    Why doesn't USA accelerate nat.gas as an alternative fuel? It has plenty of it.

    +1  Views: 729 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    The fuel industry is based on lies, extortion and bribes. Their paints keep falling down around their ankles because they lost support and are loosing more because their pants are on fire. Chemists world wide in petroleum poor countries are producing liquid fuels chemically by such cheap processes that oil companies cannot compete and they are running out of sacrificial people willing to die for someone else's oil resources. Converting to LP gas though abundant, lacks the appeal of off-shore oil due to rights of ownership that require metering and paying for what can be produced chemically for less. So long as oil companies are being paid by our government $10,000.00 + to explore underground for resources that include searching for oil, they will continue to do so at an alarming rate, now globally. Oil exploration is about resource charting and not just about keeping your appliances running. The money we pay for fuel is linked back to the banking and commerce industries so that the flow of currency continues throughout the system…though shamefully controlled beyond public awareness. The capitol resources and assist value of these resources alerted Congress to the fact that our borrowing potential was vast indeed and thus our debts went up while business cooped their rights to use US capitol and assists to expand the horizons of enterprise in other countries and explore their resources. Sort of a pre-credit approval scheme prior to a clear recognition of value in their existing stake.          

    Amazingly only two great heads have an opinion on this vital subject. Does it look like ' the problem will go away on its own?' 


    The fact is that hydro-carbon fuels could and should be eliminated completely. This fact, is not in question because it is an accepted reality but remains a secret from anyone that does not qualify as needing to know. It is not clearly drawn-out for the public to know like so much that is now being removed from the archives of our historical understanding of how things work. By eliminating so much of our scientific history we all become more dependent and subservient to our ruling overlords, public officials, employers, instructors and....the whole system. We tell ourselves we are in the richest and free-est nation on earth like everyone else does in their own countries. To other peoples in other countries the USA is a cess pool of immorality, extreme violence with more folks in jail than any other nation on earth. Public view is moulded and shaped for the purpose controlling everything about us...all we hear, think and eat. One quick look at Christianity in America should and the facts are obvious that we are all brain-washed and carefully guided...cradle to the American way of life. As a free American...There are a lot of things we are not going to talk about...because it's a personal health hazard to talk about #@$*&%%~.;

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