    Do you have a practical joke you played on someone that still makes you laugh when you think about it?

    Years ago when I was in the Navy, I had a friend who was always bumming cigarettes off me. So one day I trimmed one of those exploding matches and stuck it into a cigarette quite a ways. He bummed a cigarette, and I handed him that one and casually started to walk out of the shop and down the passageway when I heard this small bang! He come running around the corner, and I was laughing so hard I coudn't run. It blew the end of the cigarette out like a little palm tree, and looked like something you'd see on the Three Stooges. All these years later, I still laugh when I think of the surprised look on his face with that cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He also quit bumming cigarettes off me.

    +4  Views: 817 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    In 1978 I was best man at a mates wedding but the night before the wedding we had the stag night, he got so drunk that when he fell asleep I shaved of both his eyebrows.

    The wedding went well but his wife has never ever spoken to me again, some people have no sense of humour.....LOL.


    Yeah. I used a phony $10,000 winning lottery scratch off ticket on my friends wife about 10 years ago. Everyone thought it was a riot.....except her. It was great. LMAO

    I threw a Surprise Birthday Party for a then boyfriend complete with people from his past coming out from behind a curtain and finally, Harry Mancini's THE STRIPPER came on and a gorilla appeared in red satin bikini wear and tear away mesh stockings complete with pasties and did a strip tease. It was hilarious....

    Put a dead catfish underneath the back seat of an 'ex' friends car.   He didn't find it for 2 weeks, the stink lasted over a month.

    THE ONE . I still think of  is In the old  days when someone dies they have a wake meaning a toast to an old friend MEN only  My DAD told me about a great pal to all died so his best pal was under the weather through "Whiskey .the other guys put  two coil  springs under the shoulders of the Deceased screwed down the " coffin  lid  .Brought in his best pal .they said "would you like a last look at your pal "yes he "cried .they asked him to stand at the head to see his pal better . Then they lifted the lid the Deceased  sprang "UP !! poor Bugger "Screamed !! ran out the door.

    When I was in my twenties we had a Bachelor Party for one of our buddies, with around thirty guys in attendance.   One of the guys took charge to engaged two beautiful, extremely well built strippers, to perform. 

    After a big dinner and a lot of drinking and some "wedding night" movies, we sat him in a chair in the center of the room.  The girls danced around, and on him, then they stripped down to their G-String.  The best of the two girls took care of him as we all watched and cheered.

    He was beside himself with satisfaction joy, until the one who took care of him removed "HIS" G-String.   We had in all on 8MM film and presented it to him for his memoirs


    When I was a kid my older brother and I disassembled our other brothers bed set and hid it all around the house, for two nights he had to sleep on the floor..Till  we caved in and put it back together for him to this day we all laugh about it !!

    We used to have a co-worker who slept like a log during lunch time. One day, we tied him up with rope and he didn't feel a thing. When he got up, he couldn't move. He was a very "good sport" and we all got a laugh out of it.

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