    Do you believe and follow God?

    I dont care if you think I'm a weirdo. I'm a believer! And I'm proud to be one!

    +1  Views: 872 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    I just read your profile page:

    Quote you: "I'm one of those peeps who doesn't care about how other peeps think of them so... if ya don't like who I am get over it. :) Oh, and one of my interests, God! :) x

    Just so you know, this is a very childish attitude. If you want people to take you seriously, I suggest you change your attitude. If you truly believe in God, then you need to adjust your attitude. God does not smile fondly on kids or people with the "I don't care" attitude or the "get over it" attitude. If good God loving people look at you and have an issue with your attitude, then it is up to you to fit with them, not them fit with you. You sound like a spoiled snarky little girl and not very loving of God or you would act more like this God you worship. Get over yourself little one.

    I'm sorry colleen but I AM a child. I'm 11. And about not caring, I meant that if people make fun of me or something I'll just let it go. I mean that it doesn't bother me if people think I'm weird because I know it's not their opinion that matters. I didn't mean to make it sound rude. I'l change it. And by 'get over it I am being rude. I'm sorry please forgive me.

    I am an adult and I was just letting you know how your words sound to an adult. I hope you do or have changed the wording because the attitude the words present will turn people away from you. You're 11 as you say. You will learn as long as you maintain the open spirit and willingness to listen that you've shown here. Now I'm not saying you have to change the wording, I'm just suggesting it for your sake. ;)

    its ok i already did.

    You forgot to hit "save" when you changed the words. The old ones are still there.

    oops ill do it again.

    I like your new message. That message portrays you as a good kid willing to learn. Good on you :)

    9 Answers

    Depends on your version of God. If you believe Jesus is God, then no, I am not a believer of the Christian's God. I do believe in a creator. The true creator does not believe in religions of any kind.  


    I'm not saying you're wrong or that I'm right or that you're right and I'm wrong. But, Jesus doesn't believe in religions ethier, Jesus was a Jew and I'm a Babtist. i believe that all religions are the same.

    And as a Baptist who is your God? All religions are not the same and I do not believe this is what your religion preaches. Jesus was not at Jew as in a follower of the religion by the way.

    My God is Jesus Christ? who's yours?

    Mine is the Creator. The one who created all, including the messenger, Jesus. Why do you differentiate yourself from Jesus by saying he was a Jew and you are a Baptist? Jesus did not follow the Jewish religion. By the way, Jesus never claimed to be God. He simply said, I and my father are one. But then all Souls and the creator are one as Soul is a particle of the Creator. From where we began, we go back to. In time, all Souls reunite with the creator. ALL Souls, even the ones man judges as bad or evil.

    God and jesus are basiccaly the same person so thats why. And what exactly is the Creator's name? or is his name Creator?

    The Creator is not a being so IT really needs no name. IT goes by many names however. You call IT God while other religions have a different name for IT. I use the most ancient name for IT. One that is entrusted to those who do not follow a religion created by man. Jesus and the Creator are not one as Jesus is not the Creator. He was a messenger that carried the Christ Consciousness, (the essence of God). He brought a message to the people that has since been distorted, chewed apart and twisted so that it no longer resembles what man was suppose to know. There will be another messenger however and he too will carry the Christ Consciousness. During his time on earth, there will be peace because he will be spreading God's love as he will be filled with the essence of God. Because of this he too will be made a God by man and because of that, he too will be crucified by the followers of the negative power. It is the way of man until mankind allows itself to finally be uplifted to the point of knowing the true creator, the true God and not the man made one. This is what I believe.

    I pray...........

    People have a right to believe or not to believe...and they have a right not to be hassled over what they choose. Your question raises the question of what your purpose is in asking, and why is it that you care of what I or anyone believes or not? Where is it that you want to take this line of questioning.

    Is it that you can not respect the right of people to believe as they choose? Is it that you want to evangelize someone, and this is your pulpit to do it?

    Are you defending yourself? You are in a safe place, right?

    Who is the Protector?



     I was raised Catholic and do still believe in God, trial by fire, I believe in him even stronger. I followed the rites, became confirmed at age 16, and found more comfort in the Anglican faith.  I feel guilty taking the catholic Eucharist, I haven't told my mother yet, all she knows is that I read a certain prayer book. I felt, and still do feel a lot of pressure to stay catholic, both of my siblings converted to the Baptisr faith. If you ever have a hard time, look for something beautiful, and know that there is someone bigger than you, it helps to not become corrupt in adversity.  

    Yes !!

    How do you know ?


    I believe that Religion is a personal issue..not to be flaunted...and I can`t stand it when people try and push religion and preaching onto O people!!!

    NIET ! And I too am proud OF it.  So, THERE.

    I do believe in God. Reason. There is no way that i could have come this far without God right there with me.  I have had close calls and a few evil people pointing their finger at me. Without God I would be in Heaven right now.  But God is allowing me to keep exercising the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.'

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