    Obama Asks People Getting Married To Forgo Gifts, Ask Their Guests To Donate To His Campaign Instead…

    Yeah I would do that. I mean  once in life time you can get married with gifts or donate to Obama. No brainer there.


    +2  Views: 1434 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    I hope no one believes this. That's not even a reputable website. 

    ed shank

    I saw it on "FOX" and they are a reputable news source, perhaps the only one.

    Sorry, I don't agree that FOX is reputable.

    I agree with ed. I trust information from Fox News more than any of the other News stations.

    FOX news is the most unbalanced news source ever. Watch BBC, they get the truthful news.
    ed shank

    Colleen, Fox is not a liberal organization, however they do give anyone regardless of affiliation a platform to voice their opinion on Fox. Unfortunately not very many left wing takers. As far as getting my news from the English, what information could they possibly be privy to that we aren't?If I want to find out what hat the Queen is wearing today I'll try the BBC. Fox has the highest viewership for the last thirteen years.

    They are privy to the information our news stations are not allowed to cover. I've heard all the arguments for FOX news before. I stopped watching them when I realized how one sided a lot of their programming is. If they make you happy, watch away but I consider them to be the National Enquirer of the news sources. This b.s. story here is right up their alley.
    ed shank

    Your implying that our news is censored? By who? We have free speech here. If you slander or falsley accuse you can be held liable, but you already know that. Who is the boogy man?

    "Your implying that our news is censored? By who? We have free speech here."



    But you can convince yourself that freedom of speech is still 100% in force here. That's OK.
    ed shank

    Colleen, you can be extreme at times. Conspiracies to silence everyone, I guess. At least we agree on one issue, our President is not doing a good job and should not be re-elected.

    I retract my statement. I checked, sadly enough, this is true. Our president is begging money gifts that should go to loved ones for himself. Apparently someone in the Obama posse decided this would be a good idea for generating money. Now I wonder who is keeping our news agencies from making a comedy campaign out of this. He should be the laughing stock of the world with this stunt.

    This is not extreme and I am not alone. Do not trust your government and do not trust the news. We are fed only what the government wants us to know. This is why news reporters are no longer the news reporters of yesteryear. They just wait until they are told what to report on.
    ed shank

    Collen, Who than do we trust? The information we are fed nightly is not ALL contaminated. There must be some substance to issues that are reported on. We than have to make decisions on that information that is fed to us.

    Trust who you want then. Doesn't matter to me who you trust.

    Sorry guys I didn’t mean to start up so much trouble. I saw this on the Drudge report and thought I would share it.

    You stirred up no trouble Ed1530.

    Colleen. BBC News is around the world news and I agree its trustworthy. Fox has always been more forthcoming in theire reporting than MSNBC or CNN. I frequently check with the Cato institute about news and information..
    ed shank

    Ann, you are quite right. The liberal news reports half truths and the rest is distorted. The two you mentioned here are the biggest culprits. They just got caught editing a Romney piece and inserted laughter in the background during a speech on how to turn the economy around when in fact there was no laughter. People wanted to hear his plan. Chris Matthews has got to be the biggest idiot in the business. Then again there are an overwhelming number of idiots that believe his garbage.

    Ed, I hope some heads will roll on MSNBC and CNN.NBC altered a tape in the Trayvon Martin case and two producers were fired.MSNBC is Comedy Central" What a strange crew.MSNBC has low ratings, while fox has been Nr. 1 for quite a few years.CNN,s slogan is "Keeping them honest" What a joke.
    ed shank

    Ann, we are on the same page.

    I don't watch any of them. The internet tells me all I need to know. The internet can not be controlled.....yet, though Obama is trying.

    FOX takes a whif of the truth adds a lot of stink to it then reports it! They are not reputable.

    This has to be the stupidest thing I ever heard.

    At least he did not ask the newly weds to forgo sex.  That would be very un-American.

    Its called the obama event registry.  Now what kind of dumbass  would participate in this. Oh, the same idiots that voted for him in the first place. They are preying on the truly incompetent people that dont know any better. Obama will say and do anything to suck money away from you.

    I don't plan on ever getting married again not to mention receiving gifts for such a state. I wouldn't ask a friend to donate to a cause I'm against in the first place.........

    The man is a "Swine". He will stoop to any level to be re-elected.

    Michelle needs to put him in a head lock. 

    country bumpkin

    Ish pulled this racist crap last year.

    Funny, thanks...

    I just read his Q and A from his profile. No wonder he's only 30 points.

    Why would Obama ask this?


    He's running scared and Mitt's money raising ability is increasing faster than his, Just suck up more money from the taxpayers he's been robbing the past four years, with dumb-ass things like trading in your 'old clunker' for a rebate, at taxpayers expense. Not just you taxpayer, but the next generation for ever ever ever.

    Romney will be no better than Obama. Don't think we'll be saved if he gets in. We're sunk either way. Obama/Romney, same, same.

    The south lead the world in hating and no one can out hate them so Obama knows better than think he will get hater votes from here. We have a great president but people would rather hate than to hear any of his issues. The GOP cut down every thing he put before them because of hate and no fear of God. Why can't they love the white half of him. You're too busy hating the black side of him  that the white side of him go un noticed. I won't ask you to stop hating because it is too deep in you for you to stop and you have hated so long that you think you are right.but I still pray for all of you.


    Do not try to use race as your reason for the rest of the rational world to not agree that Obama is a great president. You lose the argument and credibility as soon as you make the claim no one likes him because he's black. I come from a mixed family. I have full out black relatives and I have a niece and two nephews who are mixed race, just like Obama is. The difference between them and Obama is they are honest about their heritage and embrace both their white and black sides. Obama does not do this. Why? Because he dislikes white people. He calls himself a back man like all he's ever known is a black life. HE ignores his white heritage. If you want to toss around the race issue, toss it at Obama and Michelle. She dislikes white people more than her husband does. Next, take a look at his track record. If he were a stronger president and knew how to pull the people together and knew how to work with congress, he might have gotten more accomplished to the positive side. Congress may have stopped him from breaking even more constitutional laws than he has already broken. No one here hates Obama, they just dislike his policies and the fact he keeps creating laws that strip yet another right from the American people.

    You are dead wrong in your rant. Stop copying what you hear others say and start paying attention to that man you call great. The only thing great about him is his ego.
    You should not cross spiritual boundaries and pray for people who did not ask you to pray for them. That kind of prayer is a selfish prayer because you are asking God to make people think like you. God may smite you for doing that.

    "The south lead the world in hating". ...
    I imagine you have scientific and sociological documented studies to back this statement up.
    If you don't, you have lost this argument in the first third of your opening statement.
    I will wait for the evidence before I delve into this any further.

    Colleen, you are right. I could not have said it any better.
    ed shank

    Colleen, well put.
    country bumpkin

    Ish: I retract my statement I made about you last year. Save your prayers for Obama, the black side and the white side.

    You have got to be kidding. Take your racist BS and get your head examined. It took more than the "black" vote to get your candidate elected, so can the color crap.
    His plans get thumbs down from the GOP because the GOP isn't a bunch of idiots. Fear of God? I think you will find a large number of God-fearing members of the GOP.
    Now, thank you for the prayers, but I wonder what you are praying.
    You want to talk prejudice and discrimination, we'll talk about Armenians some time. You are way out of line.

    I really wish people would read the things they TU. I know both Ann's and Ed's political views and this is not it, yet they both TU'd this. It's my personal opinion that ish is the biased and prejudice person here holding his/her beliefs against anyone who does not agree with him/her. This rant does not rate a TU from anyone other than another prejudice person and I know Ann and Ed are not that.
    I've therefore given it a TD because I find it to be an out of line insult against the people of this forum who do their darnedest to keep racism off these pages. Ish does not deserve the points from a TU for slandering the members here.

    ish, you are way out there.. LOL I'm not in the south and although I don't hate Obama, i certainly don't like him. I just don't get where you people say he is a great president, what has he done that is sooo great? and pleeeze, don't bring up that he is stifled due to Bush's failed policies, i already have that argument going on here in another thread. I definitely see MORE HATE from the left than i see from the right, and I see much more racism from the left as it is ALWAYS the left that brings up race. i don't care he's half black and half white, I don't like his white half either. And BTW, if there is any praying to be done, you had better begin praying for america if you want to keep your freedom-- already the libs are telling you what cars to buy, what you should eat, how to regulate your temps at home and what to feed your dog.. They are forcing us into captivity and our beloved president is totally for this government run peoples. This is the peoples g'ment, Not Obama's and the liberals. The hate is coming from your people, not ours but you will constantly bring it us as if it really does exist. also, I am not a religious person either, i just go by facts, not instigated lies and false promises.. I'm sorry ish, but you lose..

    Look at these answers you can see who's screwed up.



    ish The hatred is embedded so deep here we can't do anything about it and you can't either so do what you do. I pray to God to help me to love it's hard but I love thru God. When a police just shoot an un arm man with known mental issues and get it justified and return to work. That tells me what find of community I live in. Don't get me wrong I am not trying to change you because that won't happen. If a person don't mine lying you can't win with him/her anyway.

    Again, just because we disagree with his policies or lack there of, does not mean we hate him. Just because you can not defend him and his weak policies, do not use the race card or the hate card against us. It's very childish. How about he hears our issues? We've heard enough of his..........whaaaaa, it's Bush's fault....mommy! Those are his issues. All 16 trillions of them. Yes, I see clearly who is screwed up. Anyone who supports the socialist president. Are you till waiting for your hand out from his ish? Or did you get yours already?

    Oh and "We have a great president"? Bwaaahahahaha!!!!! Thanks for the laugh!

    Please do not accuse anyone here of lying. I am the most honest person you will ever find. I am completely honest about my dislike of Obuma and his policies. You are acting like a silly little child having a tantrum. Put in some extra prayers about learning how to love. Apparently God is not listening to you or you are not listening to God. Which ever way it is, having temper fits, thinking people need to change just because they do not agree with you and calling us liars makes it quite obvious you are a fake religious person. You believe in the Obuma god more than you do your creator. Sad.

    I hate a hater... LOL...

    After all of this, I still have not seen one spit of evidence that proves the 'south' leads the world in hating. Are you basing this statement on what is happening in your community? Have you travelled abroad lately?

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