    does anyone here have family in prison?

    +3  Views: 1198 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    I spent many days in a couple of maximum security prisons (as well as local jails) ..... Fortunately, I was only there to repair their printing equipment.


    I didn't think you were the criminal type.

    i had a son who spent 17 years for beating up a white man. people get less time for murder, providing they`re white.


    That is TERRIBLE! and you are right! It is unspeakable what bigotry creates!!! I hope your son knows that, though he made an error in judgement, he is still a Good Man!!!!!!

    It's harsh and I feel sorry about seems those in a "minority" or low socio-economic status are treated with what seems injustice as compared to the real criminals with all the money.In Canada a guy will get Federal time for stealing a car but not for throwing his wife around...who is going to change these things? Injustice is my pet peeve... Peace carmaxable that's a tough stretch for those in prison and their loved ones waiting out of prison.

    I don't think you're telling all that needs to be told. I think there's more to this.

    there really isnt more to this besides they were both doing drugs at the time. you wouldnt believe what goes on here with the police, etc.

    Drugs are the curse of the world. My heart goes out to you and your son.

    My father spent a great deal of time behind bars, The Irish Pub, Flanigans , L Street sports cafe.. the list goes on..

    No..but the ex will be soon...for non-payment of child support...!@#$%&*!!

    Tony, I don't (that I know of)....but that has got to be tough!!!! R you OK??

    I did have an uncle that was in and out of jail, mostly petty theft (to support his drinking habits) his son turned out to be a prison officer, and there for a few months found themselves in prison together, only different sides  of the bars, he is a very likable scoundrel, he would get very drunk and give me all his money when I was little,my mum always knew where to find it when he'd be trying to borrow his bus fare the following day

    Nope, not in my family, as a matter of fact, My cousin is police chief of my town and my very best friend is County sheriff 2 terms.  I am an ex deputy myself but that was 22 years ago. I support law enforcement, not criminals.  And, I believe in the law enforcement system.  


    Hello, Barney Fife. ( just kiddin' ya, Vinny )

    Most of my immediate family members  favor three hots and a cot.

    Never been a prisoner, but have corresponded with prisoners, pen pals. I have been to visit a pen pal on the  row in Nevada some years back..


    My present room mate has been in and out of prison all of his life (accept for the last few years, one more screw up and he goes back for life.......!)...........


    See! You are a good person! You have Hope, faith, and love for people!!! Truly a Gift and Talent!!!

    Uh, well gosh. Thank you for saying so.....

    Why do you want a crim. for a room mate? Can't you get someone else?

    are you sure you should be having him for
    a roomate ? !

    Chances are he will steal from you , if he allready hasn't. If he has been in and out several times you are putting yourself at risk. Let me guess he begged you to take him in. Be aware , but you know that allready dont you. I will bet you dont know the real crimes he was charged with. Dont believe a word he said. You said a man, he probably in his 60s, hair slicked back, not much family contact, he is probably a child molester or sex offender. If so he has to register with local authorities. Whatever the reason, you are at risk.

    I've known him for 10 years and put him in jail for one of the offenses. Theft isn't one of them. He's no child molester, for sure.......

    We've talked enough that I know where you are coming from with your roommate. Love you.

    I have spent alot of time working at prisons. I was against the death penalty before going to work there . Not any more. As far as i'm concerned , they are taking up your and my oxygen.


    I agree.

    and wasting our money

    Nope, none of my family is in the clink and none of my friends are crims.

    I work in prisons sometimes(Agency Nursing)!...Or Vulnerable prisoners  unit....Whatever their crimes...have never (Yet) have had any problems with the inmates..some are positively the most co operative and grateful people that I`ve ever looked after...I dont condone crime but a lot of people have come from sad lives ...we`re all people! :-0


    :) thank you millie111 xxoo

    My best friend, Carol , had two of her sons in prison. One was in a state prison for 4 years. When he got out, he ended up dying of a drug overdose  :-(     Her other son was in the county jail or whatever for beating up the boy next door. In fact, his son, ( her grandson ) was just in prison for 3 1/2 years for beating up an old man. That boy even put his sister in the hosp by throwing a vacumn cleaner at her. Now, he's back in prison for parole violation .

     Carol is not a low class person. It's just that her 1st husb did not raise the boys right. He was a lousy father and role model. Her daughter turned out alright


    My heart really goes out to Carol. I can't even begin to explain the heartache of having your child end up in jail. I have a constant fear one will end up dead. I remember the moments my sons were born, and so many good things. Not a day goes by without regret.
    Their dad was always around. He didn't even work outside the home for 14 of our 16 years of marriage. He wasn't a BAD dad. When he left, everything went to hell (and it shouldn't have). He barely saw the boys (16, 15, 13 when he left) for over a year. I pretty much had a walking nervous breakdown.

    PKB, after Carol's divorce, two of the boys went to live with their father. But, I guess his new wife didn't like their behavior, so she shipped them back home to mother. There, they got into conflicts with Carol's 2nd husband. She said she wouldn't want to go back to those days for anything.

    I do not have family members in jail, but I worry about the young ones in all of our families.  Drugs, drugs, and more drugs, including prescription drugs that get handed out like candy and then used and sold on the streets.  It seems that kids feel compelled to try them and I just don't understand why!       :(


    Me,too, Ducky. Letting go of the guilt takes some time. It still bothers me that I could have handled our difficulties in a better way. I have made my apologies, put myself on a better path, been a GOOD example of how-to and how-not-to (and know the difference). I support my kids' sobriety and do what I can for them, with clear boundaries.
    And I pray

    My son went down a few years ago(hes out now and has calmed a lot since).Stupid as it may sound,i think in some ways it was worse for me than him  He says the boredom drove him daft,for me it was the  seeing solicitors,trying to deal with the aftermath etc.At the time i backed him all the way, (he did something while drunk)but when he was released i made it quite clear that if he ever did anything similar again he was on his own.One other thing,i found out who my real friends were,i was glad of certain peoples support

    My eldest son is in the county jail (1 month, 4 week sentence).  He was facing some prison time in 2007, but was able to go into drug therapy and rehabilitation.  Did well for a while.  

    My middle son has been in jail since 3/28/11. He was sentenced to 3 years' probation recently, and given credit for time served on a 365 day sentence.  He was transferred to a different county and was sentenced to 3 years 8 months of supervised probation.  

    He is waiting to see which of the two remaining counties will come for him next.  One will most likely given him a probation term.  The other wants to imprison him for nearly 6 years. He certainly has f-d up his life to date.  I pray we can find an attorney who can represent him well when the time comes.  I think he has learned all he needs to learn about what is right and wrong.  

    I know there are some of you who will get a big kick out of what's going on with my family. Others will be compassionate.  Thank you to the "others".  


    He is on my prayer list...U2 !

    PKB, was your sons' father in the home when they were growing up ? What kind of influence did he have on them ?

    No one who has "a troubled child(ren)", would get a kick out of someone else's heartache. I believe that parents do the best that they know how to do. I also think that when kids reach a certain age, they are responsible for their own behavior and parents must let go of the guilt.

    Me too..thinking of you all!..So many pitfalls in life! xxMillie..stay strong!

    I truly believe from the majority of the convicts i have been around, they were born to be this way.  They literally cannot make decisions to function with societies laws. A short circuit in the brain, or a hormonal problem , even genetics plays a role. I have seen several times entire families in prison. For you mothers to be , give your child a break, at least a chance to not end up in prison. Dont give them a name that some crack head mother will.  Latrick,  Dawud, Latron, believe me the list goes on and on.

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