    Do you agree with me?

    If people are acting like its weird to think /god is real doesn't it kind of makes them the odd one odd? Now that I've thought about this I've realized that I'm being rude. Please forgive me.

    +4  Views: 932 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    I believe in God.  But I recognize that there are many religions and belief systems that other people have.  What I think is sad is that people say things like you are weird r wrong for believing in 'that religion or belief'.  A better aproach might be asking non-threateing questions about the pther person/peoples beliefs.  Knowledge is the key.


    I'm not trying to ask threating questions. I'm sorry.

    No, I'm sorry- your question was fine.
    Here's an example instead of someone saying you are weird that you believe in they could ask about God. something like " I don't get it what is your God like?'- instead of name calling

    Doo, I don't get it. What is your god like?

    @ digger- My God made potatoes which can be made into French Frys :)

    Get over your weirdness. You are not of this world. You are not called to be liked by everybody.

    You are to join in His sufferings. You rejoice in His Presence, not to attract people, but to rejoice!

    He will lead you to others by the Spirit, not by your personality. It's not our job to attract.

    The closer we become to Him, the loneliness fades :)



    I believe what I believe and so be it. I keep it to myself depending on the situation......



    Ah, but there are atheist in foxholes. Just because a person prays at a time of abject fear doesn't negate a lifetime of secularism. People mutter all sorts of things at times of terror. Christopher Hitchens was writing an article on atheism on his deathbed, according to his friends. If that doesn't equate with being in a foxhole, what does? Of course, there are mysteries and things in the universe that are far greater than ourselves, but it's doubtful that a supreme being is one of them. If people choose to believe that of course is their right. However, belief is arbitary because it has no logic, reason or empirical data supporting it. Does that make them wrong, no, but they have no real evidence that they are right.

    Your first name wouldn't happen to be Russ, would it ?

    You'd do yourself a giant favor by at least attempting to look at how you presented that question, by at least trying to look at it through the eyes of a stranger and perceiving it as they might. No offense...but you kind of came across like some sort of nut case.

    What exactly am I suppose to be agreeing with you on? Please be clear as I do not want to guess at the intent of your question. What is it that you feel I should believe?

    This is a really "odd" question. What is it that you really want to know?

    I think people have the right to their own beliefs; while I may not agree based on MY beliefs, I don't think it's appropriate to call anyone "weird" based on their faith (or lack thereof).  I don't want to engage with anybody here about faith. 

    You beleave in what you want to beleave in ,as lonbg as it makes you happy and content,and does not harm others,

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