    "Hi! How are you? " How do you answer this question when you are asked?

    I always say (exactly the same each time), "I'm fine thanks.  How are you?".

    I worked retail for many years and most people answer in a positive manner... It was always a bit of a shock when someone answered, "Just crappy." or "My head hurts." or "I have cancer." or "I am sick because of the chem trails." ... These types of answers definitely change the direction of the usual conversation.

    +9  Views: 1368 Answers: 11 Posted: 11 years ago

    C U then! :)

    11 Answers

    I do the same thing! No one really gives a crap how you are! I have asked the same thing and I also get the sad answers! But with those folks I usually try to talk to a bit. They just want to know someone cares!


    Or they just need a pity party and you get to be their sounding board. I'm sure their life goes on as mundane as usual even after you waste your time listening to them. If I have to listen to all their life issues, I'm charging them. :)


    No, I save my energy for those who actually need it. Not for the "oh poor me" crowd.

    Oh come hoo do you feel sorry for me? :( :( :(

    I'll lie and say "just fine" and thank  the person for asking, something I picked up from a stranger.....


    I once had a parrot that said, "Hello, how are you, I'm fine thanks" exactly the same way as I do. That's what I say when I answer the phone when talking to friends and family. Hilarious.

    I guess it depends on who's asking...

    I start to sing, but my voice is so bad, that by the time I "answer", whoever asked it is long gone.


    I accidentally answered you up there instead of down here.

    Moved :)

    Karma: 439310

    You see, I didn't expect that and now I have a country song stuck in my head!... and now I hope that Colleen sees this and moves it to the response area for Clonge.... :D
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    Outstanding! How about you?


    Pretty darned good thanks!

    :)... and have a glorious day!

    I walk my dog twice a day and usually meet a number of people. I always say hello, and usually follow it up with a "how's it going today" or the like. Most respond in kind, and i feel it's just an attempt to be friendly. I'm also outside with the pooch mornings when the teens are walking to school. They often try not to make eye contact, but my greeting usually gets them to respond. It really has nothing to do with "not really caring how someone is", but just trying to be friendly. 


    I agree. Just like wishing someone a nice day. A friendly gesture.

    When asked I usually just say, OK. That's it. The question typically comes from someone I don't know so I know they probably don't really care how I'm doing anyway. I never ask "how are you doing" unless I really care how the person is doing.


    Thanks for moving my "oops!".

    I am OK., and you? I say the same thing  everytime, someone asks me that question.

    I'm fine thank you.  And you?

    Generally answer I'm fine, tucked up in bed with a coffee, I wake early and often do afternoon shifts,so that's where I am, I don't think that question really prompts a detailed answer into ones welfare or health

    Good. And you?  It's usually not acurate but I don't believe people really want details of your health unless they specifically ask "How is your health?"

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