    About bettering our relationship as husband and wife and mother and father.

    My wife and I been married for 10 yrs and it been a long hard road for both of us. My wife came from a real bad disfunctional abusive (sexual) situation, no relationship with grandparents and have no idea what is her role as a wife and mother. I know she really want to be a good wife and mother to our kids. I know it not her false what had happen to her growing up in a disfunctional abusive home. I know I am not perfect too. I did have a pretty good life with my family and grandparents, Aunt, Uncle and cousins. I love my wife so much that I want her to be happy wife and mother to our 2 beautiful girls an 8 and 9 years old. They desperately need their mom in their life and I need her in my life.

    The Question is: Where can I get a book(christian if possible) of how to be a good role of being a wife and mother. I also want a book for me on how to be a good role as a husband and father. I dont want my wife to feel alone and her feeling that she is a bad mother or wife. I want to do this together so we can try to make our marriage healthier and family happier.

    Thanks in advance for your input.

    Struggling Husband

    0  Views: 772 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Some good books here, I think.

    Love her, simply love her! I had to forgive my abuser by praying for them Otherwise I could have had the resentments pulling my strings and spoiling the rest of my life

    The book Men are from Mars and Women from Venus is a great male / femail communication book start there 

    I've been married all moist 40 years still in love with wife. the main thing is do things together shopping, kitchen work, gardening ect.

    Try to forget yesterday it's happened the rest of your life is  the important part of the past can hurt you if you can't put it behind you. Love is there so you just need to let it grow.

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