    Why are people who believe in God so intolerant of people that don't believe in their God!

    It pains me to say that religion seems to be the cause of so much intolerance and pain in the world.  I don't believe the religions an churches that exist today are what God intended.  

    +9  Views: 1197 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    very well put my friend.

    I say the same thing dowsa said.

    13 Answers

    Because they believe it is their duty to save the non believers by trying to force them into accepting their God. They claim they do it out of love. They love even the sinners you know  so they must save everyone they think need saving. It is indoctrinated into them by their religion. Some just can't help it. The brainwashing they've undergone is too strong. 


    Hear Hear Colleeen.I for one dont need some "Bible thumper telling me "What I should or not."Believe In out of a "Book!!passed down through the ages.I will stick to my DC comics.

    JC, huh ?

    "Why are people who believe in God so intolerant of people that don't believe in their God!"

    With this statement you are speaking in absolutes.  Not all people that believe in God are intollerant of people that don't believe in their God.

    As far as I can figure we are here on this mortal coil to learn from our experiences whether they be good or bad.  God intended for us to learn... that is what we are doing.  A whole lot of learning all over the place, every single day.  Some people are tollerant and some are not.  That is a lesson right there!


    JC, eh ?

    digger, I think so.

    Stop the really...absolutely stop the train!!!!! That absolute enough for you people?! I love you Chiclet..I mean Fishie-let! You sound like a Buddha! Are you Buddhist and if so do you ever come to the Coombs Temple? It is a project in process well worth a visit next time you come out!!! ;)

    People are so brainwashed they can't see the trees for the bush. They're in for a big shock when they die. I can't stand most religions and their bigoted thinking. I also think it boils down to swollen egos.


    hear hear eggplant my thoughts.

    For a moment there I thought you said "bigfoot" thinking and I was like..hey! I'm all in for that but then I re-read it and realized hey man! Eggplant's got this one downpat!Bigfoot do not think like this at all...they have no ego mania going on so they don't suffer things like judgmentalism or condemnation...thank whoever! Peace man.

    ...consarnit! doncha hate it when your fingertip inadvertantly touches the little screen thingy twice so you end up double shooting an answer or comment?????? dang I sure hates it when that occurs!! LOL

    I've never pushed my religion down anybody's throat (I don't think). I'm pretty secure in my beliefs but am open to learn about others. Buddhism for one fascinates me............


    No, you do not push your religion. I will attest to that.

    Thank you for paying attention!

    I always pay attention :)

    I think if I was going to follow any religion it would be Budism

    Not all are. I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal savior, but I don't have any problem to tolerate other religions and -isms and relate people from them. I respect others believes and want them to respect mine.


    I appreciate when my beliefs are not ridiculed and condemned by other people; I respect the boundaries of respect for a person's faith. What do you do when someone doesn't respect your beliefs and denigrates you for your faith? (I am not trying to trap or trick you).

    I don't relate those people more than it is needed, and still respected their way of seeing things. I corrected my answer, that if wasn't right.

    most followers of any religion are tolerant of not only non-believers but other religions.the intolerance comes from members who are insecure in there own belief(my thoughts).tolerance comes from one`s own sense of security in one`s own belief`s.


    I agree with that.

    I am not going to disagree with you, but would like to point out  that PEOPLE are the ones who have distorted what God probably intended for us.  Depending on the faith that you have chosen, I would suggest that you see if you can find a "study group", where you can learn more about your chosen faith.  Christianity is not the only faith in the world, which many on this forum can't get past. 
    You will find a good deal of push and shove here, in all directions.   


    "Christianity is not the only faith in the world, which many on this forum can't get past."

    I hope you meant this for your fellow Christians since it is some Christians here who try to make it appear this way. Actually, 95% of the time, it's all about Christianity on this forum. Christians are e v e r y w h e r e and boy do they make it known! I really wish the most of them would realize and accept graciously that "Christianity is not the only faith in the world".

    My comment was meant for everybody.

    Well it shouldn't be. Most Christians bring the attention on their religion. They've worked hard at making mankind think of Christianity first when thinking of religions. Do not fault the people for the attention the religion gets. It worked hard for that attention.

    Because most of them read only their own Holy Books. The minority that read others' are  focusing on differences rather than the similarities of their religions.


    In my lengthy studies I endeavored to seek the similarities...there are many..I'm not surprised! :)

    That is a sweeping generalization that doesn't hold water. Besides, "tolerance" (or intolerance) is a word that irks me. I prefer "respect" (or disrespect). Why should anyone be applauded for merely "tolerating" (reluctantly putting up with) someone else's views ? I prefer someone who intellectually disrespects and challenges my opinion than one who chooses to cutely tolerate it.

    Bring it on !  RRRRAAARRRHHHH,


    Not the one you're thinking of. I guess you've not been following JC.

    LighbulbJC has been thumbing people down for stating opinions that he doesn't agree with and calling other members names. He isn't making friends quickly ... Ok, maybe Umbriel... JC likes Umbriel.

    Yes, JC. He's a troller. He trolls forums, puts out a question on a controversial topic then sets about trying to cause discord by name calling, insulting and general arguing with no real beliefs in what he argues. Trolling is entertainment for people like him.

    JC, (I know right!) eh!


    "Our founders expected that Christianity -- and no other religion -- would receive support from the government as long as that support did not violate people's consciences and their right to worship. They would have found utterly incredible the idea that all religions, including paganism, be treated with equal deference."

                                             ~ Robert E. Regier & Timothy J. Dailey

    Intolerance breeds intolerance. It all has to stop somewhere. At least they have stopped burning people at the stake. Although, the edicts of the Inquisition have never been repealed, scarry thought.

    Coco: I can understand your pain. But may I add that more widespread than one religion being intolerant towards another, is the intolerance shown by believers towards Skeptics, Atheists, Agnostics, et al.


    Add to this the intolerance, name calling, and sarcasm towards believers that one non believer here makes good use of.

    Hmmm. Who would THAT be, Colleen ?

    Not who you think it is Digger. JC knows though.

    Is some religious group out there harassing skeptics, atheists, and agnostics? Who would be out there lobbying against them? ...some organized plan of attack to discredit them??

    Gotta go with you there Coco.Well said.

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