    I am tired of supporting outher countries with my tax dollars in loans, to not ever get them paid back. The U.S. citizens can not support the world on their backs.

    Why not ask them to pay up. No more favors from the U.S. till they do.

    0  Views: 492 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    Do you think the USA is the only country that pumps money into other countries?

    This situation goes on in other "first world countries" you know.

    If you want things to change you try and vote the crappy Government you've got out of office.

    In the USAs case I don't think that's possible.

    Go figure!


    The only time our Gov't gets anything done is when the Pres., Senate majority, and House majority are all from the same party- and then it's for better or worse!

    See this site for more information:


    Just stop paying your taxes simple as that, see how that works out for you..

    The USA is the Mommy of the world. Since we belong to the UN, the UN asks every country that is a member of the Un for foreign Aid. We give Aid to 160 countries and aid to countries that dont need it. It is time to stop and let these countries take care of themselves. We dont have enough money to take care of our own. But I doubt if anyone will listen,and will only listen when it is too late and we have gone over a cliff.


    Big Brother got a bit to cocky!!!!

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