    Can i trust Relationship !!?? I meet a U.S.Army soldier......we are in love.... Now he´s going back to Kabul, Afgahinstan..... My 2 Questions ; - Will we be able to write each ohter (by write i mean, write by hand) ??? And ; - If he wanted to, could he Skype me...??? jesper.

    0  Views: 802 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    8 Answers


    Its not an easy one. At first: there are no borders for Love. Second: I think your friend must be able to answere this easaly as he works in the army. There are also army services that can answer this.

    I can't look in your heart, I didn't feel the 'click' you two have experienced, I don't know how long you two know each other and how long he is going away, but I think you should really think this over: Is this a future you want, the risks, the tense?

    Finally I hope the two of you got happy for life but only God knows if that will happen. If it's meant to be you will succeed.


    I did think this over.... decided to take the chance......
    HE said, that we can`t write any letters or Skype because of the safety regulations in camp, but i have seen on the telly that another camp had a speciel room, for skyping family.... don´t you think that all got on then ???
    I know that i should belive in him..... but i feel like..... well, there is something wrong...
    By the way , thank you for answering me.... jesper.

    Sorry to write you again...
    Do YOU know where to contact Army service....
    He comes from Louisiana , i´m from Denmark.... where we don´t really have any army... so have no idear about all this...
    thanks !

    Jesper, please don't be sorry for writing here as this place is ment to be for that and I'm here because I like this place and I like to create good answeres.
    I'm a dutch guy that know there are army organisations but I don't know where they are hide themselves ;) .
    Maybe thats a nice new question as there are here on akaQA people from all over the world so maybe somebody knows the rigth answere.
    Sorry I can't help you with that.

    Love and Light, Puran.

    Sweddane.....Two years is a long time to be apart without communicating, don't you think?  He has told you, in so many words, that he does not want to communicate with you, at least for right now.  Assuming that he has all of your, telephone number, skype, mailing address, I would just leave it at that.  Respond, if and when you hear from him but otherwise, consider that it's over.


    Ducky......Well the thing is, that we DO have contact.... by emailing...Ohterwise you are right - i´m not THAT naive....
    But thing is what i don´t get; why this camp have no Skype room, if all other camps does ??...and i was told by other persons, that they could write there men, while beeing soldiers in camp....!!!!!!!!!?
    The thing is, i want to have handwritten letters to keep...IF something should happen to him..... praying noting will.

    He has one and a half year´s a long time, but he will come to me in Sweden after tree months again, for one week. And then go back to Kabul... and so on,for all two years.
    Beeing from Sweden means, that we have no realy army U.S. so i don´t know much about all this...
    But anyway, thanks for answering me.....and you are right.. IF i had NO contact to him, i would NEVER try to get in toutch whit him...

    You are BOTH going to have to be totally motivated to keep this relationship on the boil...2 years is a long time for you to sit around waiting..I don`t want you to waste that time if he`s not as committed to this as you??...Follow your instincts..I couldn`t do it...but I wish you ALL the best! xxMillie

    Yes he can if he has a skype account.

    The US military has a lot of rules.  Be thankful he can e-mail you.  Attach photos to your e-mails and ask him to do the same.  This is my understanding: depending on the location of the base and how many people are on the base makes a difference on who can use skype and how often they can use it.  The same goes with how often e-mails can be sent.  It is a blessing that he will be able to visit you after 3 months!  A year and 1/2 seems to be a very long time but it will go more quickly than you think.  Keep yourself busy & remember that he will be busy.

    Hello sweetie, I'm new to this site but well aquainted with life! I don't know how old you are, it would help a little. But big picture, If it is meant to be, it will.. Unless you have been TOGETHER for >years< you are wasting your life waiting for something that most likely will not be. Ya can't get that time back, ever. You have to live & not dwell on him, not hearing from him, not seeing him, etc. etc. You CAN'T stop living. You'll miss TOO MUCH in your life & just maybe miss out on the guy that's MEANT FOR YOU..  Plus many people & lifes experiences in between. Do you wanna give up sooo much on a >CHANCE< of something might happen years from now??? SERIOUSLY think about it. God Bless Always..


    Hi Dadschild, great advice. Welcome to akaQA. Hope you stick around a while and get to know all the lovely members we have here. :)

    he may be very busy with irregular mail service depending on his job. However, you can send as many letters and emails as possible. If he gets a opportunity to write or email be happy and stay in contact as long as you feel you should.

    If he never gets a opportunity to contact you, I would consider that to be time to move on.

    Thankyou Colleen! I feel like Dear Abby!  LOL  If it helps at least one, I'm game! *~*

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