    what is the perfect definition for love, i am confused !!!

    +8  Views: 1145 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    One correct undisputable definition of love is : "a four letter word" in English at least...

    16 Answers

    You got it!

    You must be in love, hence the confusion!


    There is no perfect definition.  Why do you need one?  Relax and enjoy each relationship and allow  the friendship to grow and develop.  You will know when it is love.  Be patient.

    “Love is all there is. It makes the world go round”  John Lennon

    Did you know our language is very limited?.  In other languages they have several different names for love- with different definitions.  Including Love for family, romantic Love, Love of fellow man, and Pure love of people (God's Love)....

    So, which love are we talking about here?


    Now I'm confused too!!! lol

    Make mine an agape/storge/eros please!!! El grande' ! ;D

    There is no perfect definition, love is in your heart. Can you provide the words for what is in there.....?


    Hm ,well yea but ,kind of ,Its like this ,Love is in the air,all the time you are around,

    Love is blind but the neighbors aint..


    I will have to pull the cutains next time,Daren,

    I did not find true love for a long time,Until one day i looked into a mirrow,and reolize it was the real thing,


    I Wish i knew ??it was an answer to Clonge,about food,Fish in this case,

    Jesus, the perfect definition of love.....

    Love is undefiable.......a million words could never express it.   What it is for one person might not be for is a very personable feeling.   If you have it , you know you have it.  It could be lust...but that is generally what it starts with.  But if it last with the same depth of most likely is  LOVE and can last forever.

    "Were love expressed as grains of sand, my love for you would be a beach….".this is too long to write here without more than a little time between us. But it is in my answers somewhere. 

    Love is everything!


    This is an interesting way of looking for a "definition" of the many ways or styles of loving.It does encompass "everything" as you say! Peace and Love! :)

    If we are referring to relationships between/among people, there is a wide variety.  The love between a mother and child, husband and wife, friends, just for starters.  What makes one amazing is NOT going to be the amazing-maker in another.  I think an element in all of them would be a selflessness in response to the needs (not wants) of the other. ????



    I like them {All}

    Very interesting...

    I thought others would be familiar with theories about love...this one was devised by Zick Rubin..
    Psychologist Zick Rubin proposed that romantic love is made up of three elements: attachment, caring and intimacy. Attachment is the need to receive care, approval and physical contact with the other person. Caring involves valuing the other persons needs and happiness as much as your own. Intimacy refers to the sharing of thoughts, desires, and feelings with the other person.

    Based upon this definition, Rubin devised a questionnaire to assess attitudes about others and found that these scales of liking and loving provided support for his conception of love. Read more here>>

    " Love is never hav'in to say your sorry ! " ;)


    I've always wondered if that is because you are forgiven without needing to apologize or because you never do or say anything to hurt another.

    "Forgiv'in with no apologize'in needed."which occurs frequently in my life." ;)

    Know the film (and book). Panda, are you forgiving or not apologizing?????

    "I can forgive, but I ain't apologize'in! " ;)

    Different things for different people, I don't believe any one definition suits all, for me it is integrity, honesty and humor, for someone else it may be entirely different 

    A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

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