    I have just received an e-mail asking if I have ever considered a Russian bride, apparently they are very loving and considerate and are also domesticated? I thought that perhaps if I got one they could help my wife around the house, do the washing, (I could get her her own rock!) and do some of the other jobs my wife hates. I must admit i'm very tempted but I have told my wife yet, I thought it would be a surprise! Well? ),

    0  Views: 555 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    11 Answers

    Cute joke!  Thanks for the laugh... now, go and mow the lawn.


    LOL! :)

    Hire a maid or  get off your arse and help your wife with some of the housekeeping. I have a feeling you're a pig and she's just tired of cleaning up after you.

    A lot of people have also been scammed by these advertisements.. How would your wife feel if you married someone else?

    She sounds like a cow ready to be milked.

    LOL , I am sure she will be all for it , if you can get her a husband 2 for the price of one :)))

    But of course! But wait...Sunday is Father's Day...let your wife get the new one for you!! ;)

    My wife would probably say go ahead, it would give her a break. lol


    From what, pray tell, Sunny Boy? lol ;)

    If your in the states your in for a big surprise. Once they become Americanized, your days of being catered to are over forever. You'll be wearing the apron and giving her a pedicure.

    I'm glad I'm not your wife if this is the sort of thing you think of as a gift. Doesn't sound like you've put my realistic thought into the matter............

    Are you really serious about doing this? In the US, where I live, it would be illegal to bring a bride over under the guise of marriage, when you have other plans. There is a plethora of forms that you would have to send in, and swear to, with dire consequences if you lie.. You would have to meet the bride at least once and prove to the gov't that you did. That said, I've been looking for a Russian bride myself and found a website that has women who are drop-dead gorgeous, but almost all of them are Ukrainian. A lot of them are loving and considerate, but there are many who are just scammers. Maybe you can find a Russian who is in Wales already?

    Deleted User

    He may need to check her paper work in case she is Serbian instead :))

    Bad Idea! By the way, what would be your cost? Plus don't forget you would be a bigamist! More court costs there!

    PS, would one be enough?


    Better ask your wife? :)
    Deleted User

    LOL get a spare incase :)))

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