    What is the best internet service when you live in the boondocks......

    Using Verizon Hot Spot now..... 5 GB a month for 50.00.

    +1  Views: 600 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    National Boondocks Internet Service.

    Headless Man

    Sounds good......

    Do you have cable? How about "land line" DSL? If you have neither, probably what you are using is as good as anything.

    Headless Man

    We are between two towns and we have a T1 line that runs right thought our front yard but we can't get hooked to it.

    I think my mom has A T & T, dial up.  I would suggest just contacting different providers and seeing what they can offer you.  Some offer "great deals" for phone, television, and internet. 

    Headless Man

    We have satellite TV and tried satellite internet and it was good unless you went over your 4 GB bandwidth then you were shut way down, thats when we went to Verizon Hot Spot but it's slow.

    A couple tin cups and wire..

    Headless Man

    But my arms get

    Can you get a satalite?  I know the spelling is bad but you know what I mean! I think that would be faster tan dial up.


    I have 2 satelites 1 for tv the other for internet.
    Headless Man

    See Bob comment....
    Headless Man

    Is yours hughesnet, and if it is, that fast enough that you can watch veidos without it stopping to load.....

    I've heard the satelite tv companies now offer internet....I lived in the boonies and was able to get a local carrier-but had to use AOL to get online (that was a while ago)

    Good luck and enjoy all of the boon-doc animals!


    I do not believe satellite tv companies provide internet service. The Verizon Hot Spot he is now using is a satellite provider. In the "bundles" you see offered with tv, phone, and internet, the internet comes from a land line phone (like Verizon or AT&T.
    Headless Man

    NO, the Verizon Hot Spot is a wireless connection like a cell phone.

    I'll check it out- might be regional???

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