    why do dogs drag their butts across carpet and grass?

    +3  Views: 1037 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    9 Answers

    their poop chute itchhes from having worms. get some worm meds. dont forget to drag your butt across the floor with him so he dont feel alone in this thing.  lol!!


    LOL! I may just do that tomorrow. Shucks, I don't have any more carpet in my house, just tiles. With my luck I'd end up bloodying up my butt dragging it through ceramic tiles.

    The dogs anal glands need to be expressed! Take him to the vet! It can also be worms, but is probably his glands. We had our dogs glands worked on 10 years ago and he is still fine! Some dogs need it done more often.


    My little Sausage,( i'm talking about a dog) needs her glands done 2-3 times a year.

    They can't reach their own butts to scratch an itch................

    Carmaxable is correct as far as the dog goes, a dose of worming tablets or Frontline plus will get rid of this uncomfortable itching. -- it is not funny to see a dog do this, unusual yes.

    Better then some humans,that drop it in thier trousers and Knickers ,because they are to lasey to go to the toilet,


    Goodness sakes! You know folks like that? Yuck!

    Well they usualy used a deodarant,

    Most likely it is the anal gland that he is trying to express.  Dogs have this to scent their feces, almost like a fingerprint, it identifies their unique smell for others to realize their territory.  This is why they always smell poop from other dogs.  With such processed diets today, they do not get to have the needed pressure on this gland to keep it working properly, so stuff backs up and it pains them.  To correct this, they may slide across a carpet, or the ground to squeeze the contents out.  This is not a pretty thing, and it will smell up your place.  The vet, or groomer can express this gland as a routine part of the physical, or grooming.  You can do this with a little practice, successfully.  You want latex gloves, and some paper towel.  cover the area, and gently but firmly squeeze the area of the anus, like popping a zit, you express the stuff inside this gland, which sits inside adjacent to the anus.  keep the towel over the area, so you don't get it sprayed out.  then, stretch the glove over the towel as you remove the glove from your hands, this will seal in the smelly contents.  Immediately take it out to the trash, not in the house!  In fact, weather permitting, do this outside! 


    Sound like a disgusting job, I don't think I'll be getting a dog soon.

    It's cheaper than toilet tissue.

    Definitely take it to a veterinarian. They will take a fecal sample and check it's glands.

    I used to have a Chinese Pug who would roll, side to side over the itchy thing.

    Just like us if we try to sit on the floor with our feet in the air while only using our hands to balance the rest of our body!


    Good point "facebook"  and that is why most pet owners either do not know to do it, know and do not do it, or have the groomer and vet take care of it...

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