    How many know that "Bush Tax Cut" increased the debt by $4.9 trillion; Median Income dropped 4.2%; and 8.2 million people slid into poverty?

    0  Views: 462 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Apparently only the people at MSNBC.

    If they were so bad, why did Mr Hope and Change EXTEND the Bush tax cuts in early 2011?


    TSC we the people have got to grow up. We got to stop living by slogans, "Mr Hope & Change" etc. I am not happy with what most politicians to either. That includes all of them. However, we have got to look a tiny bit deeper. There are all kinds of books and articles out by politzer prize researchers, economist etc. They are all saying we need to get rid of tax cuts for the rich. Not because their rich but to get things in better economic order. Obama extended the tax cuts because the republicans would not move on anything that would help the struggling middle class unless he gave them that extended. 60 minutes this week showed that 16 million kids in this country USA are living in poverty. Many in their cars. The republicans blocked everything they could block even at the expense of the 'people'. The blocked the job bill for work on bridges and highways. Now they are trying to keep people from voting by passing voting id laws, some of these tricks were used many years ago to discourage a segment of people against voting. We grown people, you and me, need to look for more truth regarding what is going it. It's out there, but we are being fed sound bits, that cost millions. Most economist says Mitt's economic plan would be a greater disaster. By the way when Mitt spend those 4 years working on the olympics, one researcher says she robbed the tax payers of over a billion dollars to do that work. They said the only like government spending when they are doing the spending. Get more true facts and then call me back. Have a great day.

    The "Rich" are people making $250,000 a year. Mr Hope and Change has flown all over the country trying to convince his blind following its the EVIL MEGA RICH that are not paying their fair share. Thats Horse Dung.
    Ya know what I believe? I believe WE ALL should be paying our FAIR SHARE of taxes. That would include the guy making $10,000 a year and the guy making $10,000,000 a year. But I'm sure your aware that 45% of Americans pay NO TAXES AT ALL correct? We live in a soceity where there are always going to be RICH, MIDDLE CLASS and POOR people. Its a fact of life. Take a good look at what went on in Venezeula under Hugo Chavez. Its not working there and its NOT going to work here.

    TSC people don't think the rich are evil. I live in an area where there are a lot of rich people. I feel blessed for that. A few in my family are rich as well. TSC what the economist are saying is that we need a more equitable system to get the country on a good economic footing. It just came out that the super rich are hiding 32 Trillion dollars in offshore tax havens. That's 100 billion a year the US loses in Tax Revenue. That info has not hit main news outlets yet. The research was done by: Tax Justice Network. We adults alive should start seeking facts instead of pointing fingers. Two Pilitzer Prize winner writers wrote: The Betrayal of the American Dream & America, "What Went Wrong" by Donald L Bartell and James B Steele. Let's get some facts then lets suggest solutions to each other and the politicians. As Martin Luther King said, We can work together and prosper or parish like the fools we are acting like now. Economist are scared because they say the American people are asleep, (some waking up) and the rest or brainwashed by the non-realnews media.

    Good point. 32 Trillion off shore? Wow! I can imagine the trillions transferred to foreign countries to buy their oil that will NEVER come back while we have plenty of oil right here to drill for.
    Money has been stashed overseas for years, that's nothing new. Soon the French will be doing it here to escape the new SOCIALIST they just voted into office. Good thing we didn't vote a socialist into office in THIS country huh? (wink wink) :)

    TSC other countries are already using United States banks as tax havens so they don't pay taxes in their country. This was on TV yesterday. I not talking about buying oil, I'm talking about hiding that is two times American's Gross National Product. Let's keep looking into this for ourselves, families and friends and the 45 million in poverty in America.

    Ok, we find that money and do what? GIVE IT TO POOR PEOPLE? Isn't that re-distribution of wealth? My wife and I are retired and have annuity check deposited in our account every 1st of the month. We're comfortable. Should we take some of our money and give it to the government so they can distribute it to the guy down the street who works at McDonald's and has 5 kids to support? I'm more fortunate then he is, but the guy up the street makes 5 times more per month than I do. Should HE give my wife and I a cut of his earnings? (BS) We need more people working and paying taxes NOT more tax increases on the people who ARE working.

    "W" caused a lot of problems!  From Our economy to you name it He was the worst!


    Your right. GWB was also the cause of 9-11, Hurricane Katrina and a host of other unpleasant things during his term. Shoot, he's even at fault for all the bad things Obama is doing too!


    I know!

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