    Do you think cigarette addiction is a true addiction?

    Or do you believe people should just throw down their smokes and be done with it.

    +7  Views: 1745 Answers: 27 Posted: 11 years ago

    Its hard, but that is the best way to do it.

    27 Answers

    Absolutely.... quitting is hideous.  It is very difficult to 'throw down your smokes and be done with it" ... It took me four years to completely quit... I never ever want to smoke again for fear of quitting again and I didn't smoke for very long.


    This is dating me, but when someone asked Pres Eisenhower if it was hard to quit smoking, he said, "Yes,and I'll tell you one thing, if I ever start smoking again, I'll never quit again."

    I know how he felt.

    It is definitely an addiction itsmee, even the medical profession reckon it's harder to quit than heroin addiction.

    Never being addicted to heroine I wouldn't know, but I do know it's really bad trying to quit smoking.


    True addiction.

    Ok I'm a medical professional and it is an awful addiction- it truly is easier to quit any kind of drug addiction or alcohol and stay clean then it is with smoking.  I know- I smoke and I have made it 3 mos (at one point) and started back up....I just keep trying.  The habit part is easy, the chemical addiction can last far more than the week or two that other Doctors claim.  A lot of it is genetics- and we all know I didn't get the best genes.


    Please define addiction.

    doo, I wish all medical professionals were as understanding of this addiction

    Yes I agree with the genetic part..but I`m not sure it OVER RIDES ALL O addictions....I did 8 years of night shifts with only a couple off each week or 10 days...We were handed out benzodiazepines/Temazepam like smarties to cope...I became addicted ..?Suddenly/it creeps up on you..and It took me many returns to detox...some say it`s harder than heroin to come off..and that`s users saying it!...I`VE BEEN OFF THEM for 4 years now...but I know that if I even took one or two now..I`d be back seriously at risk of alcoholism or O addictions...ANY ADDICTION IS SERIOUSLY HARD TO BEAT!!( and not that uncommon in the med industry AS we both/many people know)!...One`s TOO MANY 100 is never enough mantra!:-¬

    Millie, that's right. And you can get addicted to anything. I'm addicted to akaQA

    millie- I agree with you!

    a friend of my sister was a model and got into the party set with the result that she was hooked on drink,heroin and smoking.she got really in a bad way and decided to quit the lot .she started with the drink ,kicked that ,then the drugs and kicked that.but she will tell you the hardest to kick was the gathering`s even now she says she could smoke and she`s been "clean" of all of them for 25 years.

    it is a very bad addiction and extremely difficult to quit especially in an environment in which friends, coworkers are smokers.

    I made 3 attemps (1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month) of no smoking. At the end of each attempt I was rewording myself with ONLY one cigarette which was the beginning of smoking again...  This experience taught me how to make  the 4th attempt to be the last one. I made the decision to NEVER reword myself with any cigarette. This happened  42 years ago... I never smoked since!



    Whether it is nicotine, alcohol, or drugs. Drug-users are labeled as addicts and are said to have an addiction. Yet, those who drink heavily are labeled as alcoholics and they are given an “excuse” because they supposedly have this “disease” called “alcoholism,” which is also an addiction. So yes nicotine is very much an addiction.


    I was 42 yrs. old when I started smoking and it became a terrible addiction. I even set my car on fire. (nobody can beat that). I have quit several times cold turkey but always found an excuse to start again. I am on the quitting mode again. The fact is when I quit, I have so much more energy and feel so much better. I need to stick with it this time. I feel, chewing gum helps a lot.


    I hope you can and do quit, but using a sub usually leads to failure, because one is using crutches that doesn't support them correctly, so to speak.

    I will get back to you in 2 weeks. I hate smoking.

    I will say this- Quitting is easy! Staying off the smokes is MUCH harder! I quit all the time then decide to try one ! And all you smokers knows what happens then!


    The problem with me is, I am sometimes around people who smoke and I get the craving again.Need to stay away from them for a great while.

    I even used to follow people just to smell the cigarettes, lasted 4 months now smoke again

    I know! I quit many, many times! I'm smoking now, but will quit again soon! lol

    Hospitals and nursing homes make their money on smokers and drinkers....smokers more so .

    You just stop .Then again its all in the "MIND.It is a "drug addiction. My sister smoked for "Twenty years "Forty a day just stopped !! The   wanting  was  never  away  it  took  two  weeks she felt  light headed . It  was  worth  it  in   the end .


    Did you ever smoke? It's not all in the mind. The nicotine gets everywhere. The body becomes dependent on it. If it truly was just a mind thing, then hypnosis would be a cure.

    THEN you have not heard of DOC. DOO.I agree Colleen its in your system But I should have said as my sis.said YOU must have a strong mind as they say "Mind over matter.

    A true and absolute addiction as Romo's indicated, can be more addictive than other "hard" drugs, after answering or should I say being bombarded with questions re smoking from a doctor, was asked asked how I managed, if it be a true addiction to get through the night sleeping without smoking, I told him the truth, I don't !!


    I do understand! and I do understand that any addiction is horrible- we'll just keep trying!

    I will, but like a lot of "addicts" I find little stashes of cigarettes all over the place, usually when I can't find the brand I want,I shove them in a drawer, when I do find the ones I want and go back to the others if I run out, I truly wish there were an easy way to stop

    I smoke and have never kidded myself about it. Quitting has never entered my mind. My mom liked to remind my sister and I just how badly it hurt having a chest drain tube removed (she lost part of her lung) but we still puff. My sister tries to quit but, I'm not. If I decide to someday, I'll just put them down.......

    It can be both I myself was a slave to tobbacco , i went to a hypnotist and had quit instantly for over ten years, it's all just a matter of willpower and the deep desire to really wanting to quit..


    My neighbor went to a hypnotist and it did not work for him.

    My guess is only works if you really want it to both me and my buddy both quit over 12 years ago as a result oh hypnosis,

    That is truly amazing! Maybe he did not have the right kind of hypnotist. I have never tried it myself.

    With all addictions we are potentially killing ourselves..or at the least ruining our lives and O`s....I think DAD59 has huge resolve...but IT`S not just the hard drugs that in alcohol/benzodiazepine/(sedation/sleepers)...With smoking I get the anxiety bit..climbing the walls syndrome..but whether it be heroin,benzos/alcohol....It is DEATHLY FRIGHTENING trying to get clean...your body goes into  TOTAL meltdown...You are prone to fits..they can kill you for starters!...Your Central Nervous System starts to break down!...some of the "Delights"Include,ataxia..loss of co-ordination...affecting speech/mobility..(VERY frightening)...blood pressure rocketing /potential strokes/nose bleeds from high b/P..heart failure..KIDNEY DISEASE...RESULTING IN renal FAILURE..(resulting in dialysis and or transplants if lucky...INCREASED INFECTIONS...(yep..guilty of needing a transplant that someone more worthy than I deserved..AND THAT WAS LONG AFTER BEING CLEAN...KIDNEY infections just got worse and worse and more regular).... IV USERS OB RISK HEPATITIS HIV...AMPUTATIONS..To name but a few..NOT TO MENTION THE OB ACCIDENTAL O/D`S AS WELL AS THE INTENTIONAL ONES!!...BECAUSE I WAS ADDICTED TO PILLS..DOESN`T MAKE ME ANY BETTER THAN IV ADDICTS/ALCOHOLICS OR SMOKERS..SOME MAY DIFFER..AND I WOULDN`T BLAME THEM!...BUT TO MME THE GUILT OF MY ADDICTION and IT`S REPERCUSSIONS ON FAMILY/FRIENDS/NHS RESOURCES...not to mention those who need transplants ..WILL NEVER LEAVE ME!!....I`VE NEVER OPENED UP BEFORE QUITE LIKE THIS..BUT I HOPE IT MIGHT HELP AT LEAST SOMEONE!!..APOLOGIES!



    Millie, there are thousands of people addicted to prescription drugs as we speak. Doctors and Pharmacists have the responsibility to monitor drugs that are addictive.My youngest daughter, who started with backproblems , had a doctor who prescibed different narcotis and sleep aids.She was addicted to all these drugs, until finally on our insistense she went to another doctor and he was horrified about the combination of drugs.Thank god, she is much better now.So dont blame youself. Your Doctor schould have known. They are aware of how addictive drugs are.You are still alive to talk about it. Many people die from prescription drug addiction.They need a better monitoring system for doctors and pharmacists.

    milli- you are correct..any true addiction is horrendous! I am glad you are 'clean' of yours- One Day at A Time!!!

    Thanks Ann and Doolittle..that`s really kind! glad your daughter is better now too Ann:-)...Yep very lucky to be alive..and apart from still recovering op at the moment..I managed to return to nursing and raise my children with added insight of the pitfalls of life..I learnt the hard way but ..University of Life!...I just appreciate life so much more now!:-)...But I`D never HAVE TAKEN ONE pill at the start had I known what I do now!! was HELL to get clean but my God it was worth it in the end!!!;-)

    Tobacco is an addiction. Quitting takes a tremendous effort for most people.  I quit one day when I woke up and didn't really feel well, but I poured my coffee and lit up.  My lungs squeezed shut and I put out the cigarette.  That was it. 
    Oh, there were times when I'd smoke the bar or a party.  I always felt horrible the next day and my throat was so sore.  
    Then my doctor told me, "You really need to NOT smoke" and I don't remember the circumstances around the subject coming up, but I took him seriously.
    Was it hard?  Not as hard as giving up chocolate, for sure. (I haven't done that) 


    Well done you!!...(Yep i quit drink when I expecting...I wasn`t a heavy drinker but the first weeks were hard)!..I never smoked but I can empathize at just how awfully hard it is to quit..but I`m not even contemplating life without doesn`t bear thinking about!;-))

    Giving up unhealthy habits when pregnant is nothing but a good idea. It would be a huge help if the daddy-to-be would support the effort by giving up those habits, too.

    It's an addiction. I haven't smoked for the best part of a year...and I still have moments that I crave a cigarette. The only reason I don't smoke now, is because my lungs can no longer handle it after everything else they've been exposed to.

    Like Dowsa says "It's all in the mind".  It's a mental dependency, control your mind an  you've got it licked (Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it don't matter) and Yes, I've smoked "30 years", I put them down on 10/23/06, used nothing as a sub. and to this day have never craved for one and my wife still smokes (Outside, irregardless the weather).  Just ask yourself, "What do, I want more" and have faith in yourself.  What does addiction mean, Something you/your body needs/has to have.


    I don't agree that it's all in the mind. Some can quit and never go back to it but that's a very few majority. I think it's a bodily addiction too. The body, more than the mind craves the chemicals.

    The MIND controls all (Feelings, Emotions, Etc.) if one quits smoking their not going to die, but if they stop eating/drinking they will. Your body doesn't need cigarettes, alcohol, etc. to survive only then can it be an addiction, WANTS aren't included in affirmitive addiction definitions.

    That`s a cool achievement...but i think the minority can quit just like that...Once an addiction has gripped you,I believe it`s something your body /mind NEEDS!!:-(

    @millie111, Only MENTALLY, not physically dependent, if your mind was altered so you couldn't think about it, you wouldn't need them. So it's just finding something to pre-occupy the mind with, the mind can do wonders if, one can use/control it.

    It sure is an addiction.I quit drinking without a single look back & I drank everyday for 20 years.Smoking is a whole 'nuther ball game tho.I've been hooked for 50 years & I am on my 3rd go at quitting &'s not working.


    I can truly say I know how hard it is,I also gave up drinking, but cigarettes are a whole different ball game

    yes I`m sure it is!!...To err is human!...It`s hard to quit any addictions..easier for some than O`S!!!:-z

    Never give up, babe.

    You probably read that I use Nicorette Gum. It's expensive. But it works for me.
    There was another time I quite for about a year. That time I'd put whole cloves in my mouth. It caused a numbness in my mouth and I did not want smokes. After awhile I started worrying that cloves were harmful.
    Have you taken any medications from the doctor to help you to quit?

    Yep.I took the tablets & suffered nausea 24 hiurs a day but it didn't help.I'm gunna have a go at the patches next.I have cut down on the smokes.I've gone fro around 40 per day to less than 20 most days.I had pretty extensive surgery on my innards years ago which left me suseptible to nausea.I just have to work out for myself which is worse.The nausea or the cravings.:)

    I was 42 yrs. old when I started smoking and it became a terrible addiction. I even set my car on fire. (nobody can beat that). I have quit several times cold turkey but always found an excuse to start again. I am on the quitting mode again. The fact is when I quit, I have so much more energy and feel so much better. I need to stick with it this time. I feel, chewing gum helps a lot.


    Hope you succeed Anne

    Addiction is addiction and it's different for everyone. Some can go cold-turkey and others need way more help and time. It's all based on the individual, do not compare with others. If you or a loved one or friend are trying to quit smoking I wish you the world of luck!

    Yes and Yes

    ya its true. it is very hard to give it up  !!!!!!!

    Quiting Heroin was easier than cigarettes. Last time I slammed a bag of dope was at 19, I'm 61 now. I like smoking. That's the problem.


    It`s interesting isn`t it!...I can well believe that...Heroin sounds much worse...but what we perceive is often not the case!:-¬

    Yes sir it's a addiction! I know a man many years ago he was so addicted! he had to use oxygen to breath but he still kept smoking! even  when  using oxygen therapy! he was lucky  he never caught on fire really sad


    You're welcome Ann.

    Who, I've seen people do that too. And I've heard of people that had a tracheotomy who keep on smoking :-\
    One of the grossest things I've ever seen is people who eat a sandwich while they're smoking. I used to see them at work do that.

    Yes I do. Nicotine changes your brain chemistry as do alcohol and drugs, although not for ever.


    Psychological Dependency!!!

    Dad59..Psychological often leads to physical dependency.imho!!;-)

    Mille111, How so??? If ones Psychological path was interrupted would the Body still be in need or danger, as would-be, if food/water was stopped?

    Some theories say that your body can get addicted to nicotine, but personally, I think it's just a psychological addiction. And I speak from experience, b/c I smoked from the time I was 14 untill I was 30. When you start asking yourself,  " Why am I voluntarily inhaling noxious chemicals ? " will quit. I think those patches are a big money-making scheme. And they contain that makes NO sense.


    "Why am I voluntarily inhaling noxious chemicals?"

    Do you ever go outside? What do you think is in the air you breath?

    I live in a highly polluted area. I don't choose to go outside, I have buy food, and cut my grass,etc.

    Might as well smoke then :)

    Absolutely.It is an addiction I base my money investments on three kinds of businesses.. Addiction, fats , and alcohol. Three human weaknesses.

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