    is president OBAMA will come again as president

    0  Views: 811 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    I certainly hope not.

    Not if America has their say...


    Too many people with voting rights that hate America and want to change it to what they ran away from. They claim they are American but will do what ever necessary to 'un-Americanize' what the country was built on. Sometimes 'we the people' don't agree.

    I thought Obama went into it all with great intentions but he come it at a really bad time.

    America fighting a war , very difficult thing to just follow up past governments mistakes and fix damage that has been done.

    I have watch your country go from one of the richest powerful countries in the world to one of struggle.

    I hope that your people get out there and vote for a leader whom uses common sense.

    I do wonder now do Americans wish Hilary Clinton would run again? How would they feel now about voting for a woman , now they have given a darker skinned person a chance ?


    I'm obviously not a democrat, however, Hillary was not ready in the people's eyes when she run. Since taking secretary of the state, she has proven herself many times over as one that can stand up to radical officials and not back down in fear of offending. If she ran again, I would seriously consider. I think America is ready for a female president, I certainly have no issues with it and I am very right leaning. problem is that attention is only on the far left and far right thinkers, this is wrong as I believe most Americans are either center right or center left. There will be no making happy the far left or right, yet they get the attention. The far left thinks that all on the right are bible thumpin' racist rednecks with guns and no education. People on the right think all on the left are latte' drinking whiners in hippy garb kissing trees and awaiting the great utopia. It's not these people that will decide the election.

    Deleted User

    So you only have 2 parties like Australia that have any chance of really running the country?

    We have independants whom have to make decisions cross the floor on policy.

    Doesn't matter what you write about politics it always tends to offend :)

    I like our female Priminister but others would disagree, I think she has put forward really good policies which will secure Australias future. But others will disagree fully. I am a disabled person so under the current government we have recieved a few mor chances, the government before forgot about us and supported the mining industry, sadly these industries are mostly off shore owned and make a killing out of our resources and the boom. So to bring in a mining tax I think is a fair deal, especially when you see oil spills ect that mining companies walk away from and wont pay fair compensation to those whoms lives can be damaged because of this.

    I just wish opposite parties would learn to agree , if someone has a good idea why try and change it? its almost like they all have to have there stamp on something.

    I would love to see Hilary Clinton in running America , I can not remember the black female that was under Bush but she too had kick arse qualities of a good leader.

    In our next election I would vote for Liberal if they had Malcom Turnbull rather than Tony Abbot, I want a leader whom has common sense..

    That would be Condelliza Rice or 'Condi'. yes she is a very bright person, very straight forward and yet, forgiving and understanding, however, she also represents everything the Liberals stand for but she's on the wrong side of the fence, therefore they rip her apart, and quite honestly I think they are in fear of her.. She's female, she's black and she's highly educated. They absolutely abhor having her on the other side. Of course, this is also my feelings about sarah Palin, she's a successful woman, where the left may call her stupid, she's actually quite smart. Clearly i am a conservative but not to be considered the typical stereotype conservative the libs assume. i am a 'compassionate conservative'.. There's more of us than the assumed conservative war-mongering, redneck, bible thumping wife beater. BTW: Condi was in first position for Vice president under Romney but her views on abortion may stifle that decision.
    Deleted User

    I think that religion should have nothing to do with politics , and I wish that the reason why people went in to politics wasn't forgotten especially when it comes to making decisions based on people they are eant to be fighting for ...
    Lets hope one day we all can live under governments that do what is good for he people rather tha the party.. we can only hope..

    You say that like its the second coming of Christ..  If you are speaking of the 'mortal' Obama then I certainly hope and pray he does not 'come again'..

    Doubt it. He's having trouble getting people to donate to his campaign fund. He and his family just came back from their 16th vacation in 3 years. This latest vacation cost the American tax payers 1 million dollars. Throw the bum out!


    Voters would be amazed at the cost of the support staff for his wife !

    How can he control the country's spending if he can't control his wife's spending ?

    It dwarfs all other first ladies' expenses !

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