needs or strive for personal desires, they don't see the need.





    Since when is it not? Most if not all cuss words have their roots in earthy bodily take offense at these is a joke in itself!! We make God(s) laugh! Why do we waste our time in wanting others to conduct themselves in such and such a manner? I have better things to do than to think or decide to take offense at what others may say. Funny.

    "Let thy speech be better than thy silence, or be silent."  ~ Dionysius of Halicarnassus

    Cussing is great!  However, however, however, there is a time a place for everything.  If you don't know the proper time and place to cuss, get somebody to teach you. Otherwise don't cuss.

    Some people think it's OK to cuss because no one has told them it is offensive and to leave the cuss words out of conversation with him/her.  Generally, anyone with even a tiny bit of courtesy will can the garbage mouth if asked politely.  

    My sons are NOT ignorant people, but they have exactly one adjective and one adverb, which are exactly the same offensive word.  They use this word, I think, because it is a "big boy" word and makes them sound "manly".  

    Movies and TV are loaded down with vulgarities;  if we are going to pay to sit through obscenities, what's the problem with accepting it in our daily lives?  

    I have to be awfully irritated to use foul language, and I always regret it as soon as it comes out of my mouth. 

    My rule of thumb is " if you got nothing good to say, then say nothing"

    I dont think its cool to swear and definately not in front of Children I have swore mainly when I am driving and when I get upset and it does release some tension why we do it is another question my parents never never ever swore not even in temper i feel most people swear if they were honest


    Yes we do mel...yes I do! Especially in traffic but only when someone tries to kill me..otherwise I'm pretty decent-mouthed unless the situation warrants it...or if I get 'potty mouth' dealing with the few morons I must...but like you can release righteous angry tension!!! ;)

    thanks lindilou xxx

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