    Do you believe a voter should be required to present a photo ID to prove they are an eligible voter?

    If not, why not?


    I agree that the privilege of voting should be a top priority for proving that you are, who you say you are.

    I became a legal voter when Ii tunned 21, in 1947 after I was discharged for the US Navy and voted in evry primary a general election ever since. At lease now those in the military can vote since the voting age we lowered to 18.

    Those opposed to a voter ID laws, want the states to prove there are people voting that are doing so illegally.

    That is like saying we should not have state photo driving licenses, unless we can prove that some people are driving un-licensed. IMO

    +5  Views: 1358 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    Jack you must already know that PA postponed the Voter ID. law until 2013 in this very crucial election. I live in NH and we have a Photo identy law for voting. In a southern large city in NH., several people have already been arrested for selling false identy documents. I am sure this is happening in other states too.

    14 Answers

    Yes.  Canada (and probably other countries) has required an official government photo identification for several years now.  ID is required for many transactions due to so much dishonesty in society.  I think the privilege of voting should be a top priority for proving that you are, who you say you are.

    Yes. They should prove they are an actual citizen and prove the ID is really them. We all know how Obama loves to stack the vote by using illegals at the polls. My drivers license now has a yellow star on it showing that I have been verified as a legal resident and citizen of the USA at the government level. I do not agree that it is against anyone rights or is discriminatory to ask them to prove they are a legal resident or citizen of the USA. I've seen that lame argument already. If a bar owner can ask for ID for proof of age and we need an ID to drive a car, I do not see how asking for an ID to vote is infringing on anyone's rights or showing discrimination. 

    Yes, absolutely. Otherwise anyone can vote that is not legally in this country.


    Yes, we know this through experience and through all the votes Obama got from illegals.

    That is disturbing

    Our voting system is a mess. During Bush's reign, it was amazing how hundreds of thousands of votes from military members over seas could not make it to the states in time even though we have military planes that could have flown them over in a matter of hours.

    There was a liberal Organization, called Acorn. They went on the streets in different big cities, grabed people off the street and gave them money to vote for Obama, The reason we know its true, several of those people came forward and testified to that fact.

    That's right, I had almost forgotten about Acorn. Thanks for the reminder Ann.

    Yes, I believe a photo should be required......

    I 100 percent agree we should in every country but the problem is if you can get illegal passports you sure can get false cards of ID good question

    We have a different system here, you are on a roll, every citizen of legal status and age is listed, if you do not vote and your name is unrecorded as having voted, we are fined, voting here is not a choice, or should I say more accurately having your name crossed off as having voted is not a choice

    Jack Large

    Where is HERE?

    As for me, people that fail to vote make my vote more valuable because it can not be offset by a person who may vote differently than me. ;)

    Apologies Jack,I'm from Australia

    People who do not vote are ill informed anyway. It's best that they stay home on vote day and watch some more Nickelodeon.

    Yes Colleen I agree,some just don't deserve the right to vote or shouldn't ,have no interest and are known here to put in "donkey" votes just to get their names marked as having voted to avoid being fined

    I know it's different there. I was thinking of the USA when I said that. There are a lot of people who should not even go near a polling place.

    No, Colleen,same here,a lot of people that vote in number order (a donkey vote) so they are in fact voting for someone of whom they know nothing about or seemingly care, until they find their privileges cut or prices going up, coal seam gas debates etc,there is a lot to be said for and against both systems,but nothing is fail proof,a lot of people here a few years ago voted for the "Happy Birthday Party".....a bright lot!!!

    That's all the US flippin' needs.... requiring people to vote or their fined. Then the two parties would try to 'buy' folks into their party- hoping they would just vote the party line. OY, now I have a headache!
    Jack Large

    The people that are not smart enough to vote, are not smart enough to make them vote. IMO ;)

    Agree with all of the above,but I am constantly amazed at how some complain constantly about the government they "voted" in without bothering to know their views or proposed policy and change

    lambie- around here the ones who complain the loudest are theo ones who refuse to vote- go figure!

    Yes, except for Muslim Burqa-wearing women. It would infringe on their religious freedom.


    If they are in the USA and they have become a citizen, the fact that their identity can not be verified due to their held over belief/custom of their native country, then I say they forfeit their right to vote.

    They don't feel the need to show their faces to airport security either! Another infringement.

    Yes sure without photo anyone can steal it and use it.

    Yesterday, I had to show my Identification going INTO a test AND upon exiting. The only thing I could have forged was putting someone else's name and SS# on the test...which was stupid because I had to give MY acceptance letter upon entering. 

    YES, there should be checks and balances to insure that ONLY registered, LEGAL voters are participating in elections. 

    Yes...proof of citizenship should be an absolute requirement.

    Are you guys still complaining about the dead voting in Chicago...and that minor snaffu in Florida that possibly swung the election the incorrect way????  This is America....someone will always try to beat the system if they can (even if everyone shows up with the correct i.d. or computer chip or whatever) ..... personally, I would like each party to try to buy me for this election!  I haven't been on a nice vacation in a long time, have oodles of bills they could pay, and I really think I need a 'helper' service dog!  Of course food for a year would be nice, a nice condo that's all mine, and they could fix my car.  (Not that I can be bought- but heck, let them try!)  

    NO…NO… ID’s are old school we need government issued implanted chips with our complete history on them. This way even our employers, police, etc, etc can use them. I do not know about you but I dream of the day we can go to work, post office, etc and hear alarms and buzzer going off because someone dropped their car or healthcare insurance, etc. Let them be taking to be stoned for that kind of hideous crime. Sheeple power 2012.


    wait...will that chip record what I am thinking???? Dude, I'm going to have a FEMA Camp named after me!!!!!!! Hold on, I can think all of my anti-government... this private insurance costs too much...Our President is who??? He did WHAT????? thoughts in penguin! Surely no one at the NSA is fluent in penguin!!!!!

    Baaa-aaa Baaa-aaa Baaa-aaa!!!!

    Therefore, I guess this chip will be able to judge when a person voluntarily dropped coverage to someone who has dropped it to pay rent. Perhaps there could a buzzer alarm for one kind of offense and horn for another kind.

    Buzzers, Horns...OMG- I'm a test subject! I hear those things all of the time...along with back-hoes, sirens, and laughter! I'm doomed...I always pay my rent first!!!!! Then, of course, I pay for cat food, kitty litter, vet bills....they MUST knw I'm a doolittle by now!! SAVE the ANIMALS!!!!!!!!

    Well maybe the people in the Doolittle FEMA Camp will learn from you. Sure beats what is happening now.

    Camp Doolittle- it has a ring to it!!!! A camp for all of the pets and criiters that belonged to the folks who had to get on the Roger Wilcoe Memorial Train.

    Photo ID's are a good idea for any thing!


    My kid, who is NOT a genius, could make IDs with a copy machine that passed anywhere and everywhere. Photo ID is not enough.

    The problem in Pennsylvania has been that  when people die their names are not removed for the voter lists.

    Others are voting for dead people.  In Philadelphia for example the percentage of votes cast is ALWAYS at least  twenty percent of more than the percentage of the rest of the state.

    In the last General election the average  number of registered who voted in the state was only 22%, but in Philadelphia the number was over twice that amount

    Obviously someone was voting as for dead people who are still legally registered as voters.

    The irony is, 18 year old newly registering voters, are given a photo ID when they register to vote.



    Jack, I am sure that this is happening in all the states. We have to identify the people who are responsible for not removing deseased people from the voting lists, which are likely the townhalls in the states. They schould be held accountable.

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