    Can a person who often gets itchy skin, even before chemo, take over the counter Benedryl?

    +3  Views: 578 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    We are not health care professionals here and can only give you our opinions. Please check with your doctor.

    6 Answers

    Ask your  doctor, WBMS


    Hopefully you discussed this with your doctor before starting chemo, do you have hives?? Benadryl is a blocker and will stop the hives but it will also make you drowsy. The internet is not your doctor, please get advice from a professional. 

    I find a mild cortisone cream helpful, here it is script ony, but mild and won't have detrimental effects on chemo

    I'd have to side with Vinny on this one .. check with your doctor he would know best.

    I'm with the others- check with Doc first! Also I would think a cream would be better than a pill. Maybe even a moisture lotion!


    wush stated itchy skin was a problem before . This is why I thought it may just be dry skin! That can be very itchy!

    I see a debate between pill or cream, it depends if the itchiness is caused by the skin being attacked underneath the epidermis or some irritant affecting the top of the skin.  Hives for instance are caused by the body releasing histamines underneath the skin, if you apply a topical like hydrocortisone, it will relieve it somewhat but it will come  right back.  Hives must be dealt with using a blocker like benadryl which will block the histamines from reaching the surface.  But it really depends of the origin of the itch, what is causing it? allergies?? skin irritants?? Hives??? 

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