    What is Karma and how do I get Karma points?

    +5  Views: 624 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers

    Hi, there's some info for you here:

    What are Karma points?

    As you contribute to the community your profile accumulates Karma points. These points distinguish you as a respected member and one which opinion is highly regarded by the community. Gaining Karma points also opens up doors to some cool features in akaQA which are constantly added.

    The karma points system is not intended for resolving personal conflicts between members.

    Here's how karma points work:

    Each "Thumbs Up" on your question or answer yields 15 point.Each "Thumbs Down" on your question or answer yields -35 point.Each "Thumbs Down" on someone else's question yields -10 points.

    Number of daily votes

    The number of daily votes you can give is limited and grows as you gain more Karma points.

    I cashed in 5,000 of my Karma points at Walmart recently.

    Being able to use them as currency has really changed my life and has me spending every waking moment here at akaQA to earn more.

    My wife quit her job and is now a full time cook and caregiver to me because of the incredible amount of time I spend here.


    PS: Just gave you 15 K-Points (spend it wisely)



    Funny! :D

    You sound very convincing...excuse me while I run out to Walmart to cash some K-points. Did you know that K-mart has just become the latest participant in the K-point program? They have some really good deals.

    Load up that shopping cart! LOL :)

    I'm RICH.......YeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

    Don't beleive him, Patriot

     You can read all about akaQA by clicking on any of the topics at the very, very bottom of this page. Scroll all the way down.  daren 1 has copied the "Karma Points" section and posted it for you. 

    Generally, it is a pat on the back for a good answer.  You can also "Thank author" and the points will be added to the "score".  The more points YOU accumulate, the more points you will have available to dole out to others, either for their questions or their answers. 

    This is a fun place, addictive, and there are many nice people here from all parts of the world.  I would only warn you that we are from all walks of life with different backgrounds, political, religious, and lifestyles.  I generally welcome people by saying they have fallen down the rabbit's hole (Alice in Wonderland).   

    I will give you a thumbs up and give you some :)

    After reading your profile, I think that you'd be a welcomed addition to this scrum. Jump in and participate. I suspect that you and I may disagree on an issue or two but this is what its all about.

    I don't know why everybody is so crazy about working up their karma points, when there is no reward for it. At least, in some game sites, you win points, and put them in a drawing. And if you win the drawing, you get a  prize.

    Karma came from real life as one gain karma from doing good and lose (even can get negative) some for doing wrong. You take it with you if you start a new life and in the end its meant to be free of Karma. After one conformation life you don't have to go to earth again and live happily for ever.

    OK, that's the theory but after investigation they found out that half of the people on this world believe there is something as reincarnation but the existence of Karma and the meaning of it differs much more between groups.

    Because one can see the works of God, but not His existence it is difficult to prove it scientifically, some of the scientist are even fighting 6 days a week against the idea that God exist because there is no hard proof to catch but are at Sunday morning in church praying to the same God.

    Personally (with all respect!) I believe in God and Jesus, but not in what people made of it on this earth. Its about time people go searching for things that are in accordance with each other then putting a lot of energy in finding differences.

    Greetings Puran.


    Puran, do you really believe that Atheists and Agnostics attend Sunday services? Name me ONE.


    I said 'some of the scientist' not all people.

    I didn't say that you said "all". I simply asked you to name one.

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