    i have a problem.

    just over 2 months ago i found out that i was pregnant but i was at a stage in my life that i knew that i couldnt handle caring for a child or be able to afford to have one. i dont want my children to be living on the streets or not having anything that they will need, i.e a roof over their heads. as i am still living with my parents i couldnt afford anything for the child so i decided to get it aborted. it was a mutual agreement between me and the father, even though my family dont see it that way. during the scan part they told me that i would be bleeding for up to 6 weeks after the abortion, but i only bleed for the day of the abortion and then it stopped. i dont know what this means please help. all i know is that i have had the implant put in and that i have been getting bigger still, if i was still pregnant then i would have been about 5 months gone now and my stomach looks like i am still pregnant. i dont know what to do. im scared to go to the doctors just incase they find something wrong with me

    +4  Views: 1116 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    Let go of your is not serving you well! Stacie029 please go right now to the clinic or emergency!Pleeease!!!Be brave and take charge of this situation!!

    Don't go to just any old general practioner. Go to a O.B./GYN, b/c this sounds serious
    lindilou are you?? Let us know honey!? Peace and love to you...LL

    I hope you have made your appt. to see your OB/GYN Dr. Don't forget we are all humans and we all make mistakes. Remember Jesus loves you and he will forgive u if you ask him to. You must be brave and take care of your body too. Also remember your parents love u no matter what mistakes u have made, They were young once too. Keep in touch with us,we care. We will be praying for you.

    14 Answers

    Go to the doctor! None of us here can answer your question!

    Aborted? Then something is wrong. See a doctor. Problem or no problem, something needs to be fixed......

    If the baby is still growing, it's second trimester of your pregnancy now.  You need to discuss this with an adult (could be a person other than your parents).  Don't try to do anything on your own.  You could contact adoption agencies in your area.  They may be able to offer you some options.  Right now you have the baby to consider and it's top priority, not you or your parents.  A church elder might be able to offer some advice too.  Good luck.


    She says the baby was aborted already. The swelling could be infection but I AM NOT A DOCTOR. (Disclaimer so Richard does not again attack me for posting something he considers wrong or incorrect).

    Fair enough. I still feel she needs some professional adult to help her through this.

    She does need some guidance. My OPINION is that she see a doctor to make sure the swelling is not an infection and to also make sure the abortion was actually carried out. She could still be pregnant if the doctor never actually did the procedure. A lot of what ifs that only a proper doctor can answer. I'd just go to the ER and tell them I'm in pain and feeling ill because of the swelling. Obamacare should cover all her needs now that it's law. Hope she can afford it.

    You are 19, that is old enough to give birth to a child safely. The medical problem is best attended to by a doctor.


    She already aborted the embryo.

    Whatever is wrong with you now must be dealt with by a doctor ASAP. The fact that you and your boyfriend chose to abort is something both of your conscience will have to deal with at some point. I went through the exact same scenario at your age. I'm sixty one today and not a day goes by where I don't ask for forgiveness for this terrible thing we did. I'm not the "Morality Police" but my attitude changed after the abortion. This was my life I put to death.


    It is not hard to understand how terrified you are. I would think your parents would have noticed that you are bigger; so would friends. 
    Bleeding for one day is NOT normal, and I wonder why your weren't seen after a recovery time of ten days or so.  
    Personally, I'm not happy with the implant for birth control, especially with you being young. Please consider another form of birth control, even abstinence, which isn't going to kill you, where darned near everything else could.

    Take a pregnancy test.  If it is positive, you need to get to an ob-gyn for care (and get that contraption out of your body).  If you are NOT pregnant you need to get to a doctor to find out what is going on.

    Be scared; I would be, too, particularly of what I might find out....but NOT taking care of this could kill you.  Now,  get the test, make the call, and call on your best friend for support. I hope you will also tell your parents. No one loves you more (and that's why they get so upset). 

    I know you are afraid. Something is not right and you schould see a DR. asp. Best of luck!

    As the O`S SAY..PLEASE see a doctor right away....pregnancy hormones can remain in your bloodstream for 2 to 3 weeks so..a pregnancy test may prove inconclusive!..You`ve been through a lot...and are not through it yet...but you do need to find the cause of your distended abdomen immediately...AS Colleen says(With disclaimer)..You could have an infection and need antibios and treatment...(Blood poisoning/septicaemia ,could occur if left untreated)...You may or may not be pregnant`s rare after a termination..but can happen..IT could be a number of things..(I CAN`T DIAGNOSE EITHER)!:-¬...But medical help and support via friends/family counselling sounds also very much needed to get you through the psychological side of things too!..PLEASE GO DOCTOR or E.R...I am worried for you!

    all the very best wishes xx

    It's your life Stacey.Take control & get the medical attention you need.Going by your photo you look to be about 14. Whatever age you are you are still much too young to be coping with this.Get to an OB/GYN clinic & get it sorted. Good luck.


    TU re get help...but I really don`t see her age is our business!..Just whatever concern as seems to be O`S is that she gets URGENT help!:-¬

    please go to your dr right away.tell your family everthinge. you will feel better.


    There are a lot of very kind, non-judgemental OBGYNs around!  Something is going on and you need some help.  I am understanding of the several fears that must be going through your head and heart right now but you need to get some help.  If you have a trusted relative or friend please consider asking them to come with you to the appointment (they can stay in the waiting room if you don't want them in the exam room).  Please, I am a healthcare worker and I want the best health for you!!!!


    Stacie..doolittle is one in med profession will be judging the wrong job if they did!...Great answer Doo!:-)

    Tnx Doo...I'm concerned for her too! :)

    .You have lost the baby and that is hard enough to bear. So please see your doctor asap. You will be fine but do it!  

    that should b a reason four you 2 go to the doc wut if there iz some thing wrong at least thay can take of u befour u get worse  not to b mean but I HOPE U ARE STILL pregnet I think all the reason u gave 4 not giveing birth to your babby are a cop out GOD would make a way four u to have what you need to care 4 your babby i wus fourteen when i miss carryed my daughtr she wus four & a half monts pre mucher & i was devistaed i got drunk all the tim but i now know she is an angel she never belond to me good luck God bless u


    I am sorry that you lost your baby..that`s tragic...but I don`t see anyone should start re the morals of abortion..this girl made a no doubt very difficult all that matters is that her physical health and mental well being is catered for!:-¬

    You realize, I hope, that a 14 year old teen is not the optimal parental choice. Why you were pregnant at 14 and getting drunk all the time after miscarrying is beyond me. You, I hope, will not have children until you are much older and have an education. YOU will be the example your child follows. Pregnant at 14 and a drunk?

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