    How do you like to celebrate your birthday? (If you do, that is)

    Is there a special birthday that sticks out in your mind? What happened?  Have you reached an age where you "don't have any more birthdays"?  Remember Jack Benny.....always 39.  

    +10  Views: 1824 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    I stuck at 28...until those wrinkles and gravity took effect- ROFL!!!!

    18 Answers

    Usually at one of my favorite restaurants.  That's all I need to do.....EAT.     :)


    That's usually what I do. Although around here you have to go 40 miles to find one where they actually know how to cook. It's a sad truth, except for one chinese restuarant. But after awhile, you get tired of chinese food!

    "EAT WHAT ?? DUCK !! I love "DUCK"

    Usually going out to dinner and having a cake afterwards, lots of phonecalls, since most of my family live in different parts of the country. I dont care for presents, but I always get them anyway. Birthdays were more fun, when my children still lived in the area.

    When I was a child, our birthday was celebrated with a home made cake fresh out of the oven, and the rest of the family singing "Happy Birthday". That's still the way I would prefer it, however, This year is the big "70", and I think there's going to be a big bash. I have also requested the final item on my "bucket list" (which shall remain a secret) be fulfilled, and though my children are game, the wife isn't being very cooperative.


    The "Big 70" is a good one! :)

    Ditto..Ducky and dondowningjr..Have a HAPPY birthday!!xx

    I have fond memories of my 13th birthday.  We were living in a town with the population less than 900 so my girlfriends and  I walked around town until midnight  toilet papering several houses. This was a blast until the coach caught us wrapping his house.  He threatened to tell our parents but for some reason he never did. We made prank phone calls, listened to music (Andy Gibb), and talked about boys till dawn.


    Having carefully studied your answers over the past 13 months leaves me to believe you haven't changed much from when you were 13. :o)
    country bumpkin

    Why would you be CAREFULLY studying my answers? I've changed some, I don't toilet paper houses. LOL

    Ahh...toilet paper. How innocent that seems now, compared to today's youth. :(

    DID YOU. Ever thought that you would fancy a Tall SCOT`s man in a "mini KILT HAIRY KNEES. His "TITLE Is KOTF.Know who I mean ??
    country bumpkin

    Follow Follow

    With a blueberry pie, Yummy.


    I just love a quiet excellent excuse for retail therapy and a spa with the girls...Chocolate Cake...and usully an indoor picnic with the kids and family...Not A big DO!!:-)


    Doo want's to be with you on your next B-Day...sounds divine!

    sounds like my kind of birthday, I'd love it

    Hell no. I dread that day every year. Everyone in the family knows not to call and wish me a Happy Birthday. I shut off the phone if I see a family number on the caller ID.


    ed shank

    Celebrating getting old is crazy. My body is 61 my head is still 19, and watching myself dying a little every day is not fun. Tick tock, tick tock.

    But....wiser by the year! :)

    That`s a shame ed!:-(...I know not everyone likes birthdays..but it`s still YOUR special day!!

    Growing up, we got to request any dinner we wanted. Now, I'll take myself out to eat at a favorite restaurant. Birthdays are my day, I like to sit around an feel special.......


    ....cuz you ARE

    Thanks, Phyl.....

    You are special!

    I had a nice one this year- all of you wished me well (which meant a lot!!!) and I got to see my parents and spent the actual day with a very funny close friend!  No big fan fare= just love- which is exactly what I needed!!!!!


    I like those kind of days.

    Glad for you.and many more to "FOLLOW"



    Well, I guess it's taking over planets. LOL! (Just kidding Bob).

    Do I need to "dress" for this occasion? :)

    Too Cool!!!!

    I tell you what, it meant a lot to hear from my aka family!!!!!

    I am very lucky ,about my "Birthday it falls on OCTOBER THIRD ."So!! you say!! "AH My "WEDDING Anniversary Is the SEVENTH OF OCTOBER. I can never forget IT" I am asked "How do you remember your Anniversary I cant "LIE" I just say FOUR DAYS after my Birthday. "FIFTY TWO YEARS HAVE GONE BY. I  love My JOSEPHINE and SON ALISTER  BIRTHDAYS  MORE .Take them out for a meal a little gift "OH and a "CARD we love CARDS.   I am contented  with "LIFE"Because I  have two people "who make my days "HAPPY !!


    Let them know often!!!!!

    :-)...All you need is love!!:-))


    I generally work, have a few quiet drinks with friends and get very embarrassed if people make a fuss, my husband came into the pub one year with a big sparkly cake announcing to all it was my birthday, the thought was nice but I could have crawled under the table. I did however forget I had already turned 50 and repeated that one for a couple of years, got a great automatic garage door opener the second time I turned 50 and love it


    Ha- I'm gonna try that!!!

    yep Doo, worked a treat, though it wasn't intentional

    On a bird-singing spring day,

    A bunch of us in a writers' group got together and wrote stupid stuff in my back yard. The day went on and we got silly and then sillier. Cheech would have laughed at us. It was my best birthday. Everybody brought food.  


    Is this a writers' group in Fresno? I would really like to know more about it!

    It was in another town. I don't write for real anymore but it might be fun to start one.

    I am up for that. Have a friend who does a lot of writing. He goes to Pacific, CSUF, etc., taking courses online and in classrooms. It would be a LOT of fun. Let me know if you are interested and I'll get hold of him. We could make it happen.

    I dont celbrate my birthdays any more.


    It is still a special day to those who care!

    Well the last birthday I looked forward to was the big "21." Legal drinking age, I don't really drink much so that excitement wore off pretty quick. After that you are just not looking forward to forty or fifty. Unless you have a great retirement plan. lol.


    You look very good for your age,I thought you were still only 21,

    Nice to be young...but I`M FAR happier now I`m older!!!:-)

    How do you like to celebrate your birthday?


    That is the question I have asked. You may answer it if you like.

    I don't really know... I have never had a birhtday that was memorable, except my 35th., when my first husband said, "What!  You have had 34 other birthdays.  Get over yourself.". 

     I love preparing a celebration for my family on their days.  It hasn't really caught on though ... me cooking, baking, decorating for others! 

    I think because of the way things have gone I am actually only 26.  :D!


    Every birthday should be a celebration of the year that has passed. I'm glad you got past him, over him, around him, and left him behind.

    Forget it and treat it as just another Day,Bob  ,Jack benny was one of the top commiedions,even though he was an American,


    Yeah, we Americans have NO sense of humor ;) LOL!

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