    Interview coming up...

    Next week I will interview for a job that requires certification within the first year of employment. I have access to the material and can read up on it during the week, so I will have knowledge about the job. (I tested for the job and scored well enough to get an interview for the one position available, but have no experience in the work).  The job is in government , not private, sector. 

    My question is this:  What do you consider the most important question and best answer to it in a job interview?  

    Serious answers, please.  

    +11  Views: 1195 Answers: 13 Posted: 11 years ago
    country bumpkin

    I no doubts about you being hired for this job. I know you will ace the interview.

    Thank you CB. I am going to take the good thoughts from my friends here and do the best I can. There is usually someone earmarked for the job; promoting from within is big. But I will make them think twice!

    Love your attitude! You're bight, smart, pretty, and pleasant, you have a lot going for you!

    Mostly good friends, like you!

    Tuesday and no phone call. Expecting the reject letter today or tomorrow. These tests are scored and the top 7 scores are sent for interviews. I place well on the tests, even the ones where I am using more common sense than knowledge, but just don't know how to give a good interview. I'll have at least 4 more interviews in the coming week, possibly more.

    That's the best I can do..keep the faith.

    13 Answers

    I just popped in to wish you the very best of luck

    and will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.


    Thank you, sweetie. You are funny! :D

    Yes..VERY good luck Bob!..I don`t have any clever seem to have it all well planned..I really hope you get it!:-)

    :D thank you millie111. Hopefully I won't put my foot in my mouth. ;o
    millie111 come across as a totally together lovely lady..I`m sure you`ll do just fine..lots of us rooting for you!!:-)

    RJ: I did go to the SBOE site and downloaded the two sections a first year appraiser is required to master. Now to read them..

    Well flip my kilt !!

    You don't need advice.

    You'll ace the interview, just be yourself, be confident.




    I want to say something so bad...I'll bite my tongue. Cheers!

    Look Ma- the Moon is full in the East this afternoon! :)

    The moons a balloon,David Niven.
    Great Biography.

    You flipped your kilt- I saw the moon :)

    And the eclipse I hope?

    Fingers crossed, i hope you get the job.Good luck.

    Wish you the best of luck! You have determination and are very articulate. I know you will do very well. I hope you get the job.

    Try this question for the interviewer:

    When interviewing for this position, what kind of quality in a person are you looking for?  He will give you the answer to his next question.

    Best of luck to you, Bob/PKB.



    That is an excellent suggestion. I'll work on a tactful way of asking just exactly that. :D

    Best of luck with the interview,Ms Bob the only advice i can give you ' If you can't Dazzle them with Brilliance, Baffle them with Bull Shit'', seriously hope you get the job.:)

    From what I’ve seen and know about government work, my working for the government would be by slave labor at gun point. We just don’t seem to have a common job description…I did my part. 

    I also work for the government Bob/PKB, however this is outside (a long way outside) of the area I  am familiar with, you are very competent and well versed, I have no doubt you will do well, the best of luck xx

    Since you passed the examination, I assume you have the skills to do the job. So what would they ask? If this was private sector I can think of a dozen good questions. Since this  is government, the questions will be off the wall, Like do you owe a student loan, have you claim bankruptcy, do you own a dog or a cat? Something stupid.

    If I was the government, I'd have to ask you why you feel you can do this job. I really wouldn't care about the answer, but how fast you think on your feet. I wouldn't want another dull witted person.

    Maybe I would ask a question about morals, or integrity, making sure you had some!

    These blows are for the FED! Not you! Way to go and I hope you knock them out with you wit, humor and intellect.

    I heard wearing a pastel color, blues, or pinks in summer softens the look and gives a more youthful appearance. That and it just so dang pretty!

    I hope you get it!


    Thank you, Daisy, my friend. There are many questions that are not supposed to be asked (finances, marital/family status, age, for example). I have been practicing interview techniques and have a list of the most asked interview questions.
    I'll get something nice to wear for this; someone will probably be hired from within, but I am going to make them think twice about that! Thanks for your support!

    Thanks RJ, and I appreciate the kind words. Unfortunately, this job is appraising property for taxation; not the person you want to have knocking on your door; but you are right, good CS is important. You probably will laugh your ass off, but I DO have an excellent reputation as far as helping customers and tax payers in all of my jobs.

    I don't see Colleen as someone who picks fights, and she and I have not been the best of friends. She is bright, opinionated, sincere, and more helpful than anyone on this sight. I have come to respect and admire her for her tenacity, convictions, and the very obvious fact that she never, ever strays from her beliefs and values.

    P.S. What does all this have to do with a job interview??? (Oops, 3 question marks. I hope Dumbriel doesn't come this way.)

    It sounds almost like a hug between the two of you. Cheers!

    Bite your tongue, Chiangmai... this is internet Dallas

    Colleen does not pick fights with you. Colleen has to moderate you sometimes and debate you other times and set you straight on misconceptions you have and post about. The people of this forum know me a heck of a lot better than this false interpretation you have of me. You can not fool them into seeing me as you choose to see me and the more you make comments about me, the more you will have people stepping up against you. You will call them bullies and Colleen's gang but what they really are is year old members who have watched me go through hell and back with members just like you. They know the person I am. They see how much of myself I give this forum. They know I am the first one in if they need help. I've shared many a personal e-mail or phone call with the people here. I put myself out for them and they know it. For a year I've been a target for forum trolls, bullies and trouble makers. I take it all because this forum and the people here mean more to me than game players like you. I've dealt with enough negative and callous comment about me from you. It ends now. Anymore and you will find yourself on the outside looking in. I am a moderator. I will no longer have you sitting on the side lines taking pot shots at me. This includes the ones you post and then remove. This forum is no longer your playground and I will no longer be your target. As much as you complain to the admin that I should be removed it will not happen. You will be removed before I ever get removed. I strongly suggest you stop mentioning me and your opinions of me all over this forum.

    @RJ..Please can`t you see that YOU are doing it again...You always magic up Colleen as the bad guy...You are always playing games/playing her a hard time..what has she really EVER done to you for you to be like this towards her..and O`s...You do know that she has one tough job on here (Without the added idiots/attention seeking/game players who more often than not present on an almost daily basis with yet ano Persona)!..Colleen as I`ve said it many times does a really great job..she`s firm but fair..I really don`t get why some people can`t get that?..If she picks me up on stuff ..then I know it`s for a reason..not just for the fun of typing!...PLEASE please please..just stop this hate campaign...If I was a mod I`d have kicked ass a long time ago!..PLEASE gets very dull for lots of`s a q and a site,not a WAR ZONE!:-¬

    Colleen i don't know why you bother with Richard, he is only a stirrer, i would ignore him, as regulars here have respect and fondness for you. i read his profile , he is a youngster brought up in a period of no discipline and respect , a remnant of the Me Generation.

    Thankyou Millie and Bulletman for your input in regards to richardjames attitude towards Colleen.His ongoing slurs to a moderator are noted.

    B.M., as a moderator, I can not ignore his actions. As a human being, I can not ignore his outright lies about me.

    Hmmm.. I don't know much about Califonification State jobs- but the Federal Gov't jobs are plentiful around here (if they are hiring- they like to higher contractors around here too).  Basically, the feds like to hire you forever- so you now know how to answer the 'what will you be doing in 5-10-100 years from now' question(s).  They also like to lay people off (but, you get benefits).  I might concentrate on who your superiors might be (because Fed. jobs have such a tight description/ GS ranking/ and way to get a higher ranking).. and where you will be working- perhaps focus on how you have been able to work in a myriad of circumstances with a lot of different personalities.

    Good Luck!


    My answer would also be about 5-10-15 years down the road. This seems to be an important answer for interviewers!

    I, by the way, HATE those 5-10-100 years down the road questions! But, since the Feds want you to stay forever i figured i'd give away the answer so Bob doesn't have to sweat it!
    The last time I got the-"what will you be doing in 10 years from now" Q in an interview I burst out laughing...I got the job by the way (after saying that only God really knew what anyone would be doing in 10 years...I actually got the interviewer to admit that it was a stupid question :) )

    BOB- I might stay away from asking if the interviewer has any superstions they believe in..oh, and conspiracy theories! LOL

    In my practice interview, I said that I was not someone who job hopped. I am interviewing for THIS job because THIS is where I want to be in five years.
    This job is with Fresno County; I am also looking at state, federal, and IRS opportunities. Thank you for reminding me about the longevity question.

    Good Luck Bob! You  can do it! I made a comment on doolittles answer,  Everyone else seems to have you covered> Go girl, GO!

    I've been gone for a couple o' three days, what has happened?


    I scored 82 on the Appraiser test and ranked #6; I can't believe 80 people take that test and an 82 is the 6th highest score. Anyway, I have an interview Monday. Just looking for advice to make the best impression possible. I don't even know what to wear; I bought something today that I think will even make ME look professional :D

    Based on your akaQA record I would not worry about working on improving your asking questions and/or answering questions skills or worrying about. I would work on best demonstrating to your interviewrs your capability of learning new skills. Good luck!


    Thanks, valR, but it IS so much easier here. I can edit and take my time. I think I'll be ready...just a matter of keeping my foot out of my mouth.

    Right. Count to 5 before you answer anything :)

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