    I'm such a cynic why can't i have faith in my fellow man/women ?

    +3  Views: 503 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    5 Answers

    Bad publicity and marketing techniques for the good, kind and positive. 

    There is far more attention paid to the negative.

    The media supports the crummy, hideous and just plain nasty.

    Reality programs such as Bad Boys,  Survivor and the ugly break up of Jon and Kate Makes Eight not to mention her horrible performance on Dancing with the Stars.

    Paparazzi and Gossip publications.

    I could go on but I am making dinner... :D ... crummy negative information forces one to believe there is no hope in your fellow man... and then you look outside and regular folk really do behave badly... augh!


    RE: comment under my answer; I love your attitude! I do have expectations, though. I expect to be disappointed by most people, and, in that, I am seldom disappointed.
    You are always an inspiration in a good way. My view is negative (I know this). I work at comes in spurts. Have a good night!

    TY Fishlet! I will take those words to heart.

    I don't know about YOU, daren1, but I don't have much faith in people because they are just that:  people.  I can think of exactly ONE person who has never let me down in the whole time we have been friends - 55 years - since meeting in kindergarten.  I can think of no one consistently conscientious about other people.
    I can't think of ANYONE I have NEVER let down. Try as I may, I'll do or say something that is disappointing or hurtful  Perhaps (and this is hard to admit), perhaps I think too many people are too much like me.
    Finally, it  could be that no one completely trusts anyone; I don't know anyone who would sacrifice for me unconditionally (except One).  


    Indeed Bobby I know it's the same ONE who will redeem us for all least there is comfort in knowing this.

    This is why I limit my expectations. I am never dissapointed if I don't expect anything.
    I also believe that if my feelings are hurt then I was supposed to see that. I have a, "Point taken and move on!" attitude... Someone else's stuff is their's to own.

    You have a good night too Bobette... Look at the bad things as life lessons and dig deep inside to find out why you have to see that. Be honest with yourself and take notes. The most amazing thing is, once you see and admit, you begin to change and you find that lesson never shows up again.
    I hope this helps. :)

    Thank you for the kind words... I probably wasn't much different than you. I woke up one day and thought... "Shoot! I am going to get this thing!" Then I really started to do my work. :)

    I was going to suggest it's your age but, you're older than I am a little. I don't trust anybody with my life or thought but, that's just the way stuff is. I'm happy and happy to share it. Does this make any sense?


    Sure it makes sense but what dont reason with me are the people that i love and care about, i feel like ya their my friends but whats in it for me it seems like everybodys got an angel , everybody wants something besides ME as as a person..

    Don't you think it's too late in your life to ask this question on the one hand?

    On the other hand I have a feeling that you know the answer and I for example would be curios to know... 


    life does get a bit discouraging at times but sometimes i forget to look at the big picture and realize what it's all about at times I feel like St. Peter sinking cause i lost focus..

    No, it's not too late to question your cynicism and hopefully find a way to overcome it. I don't ever want to think it's "too late in my life" to strive for and experience more happiness and contentment.

    Write a list of every one and every thing you have judged and write "I forgive you” after everyone of those items on your list.  Some things will require repetition until the issue is cleared up completely. This process could take a while. But as you proceed long forgotten judgments will crop-up for you to clear up by the same process. I worked on this and other similar processes for ten years and if I had it all to do over again I would.

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