    How do i get rid of pimples overnight?

    im in my teens and i have a really bad pimple or acne proplem so i was just wondering? if anyone can tell me what to do fast. that would really help and i hope to get some answers soon.

    thanks for the help :)

    0  Views: 846 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Have you tried the tooth paste trick ? Rub some tooth paste on the pimple and leave on overnight. Lavender oil is another method, apply and leave on overnight.


    ok thanks i will give it a try and see how that works.
    your the only person who has gave me a great answer.

    yEP..It`s an astringent..or has the properties..I think it`s one of the best..toothpaste!!;-)
    country bumpkin

    I thought toothpaste was for a hickey?

    You can not get rid of pimples overnight.

    Look at your diet this helps fruits and vegies are a big must in your teens if you want good skin.

    Do not pick at them wash in alcohol or a similar kind of wash, then use a gentle wash, depending on your kind of skin , I am guessing its oily?

    Try some of the citrus remedies mentioned...  And eat foods with less sugars and fats .. and remember you are a ten this is apart of hormonal adjustment..`s hard at times being a teen..but be assured that you won`t be the only one by far having annoying spots while your body changes...I bet most/many of your friends have the same problems!....Try not to be too self conscious...wash your face regularly with a mild simple..olay...something that does not contain additives or perfume..towel it healthily..and drink lots of all helps!....when you have`s usually you who notices them more than other people...they are all too concerned with their appearance!...and take heart they don`t last forever!!!..All the best Millie x


    It is something that is caused by the chemical change that is disturbing your body and is something that is needed to happen as you grow to a adult person.

    Maybe this link gives some information you can read to see if there are tips you like:

    Greetings Puran.

    Eating foods which are sour and acidic like lemons, tamarind during the day could trigger your hormone levels. This affects the skin and result into formation of pimples overnight. You should avoid eating foods which could trigger an imbalance in your hormones.


    Try some home remedies to remove pimples.

    Rub ice cubes on the pimples.

    You can rub ice cube over the pimple.

    You can also apply raw papaya juice and lemon juice on the Pimples.

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