    How would you put a stop to "gangs"?

    Gangs have been a big problem in my area for over 20 years. When my now 25 year old son came home from school on the bus back in second grade, he asked me what "this" meant and drew a gang symbol. He'd seen a kid draw it in the condensation on the window. The kids on the bus were ALL under the age of 12. I'll post my own ingenuous resolution to the problem, but maybe some of you have less facetious suggestions.  Thanks.

    +6  Views: 1356 Answers: 16 Posted: 11 years ago


    ITS the "desert with you Girl!! double dipping Indeed !!

    16 Answers

    Take them all to the middle of the desert, give them all guns and let them kill each other...Give them only a little water and food.


    My thoughts exactly. They won't last more than a few days anyway so they won't need much food or water and being the desert, they can be left where they lay. Food for the wildlife.

    I'd like to see distinct boundaries for the gang war out there. Don't want any of them sneaking off. Hunger Games anyone? No winners allowed.

    Smack dab in the middle of the desert, they can sneak all they want. No food and no water and they'd never make it back to civilization.

    BEST ANSWER includes Colleen's addendum. Thank you, ladies. Well done.

    I agree but why water or food? I'd give them nothing

    Maybe because we are humane?

    do they show us any humanity, do they care about taking the lives of the innocent,give them guns..yes I said that! take out to the Simpson dessert and let em loose

    Like this could ever happen in the first place.

    I'd like to say give em all jobs and an education something to strive for show em all some self worth but that will never happen, so i would have to go with Eggplants answer but that will never happen either..

    I don't know. I had never heard of "gang" until I was nearly 30.  I would think "they'd" outgrow it but some are in for life! I don't know. Just raise your kids better than that. Easier said then done......


    We had an incident here not long ago where two men were arrested for tattooing a minor with gang graphics. One was the kid's father. The child was under ten. They were both convicted of child endangerment, if I remember right. Sentenced to prison for a considerable amount of time. Not long enough, of course.

    My answer is similar to eggplant's, but is revenue-generating.  I would "invite" them to a gang showdown at a football or baseball stadium.  Sell tickets and have a full refreshment detail.  No one HAS to show, but you will get some audience. Provide for the safety of the audience (and no one in a gang can be audience; only participant). At the signal to start, the gangs start gunning, knifing, driving by and otherwise annihilating each other. Let this continue until the last gang (what is left of it) is standing. 
    Bury the losers; arrest the "winners". This may need to be done on a regular basis, but I actually think it could be pulled off; ego blinds, especially misplaced. 

    ed shank

    Has the ring of the Roman coliseum, minus the popcorn.

    Bob, just want to point out you are getting karma two ways for one question. I will be messaged about this, I just know I will. You should have posted this to the blue area as a comment to your question. Now one person can TU you for your comment and TU you for the question.

    not something I would care to witness, I think making it a public event could also encourage some of the other whako's out there,but by all means let them kill each other, not the innocent bystanders who all too often find themselves unwittingly involved with their violent and sub human behavior,

    There could be some victims and/or relatives of victims who would be only too glad to watch them destroy each other.
    I have trouble with stuff like that. The Hunger Games was a well-done movie, but the violence and premise of the "game" disturbed me greatly.
    millie111 fun without the popcorn!!;-)

    If our world only had opportunities for everyone, richardjames, your thoughts could be productive. The world isn't the oyster it once was.

    Unless you keep that constant schedule for them, listing exactly what they need to do in a day and keep it all regimented for them, they would just revert to being gang members once they hit the streets with no one to guide them. These people can not function on their own. That's why they end up in gangs where they are instructed how to act by superiors and a leader. They need the structure someone else builds because they can not build their own. They can not be alone or do things on their own, they need to be led and told what to do. Education is lost on people like them.

    There is, on rare occasion, one who breaks away and makes a decent life for him/her self. They are the exception, though.

    There is no anwer to your Question. The root-cause is poverty, absentee fathers and drugs. We can all sit back and watch them kill each other, but unfortunately they kill many innocent people too, In my opinion, drugs are the biggest problem. .



    That's why we ship them to the desert!

    So lets do it!

    I'm starting the bus now. Get your big net out and we'll start rounding them up :)

    I am in my pyjamas. you have to wait. The gangs are 1 1/2 hours away from here.I bring my fishing net.

    Bring the big tuna net! We need to round them up by the hundreds!

    I wish I had one. Maybe we can use fishing rods the hooks are pretty painful. We have to aim for the lower front and reel them in.

    Hahahaha, you're pretty vicious when you want to be!

    Yea I know, its getting out of hand and I am getting tired. Time for bed soon.

    Sleep well. :)

    1. Reintroduce the draft. Failure to sign up puts you in prison for five years.

    2.  Americans are armed, kill every one of them. For every five killed, you get two points removed from your drivers license.

    Unfortunately there is no legitimate answer. When the good people stand together in masses and confront them and hang several of them. They might get the message. They understand only one thing and that is VIOLENCE.


    I would really like to see our prison system revamped. Prisoners are treated like kings and queens (no pun intended) and many of the personnel are all-too-often sadists who often themselves should be behind bars.

    I agree ed,a couple of years in one of the military services would instil some respect,self control and responsibility,as well as another form of education
    ed shank

    Not sure that anyone should improve the prison system. I'm a parent also and I can feel what you've had to endure with your boys. Mine was in the county facility several times for relatively short stays, as was I during my a$$hole years. Jail is a place to avoid at all cost. Don't do the crime and you won't have to do the time. I learned the hard way, but I learned it eventually. Prison guards are surrounded by the dregs of humanity, they very often lose their own humanity in the process. Prisoners should be protected from violence, rape, etc; but prison should be a place that punishes those who cannot live in a civil society.

    My son is "comfortable" where he is now, on the 2012 Central California Jail Tour. I don't want him "comfortable". I want him miserable and being more sure with every passing day that he never wants to do anything that will put him in this situation again.
    ed shank

    I really hope the hell he's going through now will stay with him forever in his thoughts, it will be the only deterent to returning there again. I wish him well.

    Thanks, JP. You've been supportive through the whole ordeal and I sincerely appreciate your concern.

    My idea would be premote them as Gladiator ,Wellcome to the Roman time.With a little beer and Pop-corn. all good entertainment. Let make a bad situation into a good one.

    angs have always been around however, today's gangs go way beyond the old 'rumble' of yesterday when they were only street fighting.  Here in CA we have a terrible gang problem and being arrested and going to jail is cool to them, they will commit crimes just to go to jail.  So.. My first line of defense is not making prison life 'The Life of Reilly' . Because we have so many 'do-gooders' with guilt complexes we can not punish those that need punishing, instead, we give them a nice room, 3 meals, full medical, entertainment and a chance to mingle with friends..  This must stop, there needs to be fear of prison life.  Secondly, here in the USA,  many gangs are comprised of illegals and they must be illegal to join, I see this as an easy crackdown but nothing is done about it. The problem is not the gangs as much as the system controlling the gangs. We need more whip and less honey.  But, this will not happen.. Too bad.   


    100% agree on the prison reform


    i have worked with gang kids in a few group homes.  The sad thing is many of them are really great kids.  As everybody on this site has been saying, they have so many factors against them.  I know I am personally sick of gangs, gang writing on trucks and walls. it is disgusting.  I think the only solutions, which are unlikely to happen, is to get rid of the violence on tv, movies, songs.  Make it be a requirement to master a musical instrument by 9th grade.  Make a culture that does not teach them to act violently or foolish.  People get rewarded in this culture for acting foolish. We complain when they act on what we are constantly teaching them.  I been fighting against violence in music for 25 years, which glorifys and mystifies bad behavior.  Which might be ok to listen to if you are over 18.  This generation has been listening to it for over 20 years and boy have we created a mess not to mention a lost generation of young people.


    What happened to "us" that we have gotten to the point where we actually stimulate poor behavior through "entertainment". The people who could start making a difference are the ones who have the media exposure....politicians, entertainers, sports figures....bummer.

    You can't stop the gangs just like they couldn't stop the music,,,, "nobody can stop the music"....



    Ahhhh, the music got resurrected! :)
    Deleted User

    :D makes you want to dance :))

    Well move to the music at least. I don't dance.
    Deleted User

    :) LOL .. I know for some reason gay boys got the dancing gene :))

    As I have mentioned in a comment, a couple of years in the military made mandatory would teach some discipline and respect, jail only takes the violence to another level, let them kill each other, or maybe the return of the death penalty (dare I say it) might be a deterrent or at least rid society of this scum, this can longer be ignored, nor  should anyone be expected to tolerate this anti social violent behavior, personally I would have no qualms about injecting these gang members with a lethal dose,(and I'm a welfare worker, a so called "do gooder") get them off our streets and out of society


    Lamb, National Service would also include females who are just as bad nowadays, do you agree?.

    bulletman absolutely, and some of the females are worse than the males

    Umbriel,I see your point,my father was a military man (remind you of a song lol)my ex husband a drafted conscript,managed to get degrees in electronic and aeronautical engineering (Air Force)as for myself I joined the Army,hated it and I'm sure they were glad to see the back of me,over many years I have formed the opinion that a background with the military assists forming a solid sense of self,camaraderie,and respect.Buck the system and you will surely be put back in line swiftly,there are many opportunities and it forms a solid grounding should they choose a civilian life after their discharge,there unfortunately will always be the one who chooses not to take advantage or uses the knowledge gained for less than desirable purpose,however I still think that for the main it is a very reasonable solution.

    Eggie you are too generous, i would not leave water or food either, let them suffer like they have done to others.


    It's a way of appeasing the bleeding hearts who would think the idea of sticking them in the desert to shoot it out was cruel. At least we will humanely give them a fighting chance to survive with some food and water.

    Colleen,I'm not so sure the do gooders would interfere too much, we're over the violent and stupidity of gangs, too many innocent lives lost to these warts on mankind

    They should have the police walk the beat again. That's the problem.........the police don't get up close and personal in the gangs' territory like David Wilkerson did....or like the police did in " West Side Story " . Yes,  I know that movie was fictional,but the police really did patrol the gangs more closely like that . I even had a prof of psychology in the 80s say that the prob is.......the police don't walk the beat anymore.

    Gangs arise in the absence of family as a substitute learning & experiencing social system. Since they are usually led by outspoken children who have been alienated  from their home life by drugs, alcohol and a broken social order they lead toward a quest for order and discipline they did not receive at home and gather other similar children to their chosen “turf”and way of life. Their strength is extended to and throughout the gang membership, typically in a cost vs benefit scheme designed to instill loyalty, and ranking. These gangs have potential for harm and/or benefit. Our US Founding Fathers were to the British little more than a gang of thugs and ruffians who, left to their own devices  eventually inspired the populous to become an independent nation. The roots of gangs is in the intolerable conditions of home life and inequality…the small, beaten down, minority.  

          We have brought order to this situation through a variety of organized activities such as athletics, dance and music clubs while abandoning the more pressing needs of home economics, Shops in repair and construction of electronics, pottery, arts & crafts etc.

        The apparently pressing need for economic compromise nationally has negatively affected everyone. The solution as I see it is to eliminate our most pressing economic concern entirely by any and every way possible…That would be petroleum and coal as an energy source. We have ways of doing that without failing into an economic depression.         


    Today's gangs have evolved into outright tyrants and thugs of the society they exist in. Gangs of old actually has some ideals of honor. I do not believe honor exists anymore in the gangs of today. Now it's all about besting each other in how much damage, destruction, assaults and theft they can do.

    " Corral them and ship them to (Afghanistan) and have them fend for them self's, of course I'd arm them with weapons and what not it's only right, and I'd give our our military (Men) a ticket stateside." tell you what!


    I kinda like the idea of putting gangbangers in a position where they have to pull up their pants and go on the defensive.

    shoot them all. I`m not real positve about this subject.

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