    What are the most common bacteria pathogens that are prevalent in causing disease in skin, eyes, and ears?

    0  Views: 1244 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

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    The thread that ROMOS has given says it all but usually it is stapholoccoci which strangely enough we have all over our skin but in the right situations i.e. can gain entry can cause problems and is treated with the penicillin group of antibiotics. With eyes usually given in the form of drops or ointment - best to treat both eyes and ears drops or systemic antibiotics if found to be necessary i.e. if the middle ear is involved.


    How you doin d?

    Hi ROMOS - how's life for you - good I hope. Unfornately, my Mamma died on the lst July, after two months of appalling hospital care - all so very different these days. Mum's funeral is on Thursday which I have had to arrange alone not to mention I have to get her flat cleared by the 3rd August. Just popped in here as I opened my laptop - so much for having executors in Glasgow - well that's how it is. To be honest it has been the most traumatic time of my life. I hear it is raining cats and dogs up there down here the weather has suddenly become like Summer but has also been dreadful - even this did not help. Give your trust to the people you know and get to know the people you trust - Remember it's not how you die, it's how you live that counts - one of her sayings I found in her little book - Oh sorry I'm getting morbid. Thank you so for asking - you are such a great guy. Take very good care of you.

    I had to go through similar circumstances myself,my thoughts are with you, take extra care of yourself now!

    Sorry also to hear your sad news - seems so much of this dying lately - a guy in this house has also lost his Father - so very awful - sad and difficult times.

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