    Do you think the old woman who was bullied on the bus deserved all that money?

    ...or do you think the money would be better used for funding an anti-bully foundation?

    +9  Views: 1372 Answers: 18 Posted: 11 years ago

    Here's a poor old bugger trying to do a job.Trying to keep the kids all safe as well as others.She deserves it.

    <moved as it is an answer to the the author'sown question and should be posted as part of the question or here in the blue comment area. This prevents double karma from one question.>


    There was a college kid who secretly videotaped his gay roomate while the boy was pleasuring himself. This video got on You Tube and the boy killed himself. This is not unusual.

    The poor bus woman certainly needed something but I think $500.000 and an all-expense paid trip to Disney Land seems excessive. That amount of money could be used to help kids whose lives will be ruined from bullying. They will suffer lack of self esteem, ptsd, anger, depression.

    The woman will suffer too but is MONEY the answer to that type of pain to the soul. Her life will not go on as long as the children who have been hurt. That money will go to her children when she dies.

    If you feel money is needed to stop bullying in schools, start a collection drive and get the money for just that. This poor woman will end up earning all the money and the trip just from being judged by so many people for being awarded this gift. Money IS the answer for her. She would still have received money had she decided to sue the boy's parents and the school. She never once thought to sue. She does not want to sue. In her words, "the boys are being punished enough." This woman has a good heart and does not need people judging her or deciding for her what should be done with HER money.

    By the way, about the gay man, his roommate video taped him having sex with another male. His roommate outed him to not only the campus but to the world. That's why the young man killed himself.

    The amount given shows the hearts and minds of many people. Wonderful! Now if people will only continue on and give $$ and creative thought to the cause of anti-bullying. This one incident has done much to bring attention to how bullying can harm. I hope this positive energy continues on and on. The Bus Lady has become a hero. : )

    18 Answers

    Good Topic but i feel its none of our buisness I like what itsmee said (the song) teach your children well how true is that


    Thanks mel, I played that song at every preschool graduation. I get tears when I think of the little kids marching up to get their rainbow colored diploma. I played True Colors too. It seems that music is heard in the heart and words are heard in the brain.

    itsmee like you love that song and yes it does bring tears to my eyes I would like to see that song played in all schools and drumed in to the future parents thanks xxx

    Give her the money.  The kids were really nasty.

    Why would anyone think they have a right to decide or even question what she should do with her money? Everything happens for a reason. A greater power is in charge and that power decided that she has earned all that she is getting.

    I found it funny that a father to one of the boys was whining that his family is being harassed while she is being taken care of like this. He forgets that he helped to raise the bully. He is getting exactly what he deserves, as is his wife and the son. They all had a hand in creating a bully. Everything works out exactly as it should. Everyone is getting exactly what they earned. 



    "Teach your children well." A good song by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

    I agree with you 1000% with both issues you addressed in your answer.

    I have no problem with her getting the $$$. I hope the kids got their arses kicked tho.


    The kids and their families are getting death threats.

    I don't go along with the threats but I'm glad they're getting the beJesus scared outa them.Now they know what it's like.

    She did not ask for the money, The people who donated the money, were horryfied by what these bullies did. She deserves the money,.

    Yes good luck to her, and I hope the yobs get what they deserve.

    When people can give money to charity its a tax deduction.

    Allow this poor woman to have some money for her suffering..


    ....I don't think the money donated to this woman can legally be called a charitable contribution. If that were the case, any dollar or burger you gave a homeless person would be tax deductable. It isn't.
    Deleted User

    Most Charitable donations are a tax deduction in Australia, even an individual can claim there donations at tax time, I hope its different there.. I was talking about donating it to an anti bully association..

    If it is given to her as a civil matter, they would not be able to get a tax refund no..

    After want she went through with those ignorant morons, she definitely deserves the money and vacation.

    You're right, those organizations need the $'s ONLY, the money is a gift given by people who choose to give it to HER. If my dad sends ME $5 I'm not going to give a dollar to my neighbor.....

    This may be a little harsh to some, public caning as they have in Singapore would most likely put a stop to this disrespect along with their parents, yes she deserves every cent for what these imbeciles did to her.

    People donated money to her to show their outrage at the actions of the students. Guess a lot of people wanted to show their disgust. Good for her. That amount of money would be a mere drop in the bucket for funding any type of anti-bullying program.


    Here is an excellent answer.

    I watched the entire ten minutes the other night. This ten minutes will certainly tell the world just what bullying is/can be. I think of it as a rape.
    I'd like to know a lot about the families of the kids who did the harm. I wonder if the way parents raise their children cause the evil. Or does it just come about as a follow-the-leader type of 7th grade thing. Such harm.

    Yes I do maybe cause  I'm jealous it wasn't me ,sh!t for $ 400 large i'd take a beating ..


    This man I know said, "I hope evil people don't start wearing Tee shirts that are lettered "Bully Me." They may be short of cash and think that's a way of getting it. Now don't get me wrong, I'm just sayin...

    It's a sad world I heard of a guy who cut off a couple of fingers at work just for the cash..

    daren 1 your comment is my good laugh for the day. but i know what you mean.

    "Deserve" to my way of thinking means that one gets what one has earned, or has coming to him in compensation for deeds.  I deserved the money I received working for the tax company. 

    I don't know that anyone "deserves" anything for being threatened and bullied, but that is what has happened.  So, while my answer to the question is "NO", I don't begrudge the woman, nor whatever she chooses to do with it.

    One thing this DOES show me is that people are compassionate and giving, even in an economy that is on life support. 


    The people who gave the money felt she deserved it.

    I'm just going with my opinion because that's what itsmee asked in her question.
    Would I think I deserved all that for going through what she endured? I doubt it, but I'd sure be happy to take it. Would I want to go through all that to GET the money? Not really. Would I take it and be thankful? Without a doubt. What would I do with all of it? I don't know.

    The monies were given by sympathetic individuals. No one expected that the amount would be that high. She should keep it and retire in comfort.

    She should give it all to the government because they know how to spend money better than you or I or her could. They are smarter on where the money really needs to go.


    You ARE kidding, right?

    Yep, that’s our Ed for ya. : D

    No!! Money would be better used for funding.


    Funding what and where? Foundations often end up using .05 of every dollar for the actual "cause". Would all those who gave from their hearts to her feel the same giving to a foundation? Probably not. I wouldn't.

    $400,000 or even $500,000 would not go far. How exactly would it be used? By the way, do you all have any kind of funding going on in your country to stop them from hanging homosexuals just because they are homosexual? What gives you the right to even voice your opinion about funding to stop bullying? Your laws and religion bullies people daily.
    Deleted User

    I have to agree with Bob and Colleen.
    Funding where?
    Education starts at home, people should not be funding anti bullying programs parents should be teaching their children not to do it.

    They already have really good programs in the states maybe supporting them would be good?
    Allow this woman some compensation, she probably dislikes traveling in public and shudders at the sight of kids, no amount of funding will stop that for her...
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    Funding is also used to do something useful or to help the needy or poor .
    Deleted User

    But it was saying funding an anti discrimination foundation , there was nothing about it being soread anywhere else !

    We have other foundations for the needy and the poor. We have too many actually and too many like to live on it and never improve their lives.

    Kids and their mischievous little monkey brains bull baiting an old lady….whips were made as a way of correcting that behavior and now we consider that child abuse….our culture is evolving between right and wrong and will eventually develop workable solutions that answers the question. The kids are ignorant and ill mannered. Military style discipline works wonders on behavioral quirks and need not be denied children for such conduct.  


    Before seeing this bus episode, I would not have gone along with “military style discipline,” but now I see right in front of my face what kids can do and will do.
    I believe that these boys would not have acted so horribly if they had been raised right. Right from the beginning. Right from the crib. Right from in utero.
    But now they are what they have become and what’s left to do? It’s too late for "treating them well” in the usual way. I’m all for your method, robertgrist. This plan should be sent to the town newspaper.

    All great gifts come from God.  Maybe Karma and God felt she needed a great gift.  I sure most of us would accept such a gift and then do good for ourselves and others.


    I saw on the news that her gift has reached $650,000.

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