    is it real that chinees do eat dogs

    +4  Views: 1091 Answers: 15 Posted: 11 years ago

    15 Answers

    I have never personally witessed this.  I have never eaten in China.  None of my Chinese friends eat dog meat.  I have, however watched documentaries on television that claimed the Chinese do and showed the most horrible clips to prove this practice to be fact.

    I am a vegetarian for more than one reason... documentaries leave a lasting impression.


    Apparently it is true.....yes.


    Ha ha ha...Google Translate needs to add a new section...English idioms. Just joking, Hector. I understand 'cept for the China plate. lol

    Yes in fact i know of a chinese guy who threw his dog out the window.... too much mustard...!

    Some Asian countries do consider dog meat to be a deilacy.However..,,the dogs are especially bred for the purpose,kinda like battery hens. If you think dog meat is repugnant consider that some Asians eat monkey. In fact it is the main meat dish to go with their rice.


    Yeah. Ciao baby!


    A very common practice among the very poor and those who like dog...........

    I would prefer not to eat dog but I have friends who would eat pretty much anything. Life can be pretty harsh on the diet during a war and some folks get stuck, in their own head. Bugs on the menu is more than I can keep down. 

    I read on line, that they bread cats,  then skin them alive, and sell fur.  Guess, the eat the cats. OMG.


    Mmmmmmmm…..Kittens and dumplings…what a treat! joking of course.

    The Phillipinos are reported to eat dogs.......The Chinese and most Asians WILL eat anything that moves on land, in water or in the sky and things that grow of course.

    People, the Chinese eat dogs and cats. Living in a cave are we?

    Yes, Chinese do eat dogs. A friend of mine from Hong Kong told us that there are shops there with all kinds of dogs in the window. You can pick the dog you wish to eat and they will cook it for you. In Taiwan, if you own a pet dog you need to keep it inside at night. People will climb over your fence and take it away, to eat. They believe that dog will make them sexy. Chinese are allowed to eat anything with it's back to the sky, you can eat. So don't go down on all fours at any time in those countries.


    ROFLMAO! Too funny!!! :D

    Lol on "all fours".

    People in some countries consume horse flesh which I find reprehensible, too.


    I know it's an emotional answer but horses, cats and dogs are off my menu. I don't eat veal or lamb, either. Minimal beef, some chicken, pork and fish, because I'm not vegetarian.

    I watched a show on Larry King Live, a few year back It was 2 am in the morning about killing dogs and cats for fur and I am sure they eat them afterwards after stripping theire fur. It was so graphic and so disgusting, it took me 3 month to get over it. Now its come back to haunt me again. I still can remember every detail about this documentary. It actually made me sick.


    hector, I cant go into the gruesome details, but one thing haunts me almost everday, is 2 cats that were left in a large cage. A black and white cat was way back in the cage, holding on to a orange tabby with her front paws, while they were trying to take the tabby to her gruesome jouney. The black and white cat knew what was happening. I felt so bad, I could not help them.
    ed shank

    I watched it as well, your right it was probably the worst thing I've ever seen on TV. It still haunts me today.

    Ed, these people are monsters.I will never forget what I saw.

    I saw some American guy trying to eat another guy's face last week, without any soy sauce.  That's pretty odd too.

    You might look edibly enticing to a few cannibals in Borneo, innoflash!


    Hahahaha. At least put some wasabi/soy sauce while chew on his nose cartilage.

    I believe cats make better curry, but apparently are too good to share, so I guess it's chicken we get


    your forgiven hector,I like baked lambshanks!!

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