    Be on the lookout for pig eating mice in South Australian. People might be next.

    MAY 28, 2011-Mice Eat Pigs-When South Australian farmer John Gregory entered his piggery he could not believe what he saw – mice attacking his pigs. Since he first saw them dining out on his prized stock he has been at his wit’s end about how to get rid of them. Now, as a desperate last resort, he is covering his pigs at a farm property in Wynarka, 130km east of Adelaide, in engine oil to protect them from the mice, with the rodents apparently turned off by the taste. “The mouse problem got really bad in April,” Mr. Gregory said. “We went away in the school holidays and when we came back we drove up the driveway and it looked like the ground was moving – there were hundreds of thousands of them.” Mr. Gregory, 50, said he put engine oil on his 15 pigs to protect them from the sun about once a month.""

    .Or should I say nice who are eating pigs? I don’t know.


    +5  Views: 785 Answers: 10 Posted: 12 years ago

    Attention Ed, i must apologise , you are correct, i checked up on it and there was a mice plague across three states brought on by the drought in 2011, i must have been asleep all year cause i didn't know about. again sorry ED. --- and they did eat everthing in sight.

    10 Answers

    Check this out -- mice plague 1911 -- the same thing!""

    Looks like the farmer could do with a flame-thrower.

    Mice will eat just about anything, we had an unseasonably wet summer and mice started coming indoors, those that didn't my cat invited, they ate through the wiring in the washing machine (had to buy a new one) paper, and a metal tube of paw paw ointment to mention a few things, I can't afford to leave anything out including potatoes etc, which are now stuffed in the fridge but the problem has subsided, thanks largely to the weather and a neighbor removing poultry pellets from his shed which were another attraction


    You guys need to train your crocks to eat mice. (Kidding)

    bit short on crocks here, bit it may help if the cat didn't think they were solely his playmates and keep bringing them inside, amazes me he kills brown snakes but nurtures mice!!he is also trying to be friend a young fox, but alas the affection is not returned

    and i thought one or two mice were bad! wow!

    You have a unusual cat. Our cat has killed several in the winter thats when they come indoors.Fortunately they have not chewed up wires, because I always have huge bags of sunflower seeds and birfood by my back door. I find lots of empty sunflower shells around my house.

    Anything will attract mice, they eat the cat food and I now only feed the cat what he can eat, anything left after half an hour goes in the bin (outside)

    That is terrible. As much as I dont like to hurt any animal, he needs to poison them This is an epedemic.


    Ann, millipedes are 2" + long, black and a lot of legs, i have miillipedes here at the moment and inside the house, they are harmless unfortunately no predator in Australia, even ants won't touch them, just a nuisance pest. i have posted a photo of one.

    Thanks bulletman. I dont have those around here, but often some large black ants. I sprinke some Borax (in the detergent isle of the supermarket) in the corners of my floor and around the entrance of the house and they have been staying away. You have to keep borax away from pets, its poisenous for them.

    Engine oil??? Great, now the pigs are inedible.  Give me the address I'll have a chat with the mice, pigs, and farmer....


    No pork chops for Doo :(

    Pig eating mice. Now that's once I've never imagined. When I first saw it, I thought the pigs were eating the mice and I was going to ask for one...................


    One what? A pig or a mouse?

    Lunchtime in your area?

    I want a pig that will eat mice. My cat is getting old and also, brings them inside and decapitates them in out hallway during the wee hours....

    Jules your cat is only bringing you a present, as you are the Matriarch.

    Jules your cat is only bringing you a present, as you are the Matriarch.

    Ed, I am horrified by that article.  I will never again eat pork .... or mice.


    Or engine oil.

    For ED.""


    This looks like a bad scene from a movie.


    Ann, the harmless but nuisance pest. --- millipede.""


    Thanks for the picture. They dont look too friendly. I have never had one where I live.


    Ed where did you dig this article from, it is roughly 30 years old when we had a mice plague, i remember the pig thing, the mice were nibbling their legs whilst asleep, mice everywhere, even the cats were bored with them, roads were made dangerous because of the slippery conditons of thousands of dead mice, eventually they dwindled as fast as they came, now we are being invaded for the last few years by Millipedes from Sth. Africa.


    Thats a relief. And I was worried about the pigs. What are Millipedes?

    I am sure if the whole country was infected or just this one framer but they wrote the story on MAY 28, 2011

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