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    A Texas high school has recalled copies of its yearbook after special needs students were described as "mentally retarded" within its pages, angering teachers, students and their parents.

    Mesquite High School's yearbooks were initially distributed on Friday, but were recalled by school officials within hours.

    "They told the entire class that they have a slight mistake that needs to be fixed," a senior at the school told Fox's KDFW affiliate.

    An introduction to the "Special Education" section read, "Some of the disabilities the students in the Special Education Program have are being blind, deaf or non-verbal" and described two students as "both blind and deaf, as well as mentally retarded."

    "There was an oversight in the editing approval process," Laura Jobe, communications director for the Mesquite school district, told The Dallas Morning News. "Those who work inside the special education department know these requirements."

    The yearbooks will be redistributed this week, school officials said, without the offending pages.

    "We earnestly regret the term 'mentally retarded' was included and offer our apologies to our students and their families," Jobe said. "The use of the words 'mentally retarded' is something we would never condone."

    Mesquite High's graduation is scheduled for May 26.

    0  Views: 647 Answers: 2 Posted: 12 years ago

    2 Answers

    It happens at times, it's a very outdated term that I used myself at one time, but not now in these ultra PC times. This guy used it recently to describe the UK's Prime Ministers deceased son.

    I hope they have the sense to black........OPS white out the offensive words, rather than buying all new books with the taxpayers money

    Seems everything today has to have a euphemism to be used, at least until that euphemism become hurtful to someone.

    Today they do not even keep score in sports because the looser may be offended.  After the game however the kids who WON will tell you it was six to two.   What the hell will happen when they grow up and LOOSE?

    When I was a boy my  Aunt had a "Nervous Breakdown" and went "Crazy," until she became "Mentally Ill," then "Mentally Retarded" then "Mentally Challenged." I have know idea what the proper euphemism is now, do you?





    I have no idea.

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